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Corbyn says that police shouldn't shoot terrorists
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>Jeremy Corbyn has said he is not happy with police or military being ordered to “shoot to kill” on British streets, a measure which Downing Street has approved in the event of Paris-style terror attacks in the UK.

>The so-called Islamic State group said it carried out multiple attacks in Paris in which 129 people died. Mr Corbyn was asked by BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg whether he would be happy to order police or the military to shoot to kill if there was a similar attack on Britain's streets. Mr Corbyn said: "I'm not happy with the shoot-to-kill policy in general - I think that is quite dangerous and I think can often can be counterproductive. "I think you have to have security that prevents people firing off weapons where you can, there are various degrees for doing things as we know. "But the idea you end up with a war on the streets is not a good thing."



Is he right?
He is a cunt, and i don't understand why the fuck anyone would vote for him.
one wonders if he would have the same thoughts if he was the one getting shot at by terrorists
>"I think you have to have security that prevents people firing off weapons where you can, there are various degrees for doing things as we know. "

Like what? What ability do we have to stop guns from firing?
He is right when he says we shouldn't go around assassinating key terrorist figures. We should bring them to trial instead.
Jeremy Corbyn is the epitome of progressive left wing liberalism
Half Beard Half Cardigan.
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What makes us better than the terrorists, when we start playing by their rules?

He could've just said what would make him popular, what will gain him votes, 'hurrdurr shoot the terrorists', sun newspaper style. But he didn't, and he'll probably get blasted in the Sun newspaper tomorrow along with any chance of him being elected.

Leading politicians don't get there with truth, honour, and their personal opinion - they get there by scrambling around saying whatever gets a positive reaction. Which is why Corbyn won't be a leading politician sadly, because he has a backbone.
Guns are illegal there silly, so of course they can't be fired.

hello left winger, lets build 1 billion houses and pay eveyone a million pounds a day for bagging groceries xD everyone vote for me i care about everyone and have feelings
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>tfw liberal friends actually come to me and say they would not vote for him because he seems too weak and unwilling to defend the country
You have to be fairly wealthy to be that detached from reality. Most of these keks live in white or mostly white neighborhoods.
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