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I fucking hate this country Gun nuts are ruining it, murdering
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I fucking hate this country

Gun nuts are ruining it, murdering people, and when confronted the issue is spun on mental health. They ignore one fact.

90% of shooters are white, male, often virgins, and have access to automatic weapons from one of many gunstores that litter this country.

Guns should be banned, even for hunting. I know as someone who comes from a family of hunters that hunting rifles are no different than military sniper rifles.

I propose
>huge tax on ammo
>ability to sue gun stores, ammo manufacturers, and gun manufacturers in the event of a shooting
>tax on firearms
>heavy regulations on who can open a gun store
>banning of all auto loading rifles, shotguns, handguns, etc
>banning of all hi-cap mags and drums
>severe penalties for any firearms negligence, crimes, etc
>mandatory buybacks like australia

I know enough about guns from my time with my family and in the military that there is no need for them in modern society. I'm afraid of leaving my house, as every day "normal gun owners" are shooting their wives, children, neighbors, friends, families, and even random strangers.

lmao fag plz go
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I'm diagnosed with 2 mental illnesses, 28, white and have bought guns from cops in the past. You will never restrict my right to protect myself.
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Harribel Belly.jpg
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I propose you go hoggin'.

And by hoggin', I mean you fuck a fat chick.
Oh my god, so true! So sad as well. It's a shame that these things are happening to this country. I really agree with you, we should be doing something about it.
You are a buffoon, best that you self deport yourself.
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SSRI's dipshit
Low quality as fuck
Just as banning weed works! Flawless idea comrade!
This b8 is overused you'll need something new and fresh
I thought the cause of most of your gun crime was nignog related
Weed grows naturally.

Guns are machines that need to be made. They don't grow from the ground.
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not even /b/-tier
Imagine if you had to prove you aren't a virgin to purchase a gun.
Search up some 3D printing gun plans. I can order a fucking printer and print a gun, comrade. It won't work. People will do as they wish.
>automatic weapons
>from gun store
>confirmed for being retarded Yuropoor on a proxy
so your dream scenario to stop mass shootings, is to have law abiding citizens turn in their guns.

im sure the lunatic who shoots up a movie theatre won't mind turning in his gun. he wouldn't want to go to jail right?

As a sane european I have to remind you, once more that these school shootings mean nothing.

You are a nation of more than 300 million. With the victims of an average being replenished in less than 30 seconds.

A school shooting would have to happen every minute, every day to make even a small dent in the population.

Yet right now these things barely happen once a year, barely even have high streak kills.

So statistically speaking, these school shootings will have zero effect on your industry, zero effect on your export, zero effect on your science, art and culture.

The only thing where they shine through is through the media which always blows things way out of proportion.

To restrict gun sales to people that use guns for over 90% to defend themselves with, millions of people who do that, in favor of something that is dwarfed by accidental pool drownings, is retarded.
I hope the next shooter kills you.
I caused this Pepe to come into existance, I posted a picture of a scary negro demanding Pepes from r9k and someone traced it and made it into a Pepe

>Same ID

Are you even trying?
Most shooters are black, actually, even though they're roughly 10% of the population.

Because a high cost to obtain guns/ammo is totally going to stop someone from going on a rampage that ends their life. Do you really think taxes are going to persuade someone from just loading up a credit card they're never going to have to pay off?

>NSA shilling and data mining in-sync with a current and a correlative event
>mass shooting; gun rights and social dissonance

I want off this ride...
If there are no legal gun owners in the room, then there is no chance of anyone helping you in the 10th 40 minutes before police arrive to try something to get u out.
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You are welcome to leave, anytime you like.

Or, just kill yourself, faggot.
pls go eliot rodgers
Hey gun grabber heres 2 facts for you.

1) All were criminals

2) SEMI AUTOMATIC not fully automatic.
>90% of shooters are white, male, often virgins, and have access to automatic weapons from one of many gunstores that litter this country
Isn't it painfully obvious that the solution is to legalise and tax prostitution?

You can turn these losers into productive members of society by giving them an incentive to get jobs.

Won't matter, criminals can't buy guns from legit sources anyway. I had to get mine from a nignog gangbanger because felonies.

Tax the ammo all you want, it'll just create an even bigger demand for black market bullets which means more cash in the hands of criminals and gangs.

If the cops and feds can't stop literally tons of illegal drugs from entering the country, how can they stop illegal weapons?
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>automatic weapons
lol I think that's where I got it maybe
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>90% of shooters are white, male

Objectively incorrect. Whites kill far less than 90%, and Blacks almost as many people a year as white people, DESPITE BEING HAVING ONLY 1/5 THE POPULATION SIZE

White Offenders / Total Offenses = 48%
Black Offenders / Total Offense = 47%
>implying you were in the military, and if you were that you were in a branch that wasn't the Air Guard.

Do you get paid per post or is it an hourly thing?
Move to Mexico kek
>Gun nuts are ruining it, murdering people

prove it, fat fella
>have access to automatic weapons from one of many gunstores that litter this country.

No, they do not. Any automatic manufactured after 1986 is flat out illegal if you aren't military or LEO, and those that are legal go for tens of thousands of dollars because they're so rare. If anybody busts a place up with a full auto, it is a very safe bet that it was illegally acquired.
Wait, you guys are really that strongly against this kind of idea? I didn't realise you're actually idiots I thought you were just /b/ tier cunts, surely you can't be entirely against the control of an object that's solely used to kill things?
This is one of the best troll attempts I have seen in years! Gj!
>tumblr pic
why do you fags always come here to cry any time some yank is shot
Why don't you just leave and go somewhere safe, like Paris?
98% of guns used in crimes are not bought from stores, rather from other law breakers or stolen.

...you're Australian, aren't you. Fucking proxypus.
nice trolling m8ey.
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