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>Be me >live in Croydon(about 50% Muslim area of london)
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>Be me
>live in Croydon(about 50% Muslim area of london)
>see Americans say London under Sharia
>white girls dress like this
>pakis run liquor stores
>everyone has no problems with Muslims
Where's the Sharia?
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*dabs forehead furiously*
What income level is your neighborhood? What are the crime rates?
God damn British women are inbred looking
Bradistani here, pakis are pretty based, my HS best friend is one

Ugh, British women are shit-tier.
Probably low for London but high compared to the rest of the the UK. 3 bed house is about 500kusd
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if that's your average white girl that's why the muslims don't get near them. They look awful
Knife crimes bad but easy to avoid.Don't join a gang.Not much theft
I know your pain bro , im from lewisham
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I truly wonder why they look so fugly these days.

What happened ? Did all of the decent looking ones emigrated to America and other countries ? What the fuck.

From my experience, I would say that the daughters of the rich families are really beautiful, and the rest is fucking disgusting, usually fat, trash garbage.

I haven't seen such a cleavage in classes of other countries.
euuu thats good looking uk women?
>British """""""women""""""
Only one that looks good is leftmost

I want to fuck their footpussies so badly, especially of the tall whore. Her huge feet could cover my face.
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white people.webm
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>british women
Oy vey. Shill harder Schlomo.
Fuck left. Marry tall one. Use time machine to delete two things on right from existence.
Muslims like girls under the age of 17

those bitches are old and haggard, why go for that when you got a steady stream up 12 year olds to groom and cops wont do anything?
they're degenerate as fuck, they all drink and smoke and do drugs like crazy, eat fast food etc

British """"""women""""""" are completely fucked
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>American "women"

They'd be looking all right after seven beers.

I wanna slurp her neck fat.
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American woman of the year

Ask Asad Shah, oops, too late, Sunnis stuck a knife in his head.
They mistake your woman for men.

I don't blame them.

Why are UK women so ugly?
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>>Be me
50% Muslim area of London islamification is the problem faggot.
Get the London look indeed. Goddamn OP at lest google up some hot bitches to post.
Wouldnt touch them m8
Croydon is 8% Muslim you mong, it might be a shithole but it's not 50% muslim. Why lie?
Isn't Luton not so great, bong?
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