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Mississippi Governor Signs Laws Permitting DOS to Gay Couples!
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Looks like Mississippi is going to be the USA's last non-degenerate state.

What does this mean?
Mississippi has a unique advantage over many states. Most of their state are niggers who don't vote and what whites who are there are hardcore conservative so it's an easily landslide.
If a gay guy tries to buy something from you it means you can say no.
>Refuse to serve gay people
Didn't we fix this shit in the 60's?
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>le current year
stopping degeneracy is a good thing anon.
Fucking stupid, ist this almost like saying it's ok to segregate all thoes who don't subscribe to the Bible
Why shouldn't a business be allowed to say who can shop in their stores?
All faggots deserve to die. I supported you at first until I saw what raving lunatics you are.

Off to the gas chamber with you
I guess since its Mississippi they won't have to worry about major companies boycotting them over this like Marvel and Disney threatened Georgia.
Well we did this to blacks once, that's OK too right
Volvo has a huge distribution center in Mississippi they opened pretty recently but I don't think this kind of stuff bothers Swedes as much as you'd think.
This is fucked up. If you support this you are either
>trying to be edgy as fuck.
>or you are left so mentally incapable due to inbreeding that you cannot wipe your own arse.
Fuck it. white power praise god, and anyone that says different should be rounded up and executed.
Do I get this straight?
A business is then allowed to refuse to sell their goods to people they don't like?
They accept to sell a price(in lost sales) to reinforce their believes. I would understand that when they have a monopoly or something close to it it would cause problems.
It's outrageous that this is not considered standard.
It reminds me of the hippies in germany who want to tell the industry who they can sell their goods to, in reverse.

I should be allowed to turn away anyone I fucking want. Who gives a shit why I do it? It's my business, not yours. I'm under no obligation to provide my labor to anyone else.
I think it's perfectly fine. Fuck faggots, they deserve this and so much more.

Suing bakers for hundreds of thousands of dollars because they don't want to bake your faggot wedding cake? That's not ok. That's fucked up. You reap what you sow, nigger.
Pretty funny seeing the nation that practices necklacing calling others edgy
Oh look. Someone who has a different opinion than me.

Lets call him retarded, because only i am correct!
You morons do realize that this shit is to get struck down almost immediately right?
Shouldn't you be more worried about Mandela's sons wanting to kill you?

Who said anything about that? I'm just saying if a business wants to ban blacks or gays they could. If blacks or gays hate it they could start their own stores and ban whites and straights.
Fuck off Tyrone. We all know you're a nigger.
Yes private businesses should be able to deny you service because they don't like your shoes.
is that fucking john kerry? christ hes gotten old.
What's DOS?

Death on Sight?
Shut the fuck up you faggot puke. Leftist degenerates the most exclusionary and authoritarian trash on this planet.

Go fucking cry in your excluded VIP safe spaces free of whites and heteros you cocksucking sack of diseased shit.
Native American actually
denial of service
you dumbassed fucking bitch
>private businesses aren't forced to do something they don't want to do

Why exactly is this controvercial?
Hey there chap, why don't you shut the fuck up.
Your welcome
Yeah it is. Blacks should have the same right to deny service to who they want. At the end of the day they are simply refusing money. For example would you rather a racist place spit in your food because they are forced to serve you or just have their prejudices out in the open?
This is not about a disagreement but opposing unjustified discrimination based on the grounds of

>muh Skydaddy

Pathetic. you are all so pathetic.
You're mad because of how it's worded. What if it said
>Mississippi passed bill that doesn't force private business to serve people
But things were better in your country when discrimination was still going on.
What If I just think people who openly commit fecal matter sex are nasty?
You can all have your fucking stupid opinions, just don't enforce them on anyone else
Nothing to do with "skydaddy". Faggots are undeniably fucking insane and degenerate. They spread the most disease aside from niggers. Thankfully faggots typically only fuck other faggots and humans typically don't fuck animals.


