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This belongs to Canada
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File: Flag_map_of_Alaska.png (93 KB, 2000x1068) Image search: [Google]
93 KB, 2000x1068
This belongs to Canada
take them
Evidently Polish clay
File: old timey map.jpg (198 KB, 732x831) Image search: [Google]
old timey map.jpg
198 KB, 732x831
It belongs to russia actually
I wish, Leafbro. Britain betrayed us and cucked our coastline out to Alaska.
Alaska sucks ass anyway.

You want it? Fight us over it
Pretty sure it's rightful clay of Argentina
It belongs to Native American people
We payed good money for that, ofc your government knows all about taking things that belong to others
I invite you to come and try to take it. You moose piss-drinking liberal potheads wouldn't last a day.
it is actually slovak clay
No need, we will claim it after bernie wins and sells it to us to pay for your college.
If you want it take it.

Hell, you could probably set up a city anywhere away from Anchorage/Juneau and no one would even know or care.
It's actually beaver piss that we drink. We eat moose shit.
this desu
Canada belongs to America
na, sorry faggot, go catch your crab somewhere else
Actually it belongs to Jews and you know it
>buying anything


File: download.jpg (10 KB, 276x183) Image search: [Google]
10 KB, 276x183
Just what Canada needs; more tundra.
File: TrueLove.jpg (15 KB, 500x344) Image search: [Google]
15 KB, 500x344
America belongs to Canada, lover.
B l a c k

With what? You guys don't have anymore gold, Mexico has more Gold than you people.
I'm going to buy an Alaskan state flag. I honestly love the design.
With our American cuckbux reserve, dumbass.Gold is irrelevant.
You will be next in line.
File: AHHHHHH.png (70 KB, 617x494) Image search: [Google]
70 KB, 617x494
>gold is irrelevent

>Russia and China
Countries opposed to America don't stock their reserves with American dollars,.. big surprise.
Canada isn't Russia or China.
File: 3423432432.jpg (62 KB, 594x393) Image search: [Google]
62 KB, 594x393
You're all wrong, North America is rightfully English clay.
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