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Anyone else feel a lot smarter than the general population?
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Anyone else feel a lot smarter than the general population?

Why is everyone so fucking dumb nowadays? 90% of people can't even write properly for shit let alone having a grasp of basic economics, philosophy and politics. Trying to converse with the average person today actually torture.

You must be very smart.
>said the 15 year old who found 4chan last month, now considering it his underground club. Oh no! Mummy has called him for dinner! Perhaps she'll finally listen to him when he shows her those AmazingAtheist videos!
Reasonably, I guess. Boasting doesn't really sit well with me.

I've been on 4chan for ages now.

It's always been that way, if not worse. The systems of our world in general are too complicated for your average intelligence while at the same time allowing those people to make themselves more readily heard.

I do think schooling, at least in the US, does need to return to the classics and actually teaching content over equations, but in general there are more tools for your average dullard to better his mind then there used to be.
All my life Ive felt low energy and weak headed and brain fogged until I tried Modafinil. I actually feel focused and can learn things better.
This isn't an advertisement by the way.
People are concerned with material things.
Life is now a comfortable ride, and people are just sitting back and enjoying the scenery.

The more technology increases, the more disconnected from the real world the average person becomes. They end up immersed in a bubble. They've never felt pain. They've never had to work hard. They've never had to think.
People aren't stupid, they're just lazy. And it's because we're living in THE most prosperous and peaceful era in our entire history.
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Yea most people you meet are dumbasses, but thats cause you dont meet dentists, doctors, and scientists throughout your daily life, you meet retards

I had to peer edit other peoples papers at college before i got out of there, kids didn't know how to write sentences.

Ran for president.

That was a sentence, someone used THEREFORE. as a one word sentence.

There were 3 papers i had to peer edit, one girl had went to private school, her paper was fine, and i asked her why, I said "How do you know how to write in english?" She told me how she had gone to a private school, i had also when i was young. I was pretty fucked up at this point in my life, but this girl liked me. What could have been.

Anyways, then there was. An overweight feminist writing about obama. She had sentences split. In two. Also she repeated the same thing over and over in different ways. Another thing she did was write the same thing again and again on the paper just different. Also her sentences were essentially the same as one another. I think she did this to fill up space, but when i corrected her she got all mad that "a man was telling her that her work was wrong"

Then there was the brooklyn nigger. His paper was a mess that literally was written in blackspeak and needed translation. I try. Hard even to make shit up 'bout dis. I am therefore not even as retarded. to do so. Sumthin like, this is how he wrote but even worse it was so bad.

I went and talked to the teacher about the niggers paper, saying that I could not correct it without literally retyping the entire thing and that I wasn't going to do that. The teacher understood and ended up accepting his paper as is, pages short of the requirement, and without any extra drafts. Like i said i was pretty fucked up at this point in my life, and was struggling to go to class and other shit, teacher made me retype it for some bullshit reasons, like 2 times more than anyone else, and so i just stopped going.
>in general there are more tools for your average dullard to better his mind then there used to be.

What a weird paradox we have then.

Isn't that an amphetamine and prescription only?

Not gonna lie, the way you guys are describing that way of life makes pursuing it somewhat appealing.
>Anyone else feel a lot smarter than the general population?
I'm part boong.

I feel like shit.
You might know more about proper grammar, some science, economics, and politics, but the people that are "dumber" simply have more social knowledge. The guys probably know more about cars, video games, maybe weapons, and sports than you. While the girls know all their girl shit. Just because people don't enjoy conversation about your anti-social hobbies, doesn't mean they're dumb.
Not bashing btw, I'm in the same boat. I know much more about "educational" topics over hobbies and shit that makes good conversation, hence why I can rarely hold one. But I'm trying to touch up on shit that you can actively talk about.
I'm smart but I can't do conversation for shit. I lack the knowledge and interest for that. I can into math though.
>The guys probably know more about cars, video games, maybe weapons, and sports than you

I'm interested in those things too bar the weapons (I'm not a psycho). My point is, no one seems to have any genuine curiousity anymore or a drive to better themselves.
That's the sad part it's not only the non-whites, high 90% of white people are fucking retarded as well...
Weapon interest does not imply psycho. There might be your problem if you instantly judge people and have that condescending attitude reflect in your conversation, making people not want to talk to you.
Also seems like you're in the wrong crowd. There's plenty of people out there that want to better themselves. Most don't openly brag about it. Maybe it's a difference of culture.
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>90% of people can't even write properly for shit let alone having a grasp of basic economics, philosophy and politics. Trying to converse with the average person today actually torture.
>I'm interested in those things too bar the weapons (I'm not a psycho)
You're ignorant.
nice ID

and yea the reason is simple

Most parents are shit, they are bad for the kids, make the kids rebel. In high school kids are on drugs, and if not they are outcasts, then the kids who are sheltered too much get to college and are free, and become alcoholics because they dont know how to control themselves, and the druggies in high school might not even go to college. So now you have everyone high or drunk or both, and they are like grown children.

