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March 15 primary/caucus states. >florida >illinois >missouri
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March 15 primary/caucus states.

>north carolina
>And some imaginary state
FL - Trump
NC - Trump
IL - Cruz
OH - Kasich
MO - Cruz

I predicted todays primaries with 100% accuracy. >>67130840
It's a territory bro, we wouldn't even have a shot at being a white country if we didn't have some islands to oppress.
>Marinara Islands
is that where they invented that sauce?

>captcha: "Select all images with steak"
FL - Trump
NC - Trump
IL - Trump
OH - Kasich
MO - Trump
NMI- Trump
Shill -
Really hoping Missouri goes Trump. I will be voting, but out in the country we have so many religious freaks.
>IL - Cruz

Illinois here, I doubt it
Chicago doesn't decide the rest of the state, Trump support seems to be pretty spoken in the rest of the state.
see >>67217144
screenshot this. save it. print it. embrace it.
Yes, those sure are hard predictions.
>IL worth more than OH
>No one talking about it

What gives?
Link your predictions before the primaries happened you shill. I predicted everything that happened so far.
Ohio is a winner-take-all the delgates state, Illinois isn't
>all these places I didn't know the USA owned

What the hell is American Samoa?

Ohio is winner take all. Illinois isnt
>IL - Cruz

No way. There's a lot of republicans in the northwest suburbs and nobody around here supports fucking Cruz. Our jobs are disappearing and we're getting slammed with beaners. Maybe I'll be wrong, but I know for use mine and the surrounding counties will go for Trump. He'll take Cook as well, libtards are too crazed about Bernie to protest vote.
Critical swing state, no Republican has ever won the general without Ohio. And Illinois has been considered unwinnable by Republicans since the early nineties.

Being able to carry Ohio in the primaries implies a certain degree of electability... Of course, Kasich has no path to the nomination, so even if he wins it it doesn't mean anything for him.
some shitty 50,000 person area near samoa
has been ours forever
other Samoa was German then British then free

is Wikipedia lying to me?


I hadn;t considered that and it does make sense. It still seems like a large amount of delegates that deserves more talk than it is getting though.

And what about Missouri? There's only 1 recent poll(Trump +7) according to RCP.
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forgot pic
I'm really hoping for a Trump sweep but I know those dumbasses in Ohio are going to vote for Kasich even though he has no way to be the nominee.

Also, Missouri could go Cruz because that lying rat has managed to convince everybody he is an anti-establishment conservative. Somehow idiots bought into it even though he is for the North American Union and his beholden to the big banks like Goldman Sachs (his wife even works for them)
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