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Romania ISP ban
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You are currently reading a thread in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

Thread replies: 255
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Australians confirmed for being next?
WTF ??? :))))
remove gyppo
Nice try G00kmoot. You aint foolin us
shit thread 0/10
What ban?
>i have a vpn too
Why didn't Hitler finish you all off?
Holy shit, they're all here ;---DDD
because he was our ally? And then we said he wasn't he got BTFO
Why ban us? do you really want the leafs to take over?
They were Hitler allies you fuck...
Who lied to you ? :)))
No, you guys tend to actually know how to shitpost, The left spills maple shit all over the floor.
I thought Hitler was anti-Degeneracy
gypos are the worst shitposters here, worse than Cucknada
>he gave you what you wanted
>it's a fking circus
Itt: dumb Aussies who don't know the difference between Romanians, Romans and Romani.
what is ISP and why is it banned?
How is our country degenerate when we don't accept refugees and have faster internet than the rest of the world (including your "internet")
Strayan hive mind.
This is now a romanian thread
In Sert Penis. Banned cos Seppos pretend not to be gay.
Your country is fine, especially since most of your gypsies fucked off west for benefits.
I would definitely visit Romania.
How is this not degenerate
Have you ever heard of Ion Antonescu, faggot?
He had more balls alone than your entire bad excuse of a country combined.
How can Hitler be allied with Romania when he killed 6 million gypsies?
How is he a badass if the Lolocaust never happened?
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your internet might be superior but we shitpost better than you could ever hope to using our subpar copper
Codreanu >>>>> Antonescu

Codreanu was a true Romanian nationalist while Antonescu was a nazi larper who wore the iron cross. He was also a traitor who purged the Iron Guard
nothings changed in the last 100 years
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M8 that is not degenerate. Pic related is.
Don't group faggots in Melbourne as the entirety of Australia
quality post as always matey
Romania killed 500k jews. Only second after Germany's 6 gorrilion. At least according to jewish sources
Don't group gypsies as the majority of Romania
>being poor is degenerate
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Melbourne here. Oh, come on sweety, you fucked muh boi pussy last week end, don't be like that. mwah x
>implying they aren't
You're such gypsies you even try to steal other countries accomplishments with your we wuz empirez shit
must be gased/10
First to stop the gooks in the pacific at Kokoda

All Australians were banned like not even 3 months ago for 2 days i think
I wish
Melbournian here.

Fuck you, I drop more truth about what happens if you let SJW takes over than any Australian or American. Melbourne is cucked as hell, so obvious when you're applying for STEM jobs.

you betrayed the axis, Ion

only a gypsy would brag about the great acts of conning people he achieved
Romanians are the most beautiful animals
The best bulls for bozgor bunnies

>muh iron legion


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guess again diasporafag

>cucked for a 1000 years
>had to call in the entente sjw brigade to liberate them

You should thank romanians for keeping your asses safe from the ottomans for 400 fucking years.
Range bans are unfair, period.
>Butthurt detected
Why doesn't anyone ever mention Budapest 1919 when we liberated them from the communist jews
So this is the infamous aussie shitposting
Forgot about that.

Yeah, that too, you ungrateful twats.
so you finally admit that Hungarians are the product of mongols who raped slaves? about time
Is AIDS Skrillex part Hungarian? Part Hungarian, 100% cuck.
This to be honest.
Codreanu was a Nationalist, while Antonescu was a nazi puppet. Make the difference, nationalists fight for a cause while neo-nazis just whine and look edgy.
We have some hip-hop "artist" who acts like a neo-nazi wearing shirts with 1488 and the Iron Cross but he can't cover that he is a roach who cannot handle an argument without swearing.
No, just Optus phone shitposters
nice ID
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my missus is romanian

you non-gypsy cunts are alright
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You forgot to include western Transylvania
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I dont know about all Romanians but the 'eli pepe.jpg' guy is cool
I for one like the Vlad pepe with the AK
Sydney you fucken deadshit. I fuck you in the ass.
Thank you MKD bro. Zdravo.
You tried to betray it too, before Romania actually, but Hitler swooped in and fucked your collective boipussy.

Besides the traitor was literally German so it doesn't even count, Antonescu wanted to continue the fight to avoid unconditional surrender, it was a coup.
all these romanian shitpost from these try-on niggers and all they can say muh hungarians... well hungarians or not others or not, you are still not a decent human. I hope you live long in your cesspool.
Mad sample space of one dude that was readily available by virtue of the fact it was silly, retard.
Romanians is not the same as gypsis you uneducated fuck . Romania killed jews and gypsis as well
> faster internet than the rest of the world

That's what happens when you leech of European infrastructure, but nobody in your country can afford a home computer
one of south africa's biggest isp has been banned 3 weaks ago from 4chan. the slant eyed yellow jew just want us to buy more gold passes in order to afford his monthly rice bill.
>Australia on 1st Place.

