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Illegal burgers
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running guns.jpg
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>Ottawa police believe more local gang members are carrying guns now than at any other time in the city's recent history, and low-quality, semi-automatic handguns smuggled in from the United States as the weapons of choice.
>O'Brien said the latest statistics from 2013 show that 60 per cent of all guns used in Ontario crimes come from the U.S., usually southern states with lax gun laws.

>Canadian gangsters are mostly using smuggled American guns
When burgerland sends its people they aren't sending their best. They are sending guns. They are bringing crime. They are criminals. And some, I assume make good burgers.
You should build a big wall
>Last year, Ottawa police seized 53 guns used in crimes, including 29 handguns.

lmao 53 guns
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and soon they will have so many illegal guns they will have no choice but to pass a 2nd amendment, moving us one step closer to americanizing the whole world so that they wont bat an eye when we annex them
And have really cool stuff on the other side guy buddeh
i know you should stage a false flag and blame it on a literal retard then take away everyones guns!
We won't pay for it, though. And if that bitch just got 3 meters higher, I will personal fuck you to death.
Oh believe me. USA is going to pay for that wall.
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>semi-automatic handguns
>950,000 people in city limits
>Only 4 murders so far this year

I don't think you have much to worry about, Canadabro. That's an exceedingly low rate of murder by either US or global standards.
The border isn't even protected. You can just set up a model train and have it bring guns here.
Who's going to negotiate it? Trudeau? He's a laughing stock. No one even takes him seriously.
You're going to feel pretty stupid when he releases his gold-laced weed.
I wouldn't even be mad senpai
I don't get it
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Or a grip of dope, bubbles
thats the only kind of hand gun there is

semi auto means when you pull the trigger, one round fires, another round will not fire until you release the trigger and squeeze again. If its fully auto its a machine pistol.
Machine pistols are automatic handguns
not legally

The gun runners could make more money by running Canadian guns (SVT's, Norinco shit, etc) to the US and then using the funds from those sells to purchase shitty little handguns to ship back North.
Ok, but they are literally automatic handguns.
in all ways except the one that makes it not
Are we seriously going to do this?

a gun designed for use by one hand, especially a pistol or revolver.

automatic weapon:
a firearm that reloads itself and keeps firing until the trigger is released
>And some, I assume make good burgers.
Probably not. I bet they burn them or at least let them get well done.
But there are some handguns that shoot auto
You're in the right mate don't listen to him
Single-action revolvers are often considered handguns.

Single shots? Bolt action?
good, less syrupniggers
I thought Canadian gangsters settled their differences with bey blades.
Shit, canada bros. Go to detroit, park for a while, drive back to ontario, and check under your bumper to see if you won the ghetto lottery for a free handgun!

For extra lulz, attach the GPS tracker to a vehicle going to the interior or towards alaska.
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those are dictionary definitions, not legal ones

no those are machine pistols

pistols, not handguns

pistols, not handguns
well build a fucking wall then
Oh I get it now you're one of those who gets mad about clips and magazines. Thanks for telling me the correct term but it isn't that big of a deal.
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then dont try to correct me faggot
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