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"Let's organize at last!" Edition

So - what can be done about the immigrant situation? What are Germanons already doing? Who can be trusted? What media are unbiased? Other countries' /pol/acks welcome. No "refugees" need apply.
Halt dein Maul du Kacknadsi
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nothing. i begin to have the suspicion merkels plan is just letting them all get here to deport most again.

the thing is if you just make them stop you will have at some point of the migrant flow a large violence outspark.

AFD got 9% in germany as of today - they know if they keep this up until the next elections they get probably 20%

you cannot stop a flood - just redirect it.
AFD 9%? Das sind aber Traumwerte. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass die ganzen Leute ihr Wahlverhalten abseits von SPD/CDU ändern.

Schön wärs ja...
CDU Inside here, es gibt Pläne ausnahmen beim Mindestlohn zumachen für Flüchtlinge zumachen die noch nicht zugelassen wurden. Ergo sie kommen arbeiten fast ohne Lohn und werden zurück nach Albanien geschickt.
>What can be done about the immigrant situation?
Nothing, at least not from a country-wide viewpoint. Maybe a few can do something on a local scale, but that's it.
>What are germanons already doing
Smoking weed so that I won't care.
>Who can be trusted
No one, not even yourself.
>What media are unbiased
There isn't such a thing as unbiased media. You can only try to balance different viewpoints. I like the FAZ for my german news.
Bei dem was gerade abgeht isses doch kein Wunder. Abgesehn von roten Autisten will doch kein vernünftiger Mensch ein Land ohne Grenzen.

Spätestens wenn auch der letzte Refugees Welcome Spack die Horde hautnah erlebt rennen sie alle zu der einzigen Partei die verspricht das alles zu ändern.
> What can be done about the immigrant situation?
Protest against what is currently being done in Germany and demand that our government takes actions against where the problem initially came from: ISIS.
Support Russia in the fight against ISIS and solve the problem in the home countries of the refugees, then send them back.

> What are we already doing?
Writing here on 4chan, signing petitions, making sure that I make a difference, as little as it might be.

> Who can be trusted?
Most people I think. If you want to meet people of similar belief, just talk to a few people you meet and ask them how they feel about the situation and leave hints in your conversation about your own. Usually, strong leftists will immediately go crazy, so you can find out who to trust and who not to.

> What media are unbiased?
Every media that does somehow report what is actually happening right now. Not the mainstream media. Not the radio, not the newspapers. I've found reuters.com and similar pages to be helpful, but I usually do research on multiple pages (even biased ones), to find the overlapping parts which usually result in a greater picture.

It is easy to decide to spend money on something if you don't have to directly pay it yourself. Same goes for a solution; its easy to find one until you see the effects of it. As of recent events, refugees started to demand more central housings in cities. If that happens and more and more people find these people in their immediate surroundings, they'll notice that not every refugee is a crying child.

CDU inside? Insiderwissen? Kommt aber ein bischen plötzlich.
Das mit dem Mindestlohn hört sich garnicht mal so schlecht an, heißt allerdings auch, das man eher "Flüchtlinge" einstellt als eigene Leute, da die ja mehr Geld kriegen.
> Lower minimum wage for refugees, that have not been sent back yet.

I'd love to participate more, but I have to do homework for university.
Merkel selber ist innerhalb der Partei wesentlich abgelehnter den Flüchtlingen gegenüber und mit dem neuen Billig Arbeit Sektor der entstehen würde hätte man nicht nur der Wirtschaft geholfen sondern auch der SPD geschadet, da man nicht nur in der Koalition den Mindestlohn der CDA statt der SPD verwendet hätte sondern mit den Ausnahmen für Flüchtlinge und Langzeitarbeitslosen jetzt den gesamten Plan der CSA umsetzen würde.
As soon as his daughter is raped by Ahmed and Mohammed on her way home, the average german Michel will be fed up with refugees. In fact, most people I know dislike them, they just don't have the guts to say this in public.

I heard that too. This is the final plan, to remove the natives from the workforce and replace them by immigrants who work cheaper. They probably want to push the economy, but they fail to realize, that the government is meant to serve the people, and not the corporations.
Zuwanderung ist notwendig, damit sich die Unterschicht sozialdarwinistisch weiterentwickeln kann. Die Alternative wäre ein Krieg, bei dem die Untefschicht an der Front wegstirbt. Das ist aber leider in der heutigen sozialromantischen Gesellschaft nicht mehr durchsetztbar. Die Selektion muss daher verdeckt erfolgen.
In general for this and future threads tho: just save them. Gather information.

Knowledge is power, but knowledge that is being kept away from you is more powerful, as someone fears it.