There is nothing wrong with being australian/shitposting
This. The internet's only fast because of the low demand placed on it. If the same load existed as it does in countries like Germany and the UK, it wouldn't be near the fastest.

You guys are moving in the right direction though, 1989 was a good start.
I fully agree with you. Romanians are the true descendants of the Romans, while italians are descendants of the goths and arabs who settled the depopulated italy
Australian shitposters are actually funny. Canadians just spout garbage.
60% of Romania buy internet while 85% of the UK does. It's not that big of a difference
>bad excuse for a country.
Fine, next time you're in trouble, we'll send our diggers elsewhere.
What are the actual population numbers? Imagine a household of 10 vs a household of 2 (extreme example). Say 8 out of the 10 use the internet, but only 1 of the 2 in the other house does, at one time. If they both have the same 100Mbps connection, people in house one will get 12.5Mbps, while people in house 2 will see 100Mbps. You might say that 80% vs 50% isn't a big difference, but without more information it's tough to judge.
Melbourne, you're the city of wankers
-Based Brisbane Shitposter
Wow, this is the first time I'm learning that filthy Romanians killed Jews.

Are you sure they were executions or just abortions?
Why do Magyars and Romanians hate each other so? Is it just more "muh clay" European bullshit?
Yer rite on. Fuck those guys
You could learn more history
'and the migrant diaspora gypsy defence force appeared immediately in the thread.
>nu nu we wuz the gud gay eveeryn else wu de bad
Btw romanians were banned countless times, and not just on the 4chan, but they never learn.

In their imagination everyone loves them and who does not, that must surely be Hungarian.

Romanian ego is a magical. thing.
Which ISP did they ban?
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The Romanian progroms were brutal. It was not organized by the state like in Germany. Vigilante bands would completely burn jewish banks and neighborhoods. Pic related is a train en route to Auschwitz
please respond
nice mod ID
>The people take it upon themselves to rise against the Jews, which has happened countless times in many countries
>Just antisemitism goy, we dindu nuffin
It's because Hungarians (descendants from a turko-ugric tribe from central asia) are still asshurt after Romanians regained their ancestral land after WW1
hello gypsy in USA
hows your life?
Why split hairs with wogs?
Stop bully pls
stob vpn blz
I have 100 down, 100 up (Mbps)
Watching some hungarian pornstar ( Aletta Ocean) get dp-ed by some niggers. Pretty hot desu
They are so self concious too, 10/10 cringe.
Just like their faggoty PM. If cringe assumed assumed the form of a country...

45 ron = <10 Euro
Tell me about it. Maybe it's the proximity to Vermont.
Nice try. The fastest auatralian ISP offers 80 mpbs, and it's only available in a few areas, While in Romania a gypsy in a sewer can get fiber internet for €7/month
yeah, but your Pentium 3 pc is probably a bottleneck

romania literally means land of the roma

you filthy gyppo

t. chingville
>same sentences, same references
>mfw this is the same retard romanian migrant
Gypo! You already BTFO'd in the previous threads. How many times would you like to fail?

This is not the 90'. In 2016 the biggest whore supplier is already Romania. Porn whores, cam whores, street whores and they do everything that others do not.

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now everything makes sanes.jpg
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>same sentences
>same references
>same bozgor
A lot of Romanians camwhore, but barely any do legitimate porn. Hungary has a lot of top tier pornstars, you shouldn't be ashamed. The asiatic-looking eyes make them look cute

Depending no the IP I get when I reset my router I'm sometimes blocked from posting new threads on /v/ and /mu/
>he must lie even from abroad
You are just talking shit while I showed the reality.
Next time figure out a better comeback. This was childish and pathetic.
You sure showed me. The CNBC article describes Romania as one of the capital of camwhores. Pretty degenerate, but at least they don't get creampied by niggers like your whores
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>but at least they don't get creampied by niggers like your whores
>like your whores

Pot, kettle, etc.
I'm a Romanian expat. But yeah the propaganda here is stronk. It's almost like the whole american media is dedicated to portray niggers as the ultimate rich alphas who are all potential athletes and rappers, of course unless the white man keeps em down
>>don't get creampied by niggers like
You are sooo delusional :)
EVERY whorehouse/red light district in the EU has been filled with Romanian whores. They are EVERYWHERE.

yes that's what I said
What the fuck is that
Is Romania competing with Australia? At least trying.
just go to moldova ya fucking idiots
Ha кaфeвo ли cи?
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Its the new upvote system
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Дe дa бях

Bиж квo пoкaзвa кaтo цъкнa плюcчeтo
So we are reddit now?
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Ohhh fuck i'm late again, anyway who wants to conquer our rightfull land??!! CRUSADE NAO
No such thing. You mean eastern Transylvania
Don't you find it funny that in your myopic viewbubble certain types of shitposting are okay?

