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So truuuueee XDD
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So truuuueee XDD
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If whites owned slaves, you'd all be slaves by now


Ethnic self determination is a human right.
>If Islam was really about violence you'd all be dead by now
that's pretty macabre
I'll hate whoever the fuck i want to hate.
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>Thinking the size of the army matters
There are 2 billion Christians on the planet, that's why they don't.
>There are well over a billion Muslims on this planet
>And literally every country with a Muslim population is violent, theocratic, with limited rights and arbitrary domestic punishment
If it was really about peace then they wouldn't globally be shitholes
>a billion muslims with rocks and homemade pipebombs
>versus a hundred man American militia with military grade assault rifles

Who would win?
If the western world didn't care about innocent lives all wars would be won immediately
Does anyone except the most brainwashed shitlib actually think this is sympathetic to muslims? This reads like a fucking threat.
Only 2.5% of terrorist attack in the US were carried out by Muslims since 1970.

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Yea fuck off
>TV and Newspapers tell us to hate Muslims
Truuuuuuu lol
It's funny because this is exactly what tv and newspapers tell you.

>latino is classed as a terrorist group

This. It's an implicit threat and assumed that ragheads could beat our nukes somehow
They are all about it.
They're just not very good at it.
and then you considered what per capita is
1, true
2. I'm not dead by now because I have a gun, and muslim population is negligible. If that percentage grows, then a lot more Americans will begin dying (see Europe).
3. The TV and newspapers are telling me to hate Donald Trump and feel sorry for the rapefugees, so this is rather good advice.
>white people have access to nukes
>if they really were oppressive ahitlorda and wanted you dead, you would be
>stop letting the media tell you who to hate
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Bitch, there's over 1 billion chinese in the world. And also over 1 billion indians.

What's the last time you heard of a chinese or indian terrorist blowing shit up?

Muslim terrorists? Every fucking year. Multiple times a year. And every time they blow some shit up, the usual gaggle of morons comes out and says "Islam is the religion of peace!! Islam is the real victim!!!!!".

Fuck off you sand niggers.
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