If you want to solve the entire problem, we'd have to be more, but as of now I can not recommend doing that as we first of all need to get more people.

For those who want to inform themselves on what is going on: do some research on the following things:
- Adolf Hitler - The greatest story never told
- Adolf Hitler in general. If you notice how much of the stuff in these videos does not appear in school at all, you know its being kept back.
- the NWO (new world order)

> inb4 tinfoil hat tippers say this is all just piss and wind
Ignorance is bliss.

Stay awake, people.
wer /neet/ hier?
Das impliziert das sich größerer Niedriglohnsektor in Deutschland rechnen würde. Tut er aber nicht, da selbst bei so geringen Lohnkosten die übrigen Abgaben und Kosten dafür sorgen dass sowas nicht Wettbewerbsfähig ist. Deutschland ist teuer.
Es geht um alle Ausnahmen die die CSA drin haben wollte also auch langzeitarbeitslose. Die jobs von dene wir hier reden sind welche für die man kein deutsch können muss und keine Ausbildung haben musst, also es sei den du hast sehr schlechte Entscheidungen in deinem leben getroffen dürfte es dich nicht betreffen.
Mein ganzer Freundeskreis hat in letzter Zeit die hellrote Pille geschluckt und würde sich trotzdem nicht dazu durchringen die von den Medien als "nadsi rächts böhse" stigmatisierte AFD zu wählen.

Die älteren Leute die ich kenne (darunter auch mein Vater) haben für 30+ Jahre die gleiche Partei gewählt. Aufgrund der armen Herkunft war das meistens die SPD/Linke. Denen ist eigentlich egal welche politische Agenda da aufgefahren wird - hauptsache das bekannte Wählen. Ich weiß nicht wie das außerhalb von NRW ist, aber ich kann diesen Umfragewerten nur schwer glauben schenken.

Es wäre einfach zu schön um wahr zu sein.
Warum bist du Neet? Nur aus Interesse.
Ich denke das die AfD wenn es so weitergeht mit um die 10% aus den nächsten Wahlen rauskommt nicht so unwahrscheinlich ist
kb zu arbeiten, hartz 4 reicht und zur not noch schwarzarbeit hin und wieder.
Für viele unternehmen rechnet es sich den die Arbeitsbedingungen und so werden egal sein da die Flüchtlinge ohne deutsch nicht klagen können und sobald abgeschoben keine Möglichkeit mehr haben.
That is useless in the current situation. You will only lose the support from the more moderate people when you start with far-right Hitler in a situation where even a strong conservative (and I don't mean CDU "conservative") is enough to stop the problem.
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Warum hat man uns nicht eingeladen? :(
>Die jobs von dene wir hier reden sind welche für die man kein deutsch können muss und keine Ausbildung haben musst

Das stimmt natürlich, Erwachsene, die bereits eine Ausbildung abgeschlossen haben, sind davon nicht betroffen. Aber denk mal an Jugendliche und Studenten, die sich mit nem anspruchslosen Nebenjob was dazuverdienen. Die wären sehr wohl davon betroffen.
Zuwanderung wäre garnicht vonnöten, wenn unsere Gesellschaft, unser Land Familienfreundlicher wäre. Allerdings unternimmt unsere Regierung nichts dergleichen.

Man muss junge Familien unterstützen und Karriereaussichten auch für ältere Leute attraktiver gestalten.
Ansonsten geht es immer so weiter, das die meisten sich einfach nur auf ihre Bildung konzentrieren, dann arbeiten und versuchen, sich eine Karriere aufzubauen und dann mit 40 bemerken "oh, ich habe ja keine Familie!".

Es liegt an der Einstellung, nicht dem Mangel.

Dann arbeite daran. Eine einzelne Person kann einen unterschied machen. Versuche, ihnen andere Parteien schmackhaft zu machen und erkläre ihnen, wieso die Medien solch typische Stereotypen wie "den dummen Nazi" oder ähnliches in die Welt setzen.

Die nächsten Wahlen sind 2017. Bis dahin ist noch viel Zeit.

Bist du einfach nur faul oder gibt es einen bestimmten Grund?

