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What are /pol/'s view of Ted Cruz? https://www.youtube
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What are /pol/'s view of Ted Cruz?

belongs on the supreme court for maximum booty blasting
I think their are more issue in Texas that should have his attention other than abortion but I'll vote for him over any democrat.

Definitely Trump's Vice President.
kike-lover supreme so i'd never vote for him

but i think he'd be awesome on the supreme court

unless he interprets the constitution to make us even more subservient to israel
Love the Cruz missile.

His wife is (was?) a Goldman Sachs investment banker. That tells me enough about where his real interests lie, so no, I wouldn't vote for Cruz. I do enjoy it when he smacks Feinstein down though.
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Yet another pseudorebellion by non-voting white computer geeks
fake conservative

voted for TPP
voted to increase the debt
voted to intervene military to stop Iran from getting a nuke

pretty much a neocon
how can anyone vote for this Christfag is beyond me. he is the embodiment of the bible-thumbing ignorant American. he is a caricature
He is awesome!
He will not be nominated. He will not be a running mate.
Love the occasional Cruz Missile, but sucks H1-b dick.
So no, not worth it
Literally our guy
wasnt born here.

doesnt belong here.
He has my vote! He is the only one that can save America.
he isn't even a true christfag. he straight up told arab christians in a speech to them that he values jews above Christians. he's the most shabbos of goyim and anyone who actually supports him is either a kike or a retard.
would literally suck jew cock on stage.
he talks more about Israel than 'murrica, the country he supposedly love and want to work for

He's increasingly looking like the best backup plan to Trump. No one else really even hits the bare minimum for being acceptable. He has been the only one other than Trump talking tough on immigration and border security.

But he's too focused on social issues, too much of an Israel shill, too hardcore christian.
I agree completely with much of what he says be he needs to be in the SC or stay in Senate, he just doesn't have the face/voice to win the presidency, sucks but true. Too Nixon-esque, and nobody likes that his wife works for Goldman Sachs

I voted for Cruz in the senate and will continue to.

Bush/Fiorina/Kasich are all establishment and inferior to Rubio.

Really we need a debate with Carson, Paul, Trump, and Rubio.

>Ellen Page, an LGBTQ$%# activist, cosplays as xisgender Ashley Ketchum and tries to stump Senator Theodore Cruz, Esq.
>gets BTFO
>Page leaves in complete disbelief.
>Cruz returns to his BBQ pork sandwich.


He is a good counterbalance to Trump
He is way better than the Rino he replaced
If Trump implodes, I'll probably end up supporting Cruz. I still much prefer Trump though.
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Ted Cruz.jpg
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The best candidate by far. He is a real conservative and a fighter. I've listened to his SCOTUS arguments: This man has more brain-power than any other candidate currently on the roster, in both camps, AND he is the most conservative.

The best bet by far.
Cruz is way more presidential than Rubio
A Cruz/Paul candidacy and I would jizz my pants.
Lets face it though, women will vote for Rubio's white cuban looks, Cruz's face somehow got tanked by his Canadian half.
Uglier fuckers have been elected before

Honestly Rubio looks borderline retarded imho

Plus Rubio has a childish demeanor. Especially when he opens his mouth. Overall he comes across as very naive.
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