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Trump can't be stumped?
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You are currently reading a thread in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

Thread replies: 17
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How do you even think that he can't be stumped after this...? He has been stumped already a thousand times, and dumb cunts like you make him big again, to fuck up again... Let him die /pol/... He needs aids more than to be a president... and if you are still for the Drumpf... I believe you haven't watched it at all. get my sweet FA... I think you just want to see the world burn. In that case... that's fine, just admit it, you dumbass
>here's the video, fuckers
fpbp prove me wrong
Watch this, and prove me wrong
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obvious troll is obvious.png
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>John Oliver
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One last (You) to give before bed I suppose.
He might be a rat, rat... but the facts won't make difference, cunt
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platinum mad.gif
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What's... with... the... ellipses?
fuck u paprika nigger
Donald Trump has never thought about John Oliver once in his life.
fuck you niggerfaggot
Oh really? Even if the facts are against what you're saying, you still think that... gg for listening canadofaggit
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low energy bait.jpg
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I really hope that americans and most of /pol/ looks at Trump as a meme and not as a potential leader to a better life.
I'm so glad you live in an irrelevant country and can't vote in our elections.
I'm so glad that you live in America where your vote doesn't count at all, and the Electoral College will decide instead of you, you tiny fucking puppet
Thread replies: 17
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