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You are currently reading a thread in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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In Australia, if you're a dumbass abo with no talents other than playing sport ball with a modicum of talent an a victim complex, you to can be a potential prime minister.
Is Mad Max a real movie?
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When I was 18 I actually voted labor
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Didn't you know Anon? Abo's have a natural talent for football.
It will be
Well obviously, better muscles in their legs, naturally bigger bodies and if they don't do well they have to go back and live in their outback communities with their aboriginal heritage, so huge motivation.
>better muscles in their legs, naturally bigger bodies

Source for this claim, pls anon.
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>Auskek politics

Just like my Star Wars sagas.
I saw it on QI
I'm not gonna lie, this triggers me a fair bit.

What does the article say about Nova Perris? She's the abo bitch politician that was using taxpayer money to fly her black lover to and from Australia so she could kek her white husband. I mean that nigger deserved it for marrying a Denisovan but still.
oh god what post is that on
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