Go back to your precious exclusionary, propped up safe spaces and cry, then die from your aids ridden prolapsed anus.
Well we just did nigger
It's a positive right to discriminate. Interesting how conservatives hate that shit until they need to pander to Christian cucks.
>don't enforce them on anyone else

Two-way street faggot. Respect is mutual and earned.
Because "your" store only exist because the state allows it and the state shouldn't discriminate over its own citizens.
The only people to deny faggots service would be religious, don't lie to yourself.
That's what you're advocating. If I'm a baker, and I don't want to serve you because you're an asshole, can you force me to bake you a cake because you don't think there's anything wrong with being an asshole?
It's a positive right to refuse service? How far are you willing to take that? Are you basically a slaves if you own a company?
Then just don't go to the store that doesn't serve you. Do you get angry at Victoria's Secret for only selling women's clothing?

Without my store the government can't generate tax income and would fall apart. They need me more than I need them.
Thank you based Governor!
>Because the state allows this
Christ stalin
You know the civil rights act only applies to companies connected to federal highways anyway right?
There is a difference between opinions and unchangable inherent existence .
I'd deny service to faggots because they're degenerates. I'm not religious - I've observed their behavior along with their degenerate leftist enablers. They are all of the same camp, subversive, destructive, kiddy diddling, commie pukes.

Respect is earned. Faggots have never, and will never earn respect. They are deliberately exclusionary, nihilist outsiders hellbent on ruining the purity of human civilization.
To be fair businesses should be able to deny service to whoever they want. Is it good business? Maybe not, but should be their right. I can definitely see how that could be abused, but there will be other businesses that will serve _______.
I might if it is clear they are faggots. Atheist here

Niggers hate gays more than any other race.
Why? What would your justification be?
They do but niggers usually don't vote and the ones that do are usually Ben Carson types.

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Fucking faggot wanna meet the barrel of my gun up your aids infested anus? I'm gonna introduce ya'll.

Fucking niggers getting the internet. Never would of thought I'd see the day.
Why do I need justification? I own the fucking place.
Mississippi is one of if not the poorest state

It's a degenerate shithole because the people there are incredibly stupid

Incest, alcoholism, poverty, gluttony, laziness, not taking care of their state are all huge problems in that dump

Anyone who defends Mississippi is a retard. It's the dump of the US. It's the blight of the South.
It's also one of if not the most blackest states
Yep, it's the highest.

It's still a majority white state.

Also, mixed black/white people are the fastest growing demographic there - 70% in the last decade.
Blackest state*
Yep. And look at how the Internet has turned into a giant pile of shit in less than 10 years.
So you figured out why it is a shithole
I think any business should have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason, with exception of a monopoly. You can't be the only electric company in town and refuse to supply power to gay people. If you own a nik-nak store and don't want to sell used trinkets to assholes with blue hair and nose rings... fine by me
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>dump of the US
>not New York
>He believes that human beings shouldn't be discriminated against due to the virtue of their very existence.

>H-he must be a faggot and a kaffir, r-right guys?

Top kek, edgelord.
I just think its funny that people care about what Mississippi thinks.

You all WILL Be dragged into the 21st century whether you want to or not.
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So they are literally Christian cuckservatives?
This is the only reasonable argument against DOS for any reason
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Why are you worrying about faggots and niggers?
You shitheads have enough problems of your own to worry about
>Necklaces white people
Americans care more about where fags put their cocks than their corrupt government
It's because it's full of niggers and the worst of white trash to be found anywhere.

Lol he thinks Christians in the US follow their religion!
It's corrupt government that forces people to serve people they don't like. If a place refuses to serve a demographic another place will serve them. If leftists seriously believe we can legislate morality than just wait for the shit we come up with
>they need me more than I need them

And you need clients, so turning them away only because you don't like them is an extremely dumb thing to do.

