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why do people vote for Cruz?
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why do people vote for Cruz?

and people dont understand that he wont win against Hillary

if Trump loses this electrion you will have democrats for the next 8 years cause Hilliary will run for a second term

you are literally holding the knife against your own throat threatening to kill yourself right now, good job Maine and Kansas
He's the go to bible thumper for fucktarded christfags.
Trump flip flopped on the whole H1-B1 visa.
Kansas = Iowa 2.0
Rigged to go to brokered convention. If it goes to the convention. The dream is dead.
literally nobody cares about h1s
He's a smug asshole but he doesn't flip flop. You know where he stands even if you don't agree with him.
Mental retardation
First Stage of Grief: Denial.
People care about Trump losing his 'straight talker' image. It's important.

No he didn't. He -never- said he would ban all immigration. He said he was against illegal immigration.

>spin those lies, tell those tales, still wont work, your shilling fails.
the joke is on the liberals, Cruz is even more extreme than Trump

all the anti-trump liberals- "what have we done..."

Cruz will build wall but WONT let anyone back in
I think more people cared about the tapes. Then they got released and nobody cared again.

This whole thing seems pretty fishy. Didn't Cruz get booed off stage at an event earlier TODAY? What is even going on?
He's flip flopped more times than any candidate on either side.

Cruz supports a 500% increase in H-1B, enjoy the smelly bindis taking your jobs.
Said it in the last thread. bible thumping, child fucking hicks.
Wait did people actually think Drumpf would win the nomination? hahahahhhahahahah
Bible thumper states, who ever says Jesus the most tends to win them
There is no way cruz could win in the general election. Even his own daughter doesn't like him. So it is perplexing why people are nominating him. why not vote for kaisich instead?

they're retarded and uninformed, it's that simple
Cruz won't be building anything. First thing he will probably do is import more cheap labor from the third world. I'm sure his friends at goldman sachs would love it.
He's an actual conservative
They are hoping he'll fulfill biblical prophecy and bring about the End of Days. Seriously, look up Christian Zionism.
Because trump flopped and not flopping was his biggest strength and now people are changing because of that one mistake
For the exact same reason he managed to win Iowa... Evangelical hicks.

Thankfully, because these hick states have little population, they also have little delegates.

I think all of the midwest combined has less delegates than California.
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Kansas is so irrelevant politically its not even funny. Believe me, Kansas, it'll be forgotten before Tuesday. The second the clock turns 7:01 am on Tuesday Kansas is ancient history. No serious presidential candidate has ever given a fuck about Kansas.
Because Trump is a retarded, egotistical, baby. I find it incredibly delicious that Trumpfaggots are getting knocked off their high horse.

Who knows, Trump might learn something from this loss haha who am I kidding?
It was rigged. 51% is ludicrous, there is obvious fraud going on.
Why is he winning? Get out there and vote you fucking faggots.
Republicans support actual conservatives.
Who knew.
/pol/ acting like complete children as usual
how is the huge difference to the polls not more of a topic?
What is the 20 points lead in Florida worth?

To be fair, that is really astounding for a primary vote. Even factoring in the obvious hicks going out to throw their bibles at the vote button.
Florida is an open primary not a caucus so no shenanigans there. Cruz only wins the caucuses.
Most voters probably don't even know what that means. Kansas was expected, Maine's the shocker (so far).
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So all this shill hub bub today..... And rato only netted 11 delegates in a caucus state?

Are we being raided?
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