I feel like /b/ suits you more, newfriend.

it spells , soudane , which I think means, isn't that right
>the year of our lord
>not using appchan x
kvo stava tuka
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But it's full of sneks
>I download at 10205 megaflops
>Gypsy steals car tires
>Apartment door handle gone because shiny
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Exactly. The Dacians used the "australian" snake as their banner. We the true abbos now
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The gypsies are mostly gone.
They live in the UK, Spain, Italy and other cuck nations.
The best thing that happened after we joined the EU is we got rid of our filth.
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Serious question, how gypsy infested Romania really is?
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Are you high again Ping Lom? Tell me where the weedman touched you
5-7% in polls,8-9% in aproximation and it varies depending on region etc
more of them live in Brazil
Oh boy, /pol/ intercontinental war now.

>Romanians steal Emu eggs so birds flip their shit and wage a war against Australians
>Australians send in saltwater crocodiles in Bucharest ponds and taipans in kindergartens

Still it seems like the victory is on Romanian side. Two fronts.
Will we ever see a repeat of 1919?
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>Implying shitty flightless birds or lazy crocodiles can stand a chance against this monsterous beast
She would fry them both and feed them to her 12 gyplets
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So that's why I can't tell turks and gypsies apart.
Also Murica confirmed for melting pot of human garbage.
Brazil and Spain are to be expected.
The Emus will be your ISIS . You will create a proxy war.

Divide and conquer
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Romanian Gypsy.jpg
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>Brazil: 800k
>Romania: 620k-3million

>more of them live in Brazil
KEK, your country has up to 3million gypsies, and you are as small as a single one of my country states, so these gypsies are all concentrated in a single place!

Also, My country has 200 million people, yours only have 20 million, therefore your proportion of gypsies to non gypsies is much higher!
I hope
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>steal emu eggs
>hatch into the murderous killing machines that they are
good luck with that
They sell them to Russians
Huh, funny how that argument doesn't woek when we point out hungarians have more gypsies per capita than us
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a leaf pretending to be weed , what a surprise
>hungarians have more gypsies per capita than us
I wonder how many of those gypsies imigrated there from Romania after they joined the EU...
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aha ofc ;)
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>leaf poster number 1
At being total fags

Estimated based on what sources?2011 census showed around 650k gypsies, aka 3.6%.In hungary 3.8% and in Hungary census 15% didnt respond, so more like 8% :)

I estimate Romania to have around 5% gypsies, but we also have turkic minorities that can be confused with gypsies
Are the immigrants there feeling home yet?

Can't wait to see all of you on suicide watch when the next EU-level census happens
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this world is not enough .png
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Are we waving our dicks again lads?
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Not a lot. They went in earlier.
The thing is Romania accepts any Moldovan that asks for citizenship.
Bozgoria tried to do this aswell with the paprika merchants living in Transylvania. All they got were gypos.
/pol is not the only place where the romanians are constantly lying. Romania has not been accidentaly fined countless times by the EU cuz of fake official stats and documents.
Post full res of that pepe
aware me of other places where I can witness bozgor butthurt
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the only one i got senpai

Please ban Romanian, Polish and other East European who are literally irrelevant
So you admit the gypsies all came from Romania?

Why am I not surprised?

>Pepsi Dot thinks he is relevant
>ID : i80rz9ML
That is pretty sure, you know LOT about the butthurt because you are spending whole days, whole weeks here just to shitpost about the Hungarians ;)

Brazil you are the failed abortion of Portugal.

Portuguese Nigger and Gook colonies are better than you ever will be.
lol kek, you get 1gb down and 200mb up for 13euros here
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Damn son, ya got me gud. Didn't know bozgors had it in them to discover the ID function
Shut up Ros, you're going to that bad place again, we talked about this
>emu war
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No. I admit some came from Romania. But those that did declared themselves goulash loving huns.
It's true. Most of our shitposters are absolute crap. They try really fucking hard, but it's always special olympics tryouts for our team.