Pretty sure you still need a license to open a business and have to respect regulations set by the state so, I repeat, that business only exists because the state allows it.
>refusing service is akin to execution

Wew lad
Mississippi is based

>shitting on NY

kill yourself you retarded faggot

>Q: How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?
>A: None.
The same reason why a faggot like you would own a business and deny "bigots" from entry, you fucking morally bankrupt trash.
>Mississippi is one of if not the poorest state
>incest, alcoholism, poverty, gluttony, laziness, not taking care of their state are all huge problems in that dump

Yet Mississippi still has a PPP-adjusted GDP per captia higher than Britain or Italy or France...
You say that but all I hear is
>Blackest state in the union
Blacks are the most obese demographic
Ergo they are the reason it is such a fat state
Okay stalin
>the loud minority represents the majority

there are obnoxious ppl of every group...brain-dead rednecks for /pol/. judging based on the worst is a liberal tactic, ex: all men rape, all whites are racist. be better than that
The whites there aren't that much different. Sure, there's a white elite that prevents the state from falling into utter anarchy, but thin, educated white people aren't the majority.

Hell, most of the thin white people are probably thin because of rampant drug use. Or, they're under the age of 16.
the south should be sold blue but the blacks dont vote.
Maybe it isn't smart but it's still my business and I should have the right to run it as I see fit. If the people I ban dislike it they can always go to a competing store and buy from there. That's the beauty of capitalism.
What a surprise. The most useless state in the nation does stupid shit. Federal government should stop paying for this useless state, pure liability.
All businesses should have a sign that reads:
>reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason
>any reason
Also that is not how the civil rights act works
We all know that there is only one target for this law.
why must religious nuts and sjws continue to do this identity policitcs stuff? it only distracts us from the real issues, the economy and jobs.
Thanks, gov. Knew mississippi would come through for me again.
Fucking backwater
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Every single solitary time without fail
That and it stops the slippery slope that leftists such as yourself started
Only one group sues people for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Only one group gets people fired from their jobs. Only one group harasses family members of those against them. Only one group makes consistent death threats against anyone who speaks against them. Only one group has disgusting "pride" parades where they celebrate sodomy.

No thanks. I'll hate the entire group. I pray to god AIDS evolves into a super deadly virus and wipes all faggots out over night. That would be the greatest day of my life.
its a stupid thing to do. its gonna be overturned in the courts making this whole thing a pointless parade which is probably the point so politicians dont do real work.
Mississippi bro here. Ask me anything
top cuck

you pay taxes
Can anyone point to me where in the law it legalizes "discrimination"?

Because all I see is a law that protects conscientious objectors from being sued. Is that what discrimination is nowadays?
Ever been to Biloxi? I've been meaning to go sometime to see Jefferson Davis's home. Do that and Vicksburg. I live in Tennessee so I could do it on a budget I think.
>we must collectively act as a society to stop freedom of association
fuck off faggot
We have the best state flag,we keep our niggers in line, and we hate faggots. I'm enjoying confederate heritage month right now. We are best state.
I have not, but I hear it's full of niggers. It's about a 5 hour drive from Tupelo, so it would take a while for you to drive there.
Civil rights were a mistake
I need to go back to Tupelo as well. I didn't get to do as much as I like last time I went because my dad had health issues so I had to go home early. I remember the Veteran museum in Tupelo having really cool stuff though.
Did you visit the Automobile Musem?
Not same anon but I live near there. It's nice enough though on the coast it can look like a shithole towards the Gulfport side from repeated damage from hurricanes.
I was heading there when I got the call so I missed it.

Sometimes even things like shitholes can be fun.
We wouldn't need laws like this if the fags really wanted equality. Do you support protected classes? This is just a CYA for already established right of refusal laws.
It's just more special rights for AIDS spreading faggots.

Well fuck I like to masturbate in public where's my safe space??
Just using niggs as example
>forced segregation bad
>forced integration good

Explain this bullshit liberals
Do you ever want to kill yourself because Bama's football program is so superior to yours ?
Fucking YES

I've always been for your right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.

Could they run into problems with the feds about muh protected groups?
w-we don't care
top joke Yank

New York is a cesspit
If Obama couldn't sweep the entire south, no Democrat ever will unless the GOP runs Lindsey Graham.
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Based Mississippi


christian sharia
Hey you mouthwash drinking degenerate tell all 50 of your cousins and their families to stop rolling into my town on injun payday and shitting the place up. Also inform them they shouldn't be buying 3 cases of pop, 6 cases of beer, 3 cartons of cigs, and all the most expensive brands of shit when they're using my tax dollars to do so.
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