The few who make it shun society for what it is and you dont really meet, they become socially awkward and weird in their own way, and everyone is shit. the end.
He's from hong kong, its a cultural thing.
I don't think I'm smarter than most people, but I've had enough tragedy and unique experiences in my life to see how flawed society is, and how it's possible to exploit it to succeed.

My problem is I'm to gripped by fear to take advantage of this.
The fact he's from HK makes it worse.

Because they need weapons more than ever to protect themselves from China (albeit with little chance of success, RIP)

I have Singaporean friends, they know all to well the threat of the mainland, that's why they live in Singapore.
Also im pretty sure there's a study that says that most people, even idiots, feel like they are smarter than the average person
t. Autist with a speech impediment
No, I just feel more aware of what's Happening™
142 iq tested
useless /neet/

*dibs fedora*
I don't think I'm a lot smarter, but I'm a lot more informed . Most people don't give a fuck
I'm social, have a healthy friendship group and go out on the piss a lot - possibly a little too much. I guess i'm just lucky that I've found other people that are not only smart, but party hard too. Like you can enjoy pop, mainstream culture sure, but have some other interests too y'know?
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>tfw legitimately have a 140 iq

There really is no purer form of hopelessness.
>In high school kids are on drugs

You make it sound like all drugs are bad.
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>Because they need weapons more than ever to protect themselves from China
It's too late for them. They could have prevented it before '97.
That was a good read. Thank you for posting anon.

It's a shame today that colleges encourage idiots to enroll for the sake of serving their ideologies, and continue to pass them simply to collect another years tuition. I'm all for Bernies free university, being a "gifted" child from a poor family, but restrictions need to be in place to ensure that the people are worth paying for.
>know all their girl shit
Media, Makeup, and attracting boys, mostly.
Heh heh heh....... hahaha!!!
what do you study and how old are you?
I started feeling the same after 2 years of law school
Smart devices, dumb people, twitter short attention span, everyone explaining shit on YouTube instead of people reading or investigating by themselves, a whole lot of copying instead of innovating...

Statistically, people are more intelligent now, but they are much lazier.
Cи лacкaш, Maкeдoнчe ;)
I think he means the DUDE WEED crowd, who smoke all day and do never anything productive.
On pol? I'd believe it. You have to be slightly higher IQ to find this place, most people stay on Facebook and look at pictures. You also have to be higher IQ to investigate the truth behind what social and political outcasts have to say, and weigh their arguments equally, rather than falling back on years of TV brainwashing and immediately becoming disgusted and leaving. I'm willing to bet a comprehensive IQ test would place pol at least a standard deviation above the average intelligence of Internet users.
Change your chewing gum laws, it actually frustrated me last time I was there.

It's not gonna hurt you.
>On pol? I'd believe it.
Don't, the fools are flooding this place.

Ching chong suk my shlong
Just because you circlejerk opinions that contradict the consensensus on a chinese meme picture sharing service and spend all your time laughing at things the least intelligent fat/left/black/female people have posted in the last 24 hours, doesn't make you smart.
It means you're ONLY exposing your self to idiocy and people that agree with you to feel good about your self.
People only try to be smart in what they perceive matters, you included.
You probably go "lmao they don't even know in what year that was built" while another guy thinking of you goes "lmao, he doesn't even know which team won the last national match"
If this were 3 years+ ago, I'd agree.

Nowadays this board is full of literal retards.

Stop stealing the name of a Greek province.
Yes. It's worse for me, I'm 17. I'm surrounded by nothing but retard SJWs and niggers.

Then what the fuck are you complaining about?
I'm big into sports so I probably would know the answer to a question like that.
Meeting and having to interact with people outside my friendship circle.
Lol not everyone is going to share the same interests as you or be automatically compatible with you. Hence why you spend more time with your circle of people who's company you enjoy.
This is how everything is. You must be very young to get frustrated by a exploring the diversity of the world.
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Because "muh gum"
Then it's something else.
Are you popular on facebook and twitter? Do you know all popular youtubers or pop singers? That's what people give a shit about nowadays
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I remember my puberty. youll get through it.