I am not Ros.
why did you remove Ben Garrison's signature?
You only have 19 million people in your country, lucky bastard.
Gypsies/Roma are literally Indian, they have nothing to do with Romania and Romanians

i fingered hex in a night club once
Alt least, Half of the world does not locate Romania. That is some shit tier relevancy as a country, Romania
You were a vasall state for the turks

What are you even talking about?
That's not the reason our net is faster,lol
I can't locate pepsi on the map. Check mate
You are the worst kind of tryhard comedian.
>implying that isn't good so all the shitskins won't come here


Also what's up with all those mutilated dicks in worst korea?Must be a shame as a eastern asian country
It's a contributing factor for sure. So what is the main reason, people are too poor to have computers?

You are American.

I am pretty sure you are not supposed to be able. Well according to your education system.
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>South Korea
stop sending your filthy fucking prostitutes all over Japan
thank you.
To post quality shitposts faster

>You are American.
He is your romanian comrade.
Stop stalking me, creep
America as a country is founded on immigrantion

So yea, he is basically an american if he has citizenship
>the shitskins won't come here

I dont think it matters as Romania is already occupied by native shitskins
>getting this mad over facts.

Wow, did I strike a cord there? No need to rage so much mr. gypsy!

Are you gonna go ahead and try to place a gypsy curse on me? Are u dat mad?


>they have nothing to do with Romania and Romanians
Except for the fact that there are a literal shitton of them living in Romania you mean.
>says the pisskin
makes says you'd be defending your hungarian brothers
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you are trying too hard m9

are you a native or just a weeab with yellow fever?

I used to have it too, then i went outside and saw that even the average woman here not only looks better, but behaves better
>A shiton of sandniggs live in Germany, therefore native germans are arabic
that's how stupid you sound
I honestly dont find them attractive but Japanese men want Korean girls rejected by Korean men. I am glad someone in Japan finds them useful in someways.
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>u mad xDDD

How did those savages make their way over here? And why would a Gypsy be stupid enough to come here?


kek, they are always around 3.6% in all censuses.We ahve more hungarian/ruso-turkish minorities than them
I never claimed native romanians are gypsies, I just claimed that their country is fucking infested by gypsies, same way germany is infested by mudslimes.

>they are always around 3.6%
Not according to>>69455313
>5-7% in polls,8-9% in aproximation and it varies depending on region etc
Seems to me like their numbers are growing over the years, and they are outbreeding native Romanians.

why are you linking me to a post on 4chan?were are the "pol"?

>Seems to me like their numbers are growing over the years, and they are outbreeding native Romanians.

No, their numbers are in rapid decrease, while romanians and bulgarians have the biggest natality in EU.

Just last year over 30k gypsies migrated to EU from here.Soon they will all leave, since they get payed 6 times more outside and the law is way better to them there.
1. that picture is bullshit , it's the 1930 census
2. There are 3.3% registered official in the 2011 census, you can stretch it to 5% since not all are registered.

But you have to keep in mind many left for other EU countries and want to get citizenship actually.(For welfare, UK for example)

So i would still keep it to a 5% "unofficial" gyppos.
You're fucking weird, man. Leave me alone

>Biggest natality
>50% Abortion rate

I wonder what would happen if we banned Abortions.

Well if i remember well, like 70% of Romania is still rural.There the natality is almost 3 children/family.If the abortion is banned we can get it to may be 2.5 in whole Romania.
If they would like to be honest just for one sec, they know well NO ONE can multiply faster than gypsies.

This is why so pathetic when they try to fake the numbers in the stats, because it will not solve the real problem.

and yes, this means, gypsies will outnumber the Bulgars, Serbs, Slovaks, Hungarians and Romanians ... nearly the whole 'eastern block' in the future IF does not come some kind of dramatic change/happening.
>why are you linking me to a post on 4chan?were are the "pol"?
Ask your copatriot that posted the information.

>No, their numbers are in rapid decrease, while romanians and bulgarians have the biggest natality in EU
That is good to know, gypsies are a fucking plague man, they breed like fucking rats!

>So i would still keep it to a 5% "unofficial" gyppos.
Still too much, don't your country have many problems with them committing crimes and such? They are known for teaching kids to steal since an early age, the mothers wear long skirts so that the little children can hide underneath them while she enters a store, and then dart out in all directions and grab whatever you can before escaping.
>some kind of dramatic change/happening.
Ethinic cleansing when?

How can they outnumber the eastern europe and balkans if we outnumber them like 60 times?


95% of gypsies either dont work or steal.
85% dont finnish grade 4.Those are facts.

I agree, they are around 5% unnoficialy and another 1-1.5% halfbreeds.
Many things changed after 2013 i would say.

