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In the year 3000 people will be divided into the strong smar
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In the year 3000 people will be divided into the strong smart Ubermensch and the weak stupid Untermensch:
I don't plan to be alive at that period of time so it doesn't really matter to me

This seems more like a plan than a prediction. HG Wells had a similar "prediction" in the Time Machine.

pic looks like mexico OP
I'd like to believe in reincarnation
The 1% elites and the 99% dumb obese shitskins

I do too. I hope to have progressed beyond this planet in 100K years. Hell, I hope this is my last stop here.
Ubermensch = Eurasia c. 13000 Holocene Era
Untermensch = Eurabia c. 13000 Holocene Era
Mittelmensch = The Americas c. 13000 Holocene Era
Only a fool would prefer the flesh over the precious metal.
Our future will be glorious.
>and the 99% dumb obese shitskins

the low IQ will be replaced by robots though, wall-e future is our future
>choosing mechanical augmentation over biological engineering

Such a limited vision
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The flesh is weak, anon.

Is that Jeb and his wife?
I'd prefer genetically implementing organic metal compounds, and silicon into our biology than simple machine augmentation.
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