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should there be a law that if a wife cheats, she doesn't
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should there be a law that if a wife cheats, she doesn't get alimony?
Well duh yeah.

It's pretty fucking criminal that it's not already like this by default.
Adultery should be against the law. You broke your oath, it's a breach of contract. Not to mention it's emotionally abusive. Polygamy is illegal for the same reason
Considering marriage is supposed to be a religious bond and infidelity has traditionally been one of the few (if not only) grounds for breaking that bond, sure why not.
Nah. There should be a law that she doesn't get alimony in any case.
Man, 1st worl laws are so progressive they go full circle and end up being retarded.
It should go both ways. Man cheats = loses any privileges he might get as part of the divorce settlement
Woman cheats = loses any privileges she might get as part of the divorce settlement

If there was infidelity on both sides, then fuck.
Should carry the death sentence tbqhwy
This. True equality.
Just make her sign a prenup and you're good as gold
That's how it was before no-fault divorces were around.
Nice try achmed
it makes total sense
if she's unfaithful, she doesn't deserve it
There should be, but you have the opposites in Europe, if the wife cheats and gets a child from another man, you still have to pay for that childs living, in France you are not allowed parternity tests, get fucked.

Most prenups do have infidelity clauses as standard. AFAIK the infidelity clause is also a pretty airtight part of the contract, basically no ground for a lawyer to try and get the prenup thrown out and his only option is to try and convince a court that the infidelity didn't occur.
Yes, also false rape accusations should be punished in exact same way as rape cases
Prenups are regularly thrown out in court.
If he husband cheats does she get double alimony?

Over quibbles in the wording. Infidelity clauses are very easy to make airtight.
Welcome to Texas
No alimony regardless
Less (if any) in the divorce settlement if you can prove you're spouse is cheating.

No-fault divorces are a large portion of what's wrong with society today.

Just have the partner that was responsible for the family income be responsible for a limited time after the divorce, regardless of sex. Thats how it is here, for a maximum of 12 years depending on length of marriage. If the parner that receives gets a job or a partner with an income the obligation ends before that.. 12 years is still a bit too long imo, but I don't oppose the principle. Stay home or part time working partners gave up some career opportunities and income, and in a marriage you're both responsible for those choices imo.

Also, why would you ever accept a partner that literally does not work for your joint income?

>Anglo courts

why are Americans and Brits apparently of the opinion that women are less capable of taking care of themselves than men? You dont see this in Sweden..
This. Punish the one who was actually in the wrong.
There should be a law that if a wife cheats the husband may kill her.

It's a racket bro. Good guys get fucked.
What? You don't have that already? Here if someone cheats on his partner and proof of it is brought to a judge during a divorce trial, the cheating scumbag looses the right to alimony and cannot have the kids entrusted to him/her either. What kind of cucked shithole country dose not have a law like that?
Adulterers should be heavily shamed, and no-fault divorce abolished. Make women dependent on men again and a lot of problems in society would vanish.
one that cant focus on anything except the reality tv show that is the election process
>Just have the partner that was responsible for the family income be responsible for a limited time after the divorce, regardless of sex
Nope. You take kid you get the full burden. Other partner can voluntary help but only voluntary. Children custody is given according to the level of income. Single goes to richest. If two, one goes to each etc. No income, no kids.
Shaming success is flawed strategy.
Why is alimony even a fucking thing?
>hurrr I should be entitled to a two income lifestyle if I decide to be a bitch
Literally sharia.
There is also this thi g called a pre nub
It's so she doesn't have to get an income
>should there be a law that if a wife cheats, she doesn't get alimony?
That's already on the books in La. Although the burden of proof is extremely expensive.
that was the original fucking point of alimony

but now we're so cucked we think they should get double if theres an actual reason to get what would have been any at all in the first place

holy fuck
inshallah brother
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