Yep High IQ + Grit is what you need to succeed in life. Without undying tenacity your natural intelligence goes to waste.
>Why is everyone so fucking dumb nowadays?
No expectations
Bad parenting for several generations
Unerage b& gtfo
>Why is everyone so fucking dumb nowadays?
education standards are down
pop culture
Ш'o ce лyтиш мypи?
For my age and in comparison to others my age, yes. But it's hard to judge because like every 3 years you look back at yourself like you were a retard back then.

I think it's important to have this change. To be able to look back at yourself and see your improvements. Most people just get stuck at a certain level for eternity. For example they get to like a certain fandom/sport/whatever, and at this point everything in their lifes revolves around this.

I used to hang out with some people about 3 years ago in a pub, we were all metal/rock fans, but I noticed that they had barely any knowledge about subgenres or bands etc. It was just something to identify with. They would also always talk about the same stuff, game of thrones, medieval battles etc. Week after week, at one point it just was too much for me and I left. I saw that they would live their wagecuck lives with their same opinions until they're dead.

Even at university it's hard to find decent people, it seems like retards have infiltrated everything.
How long do you consider ages?
I'm dumb as bricks, I just hate kikes.
Is it bad I long for the days when this board was actual National Socialists?
Шo oчи бapaш вo Кинa, жити ce, нe тe coбpa дoмa?
>Anyone else feel a lot smarter than the general population?

Pretty much every single member of the general population feels this way about themselves.
I think it may be genetics. Both my brothers and I usually excel over our respective peers, but we each had varying quality of education and not exactly revolutionary parents. Good parents, but I don't know if it explains everything.

We're also all 6'+ with me and the middle brother having blonde hair and blue eyes for whatever that counts.
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dubchan is still like that, though even more.

Only they lake brains unlike old 4chan /pol/, where we discussed "what went wrong" - there it's "how do we please the fuhrer"

I'm lost again. Like there's once again no place for proper thinking. Sure, Hitler may have some good policies, but even when ignoring the jew policy - they still fucked up on a PR level.
lack.. god dam I need sleep.
>tfw IQ of 132
>tfw kissless virgin

just fuck my shit desu senpai
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I felt the same way whenever I went to a bar or chatted with perfect GPA automatons. Both breakdown when exposed to idioms.
Everyone feels that way once they've come across one or two tidbits of information that most people don't care about. You just come off as some pretentious wrong-generation type.

>OP: Hey guise! Did you know in 1008 some dude called out kikes and said they were scum and should have been eradicated! The absolute madman ha! Oh and also there were exactly 57 families controlling the world economy in 1867, now there are only 50! Scary, amirite??
>Normie: K. Keep me posted.
>bunch of 120 IQs spouting memes
>hurrr I'm so intellectual

I feel smart by admitting that i'm probably above average smart and nothing more.
Yeah, I've never fully grasped why it's so hard for people to word what they want to say concisely, not to mention coherently.

Ever notice how when they try to hit a word count on a paper they bust out a thesaurus and bloat all of their sentences with redundancy, particularly with adjectives?

i.e. "The Beef Wellington was a good choice"


"The delicious, tasty, delectable Beef Wellington was a very extremely good and quality choice"

Like the teacher won't fucking notice lmao
Heмaм пapтиcкa книшкa
I don't think it's people becoming more intelligent, it's just more readily available information at your fingertips because of the increased production of devices that can deliver information to you in a matter of seconds. No one has to study to be an expert on a topic anymore, they can just pull up a pdf of a study or link someone else's work to you when they want to explain a difficult procedure, since most school just teach cookie-cutter courses with the same results each time, and any deviation from that is a fail, not even warranting time to investigate why it went wrong. Kids are being conditioned to find things "the right way" and are afraid to venture into new topics, while at the same time not afraid to defy authority and try drugs they haven't tried yet, but when it comes to studying and innovating, a select few are all that get there, while the rest just rely on their work to make it seem like they know a thing or two.
For being 1 Year underage. lol
the people who can't write properly in their own language piss me off the most. what even goes on in their heads?
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burger is right
smart people are dumb
You may be too dumb to understand my post but 120 is not smart
There is plenty of intelectual people hey better than you in general , they are living somewhat hidden from you cause you dont know whats their lifetime or what ever i guess
omg i never whrite here ever again loll
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It is smart, just not genius, but geniuses are all retarded autists with bad hair anyways. They can grasp complicated formulas but can't dress themselves.
Most highly intelligent people are socially well adjusted
That's just a meme. Alpha males are just less likely to spend all of their time studying like their nerdy counterparts.

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