Many politicians were arrested from taking bribes from gypsies ( President's brother if i'm not mistaken took 200K euro bribe and got arrested)

We changed many things but it's still a long way.

What i fear most is that the lefties are opportunists nowadays to implement their PC-laws (Like banning religion classes from schools, shit like that)

Well we got an Anti Legionary law and an Holocaust Law.

Plus the Big Brother Law.

Fuck the liberal party, the saxon cuck and the fucking corrupt Democrats selling us for sheckles.
Honestly, if there will be no war, related rapefuge crisis, to 'accidentally' remove them ... the future won't be too bright.
How many child has an average romanian family?
max 2 or 3?

How many child has an average gypsy "family"?

Now do the math.
>and just for fun, now put in the equation the rapefugees have 4-6 child
>How many child has an average gypsy "family"?
Urban gypsies 1
Rural gypsies : moved to Europe or urban
>the future won't be too bright.
Sad but true I guess.
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>gypsies are a fucking plague man, they breed like fucking rats!

Well yeah but they die young. And our country's version of wellfare is like 80$ so they don't really have an incentive to breed.
You said in an earlier post Romania is infested with gypsies. It's honestly not the case.
They either leave the country or die.
People won't hire them.
Last year a law was passed that even people who don't work have to pay health insurance premiums to the state or they go to jail.
They don't have an environment in which to thrive here
The holocaust law isn't really enforced like in western europe, but still you're right.And to be fair there is evidence that we killed j00s before even sending them to the ovens

The new generations are dumb as fuck, and the reason they don't get good moral views it's because the commies wanted to create a gap between generations so they can't take their moral views from their families anymore.(See marxism-leninism and the pitesti "experiments")


Mostly like 1 to 3 in the big cities , but in the rural areas you can still see big as fuck families ( my father has 6 siblings and mother 10, yes it was almost a fucking century ago but still.)
you retard fuck :D

No ban here boss.
I heard they survive on stolen goods and money and on money obtained by donating blood and selling kidneys, not always their own.
>We download almost as fast as we steal wallets

Fuck Romanians need a nuclear radiation shower. Why cant Pyongyang launch all their nukes, non degenerate countries launch anti nuke measures.
All degenerate countries relying on the will of kebab die in eternal tabasco-fire

Those are the more dangerous clans. The ones without a big clan just find iron and sell it.

Shit living and that is why they are leaving.
Not so much anymore, they are human trafficking now for "sex slaves" n shiet.

Germany, netherlands, it's not rocket-science to figure it out.
Wow,vitriolic shitposting

Did a BIG BALKAN COCK romanian bull fuck your crush or something?
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Sounds bad.

What constitutes a gypsy clan exactly? a single family?
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kind of unrelated but my toe really fucking hurts and I can't tell if it's infected, thoughts?
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They do steal. But are swiftly BTFO
Hospitals don't take blood from ppl with tattoos. Since the average gypsy goes to jail at least once in their life, they have tattoos.
They have no one to sell their organs to in Romania.

The larger, criminal clans make a living from drugs and prostitution. But not here. In Western Europe.

The average gypsy in Romania makes a living from scrap metal or plastic scrap
Ayyy lmaoooo Romania is a balksman state now. Welcome to the club, life is preddy gud ey fabbot?

Literally no one here is a balkan. No one. Enjoy being the nigger left arm of the white race for eternity, you cowardly, whole heartedly, disgusting degenerate abominations of pale skinned people.

A family or two families that act like niggers in the hood combined with a parody of Italian mafia.
It's definitely infected.
you will never out shitpost an australian

why even try
>Romanians have the intelligence to conjure organised crime
>tfw Romanians cant even organise a wagon train without "accidentally" robbing their own grandmother of soup

You woke up already?
what happened? fill me in
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56 KB, 398x409

Gook pls.
>being the nigger left arm of the white race for eternity
> pale skinned people.
sounds cool desu familia

>an australian shitposter finally recognized we're bianco uman beans

we're to europe what africans were to colonists desu,always persecuted,enslaved,attacked and made to suffer hundreds of years
We suffered more even than africans,at least they got off the leash fast
>you will never out-earn Trump

>why even try
Just a romanian passing by...
>romania literally means land of the roma
Yeah, sure, and Roma in Italy is their capital or spawn point if you want.
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1 MB, 720x741
>It is a work of fiction after all.
It sounded too good to be true
By Australian logic, the ancient Romans who called themselves "Romani", same as the international politically correct name for gypsies right now, were filthy gypsies.
Fucktards. We hate gypsies more than anyone else
Misto trips coaie
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