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"Donald Trump is a horrible racist"
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Explain this meme to me. I've been following him with mild interest for about half a year now and I've never once felt that he's discriminating against or hateful of any particular ethnic group. The only group of people I've ever heard him collectively judge are a) not a race and b) universally maligned extremist terrorists denounced by the entire civilized world as evil.

So why is the entire world trying to make it socially unacceptable to like Trump by besmirching his name with the "racist" label? It would be different it was just some autistic BLM chimps spamming this uneducated shit all over Twitter, as is the norm, but that's just scratching the surface. Multi-billion dollar corporations are pushing this sentiment; the mainstream media treats it like fact.

When has Trump ever actually said or done anything racist?
thats why we love him. entire world hates him so he must be standing for something.

He's a Republican.
trying to ban all muslims from entering the US, desu
An excellent source of how mature the left is.
Might as well shout how they would literally kill for free college.

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>So why is the entire world trying to make it socially unacceptable to like Trump by besmirching his name with the "racist" label?

You're not in the States, but literally anyone who rises in popularity that isn't aligned with the media's goals and objectives is painted as a racist, sexist, or both.

It's kind of boring and expected now, but regular folk eat it up.
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Oy vey! When we say he is racist, the goyim cattle will listen. They are so stupid and gullible.


Because the political left has been shouting "racist" at everyone constantly for decades. Instead of debating, they just try to shout down any dissenting opinion. With Trump it isn't working, and they're panicking.

Half of the Trump supporters don't even care where he stands on issues. They're just sick of the liberal thought and word police constantly condemning them for crimes they've never committed.
For one, even when conservatives bend over backwards to be as inclusive as possible, they still get called evil racist sexist retarded bigots.

But basically, it's media manipulation and a self-fulfilling prophecy. Media reports all this falsified bullshit and deliberately misrepresents what he says in order to make him look like Hitler. They literally trick people into thinking Trump is a nazi. And the duped masses fall for it. And they get angry at trump for apparently being a nazi. And they attack and riot and protest. And then the media swoops back in and gets to say "See! Look what you've done, Trump! This is all YOUR fault! The words you said did this"

The day of the rope can't come soon enough.
point taken, but muslims are overwhelmingly brown people

pro-American = racist

America is a racist country. It has invaded sovereign nations in the name of imperialism. We used to have slavery, then Jim Crow, and blacks are still discriminated against.

Basically the left believes America, or how America used to be in the past, was evil and immoral.

Thus if you are "Pro America" it also means you are pro racism, pro sexism, and so forth.
but they dont know that.
Who is this sæmon dæmon?
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pic related is not goth

Everyone from Iran is "brown" so I assume Yimmy Carter is also a racist?
>liberals are retarded

the dumb-dumbs need buzzwords anon.
trump is a Nazi /thread
no explanation needed, he hates Mexicans, blacks and Jews

this will explain it OP

Racist, Nazi, they are desperate. And since he never held political office he doesn't have any criminal past.
my point is that other people SEE that as being racist. same with trying to deport illegal immigrants who are overwhelmingly brown as well. people see that and say 'oh my god the poor brown people, :( racist trump!!!' even if neither policy is based on race
that's why he's called racist 24/7
I'm Mexican and that puto wants to send my mom back!

Kidding. I'm 100% legal, gringos. Illegals suck ass. I left that shitty country to escape those people in the first place. It's not even all the gangs and the cartels, the people are pretty garbage. I'm a Latino for Trump. Remember, he hates ILLEGALS. He doesn't give a shit what I do as an American citizen.

P.S. Muslims are worse than illegals. You think you hate people running drugs across the border? Wait until Sharia Law stands on your doorstep. Worst religion thus far.
pls explain
maybe he just sees the negative things they do and wants to hold them accountable
citation for when he showed said hate plz boss
Check out Chris Hernandez's book A Line In The Valley, in which terrorists exploit lax border security to link up with cartels.
"Racism" is the societal psychosis inflicted on western society in order for it to destroy itself, and allow third worlders to overtake all western civilization.

This is from globalist powers, for the purpose of instituting a globalist world.

Naturally, Trump is not party to these efforts, and he is in fact a Federalist and a Nationalist for the greatest and most powerful nation on the planet, one in which influences the rest of the world.

They don't want this - for reasons not needing an explanation - so they defer to the unwavering psychosis to do their work for them.
The Craft. I fapped to that movie so many times in the 90s. Fuck.
Don't you know that illegal immigrants and Islam are races
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