The stuff about Hitler is for more background information, for those who seek a deeper understanding of our current situation. Of course I would not talk about that in public, that'd be social suicide.
Hast du vielleicht ein paar Tipps wo man leicht an so nen Job rankommt?
Ihr seid uns doch immer willkommen. Mit konstruktiven Beiträgen auf jeden Fall.
Ein Volk
Ein Reich
Ein Führer
Was ich dagegen tue? Ich lade alle ein in Asylheimen zu arbeiten. Beginne als Multikultispacko und nach ein oder zwei Wochen bist du Rassist.
Ich wollte außerdem ein Pfefferspray für meine Mutter kaufen. Leider sind die alle ausverkauft und die Lieferzeit beträgt mehrere Wochen.
die richtigen kontackte, freunde die geschäfte besitzen und dich ,mal unter der hand arbeiten lassen für ne zeit, mehr tips hab ich leider auch nich
> dGw ich im Frühjahr auswander

Wahrlich ein gutes Gefühl!
Studenten und Jugendliche würden aber Mindestlohn und Arbeitsstandards wollen und man müsste die jobs dann sowieso outsourcen, Währen die Flüchtling die genug Deutsch können um zu klagen gar nicht zulässig für die Ausnahme wäre ist es buchstäblich der perfekte weg mit Produktionskosten und Bedingungen wie in Asien mitzuhalten ohne die langen Transportwege und die Abhängigkeit von Mächten wie China.
> Pfefferspray

Nimm CS-Gas
Kennst du diese Elektroschocker die Aussehen wie Taschenlampen? Mir ist der Name gerade entfallen aber die eignen sich besser als das Pfefferspray was du in Deutschland zu kaufen kriegst. Meine Mutter fühlt sich mittlerweile sehr viel sicherer seit ich ihr einen davon gekauft habe und hat auch keine Angst mehr früh Morgens oder spät Abends alleine aus dem Haus zu gehen.

Warum sollte man auch? Seid ja schließlich keine Deutschen mehr. :^)
Angesichts der aktuellen Lage und der Zukunftsaussichten eine garnicht mal so verkehrte Entscheidung.

Wohin gehts denn?

Sind solche Geräte eigentlich legal? Ansonsten garantiere ich dir, dass sie im Ernstfall mehr ärger kriegt als der Angreifer.
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>just started watching The greatest story
>mfw jews declared war first
Nein, aber die Teile sehen halt einfach aus wie normale Taschenlampen. Im Ernstfall wäre ich eher froh dass meine Mutter einen versuchten Übergriff abgewehrt hat als um die rechtlichen Konsequenzen besorgt zu sein.
Ich studiere in Amerika (Idaho). Werde versuchen während meiner Studienzeit zu heiraten damit ich im Anschluss unkompliziert da bleiben kann (ist eine rel. Uni daher wird das nicht so problematisch mit dem heiraten).

Was Elektroschocker und co angeht kenne ich mich nicht aus.
Habe nur bei einer Freundin die Erfahrung gemacht dass sie sich mit Pfefferspray verteidigt hat und im Anschluss darauf Probleme bekommen hat, da Pfefferspray nur zur Tierabwehr nicht aber gegen Menschen eingesetzt werden darf. Die Anklage wurde zwar irgendwann fallengelassen, aber mit CS-Gas wäre es trotzdem unkomplizierter gewesen.
gij /neet/ ginder?
Welcome to Germany. They've never taught us anything about that at all. We've never been told anything about Hitler, besides that he was a monster, apparently.

We've been lied to and the system approves of that. We're being controlled by someone who does not want the truth to be spilled.

Viel Glück dabei. Ich nehme mal an, das bedeutet auch, das du nicht zurückkommst?

Was Pfefferspray angeht habe ich von einer Freundin ähnliches gehört. Habe allerdings noch nie von CS-Gas gehört. Werde mir das mal anschauen.
Fickt dieses Land, Greencard-Bewerbung läuft.
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Just work the same way as the Resistance. Make it look like you are on of them, People admire the ww2 rebels since they fought against a big system which was opressing people and actualy fought for they nations,

NOTE: Not everyone was a big fan of the resistance since they killed burgers and were often commies.

Anyway, make little redpilled poster. just bring back National Socialism. Make it look like you love your people. Say shit like: I hope you believe in me as much as I believe in you people. We have gone through so many problems but we always came out stronger. This struggle will be no different, After all, we germans are one big family and we should help eachother.

In regards to the refugees, Just send them back to refugee cams, This is more efficients and it roots out the dead wood since a lot of people are comming here for free money. If we want to help them, do it the right way.
> Greencard-Bewerbung

Meinst du Lotterie oder was? Wenn ja hast du die Frist um ein paar Tage verpasst. Ansonsten bewirbst du dich nicht auf eine Greencard sondern auf einen Job..

Nein, ich werde vermutlich Deutsch studieren um dann im Ausland Deutschlehrer zu werden (vermutlich einer der wenigen Jobs wo meine Herkunft positiv zu bemerken wäre).
Heißt würde ich damit zurückkommen könnte ich den ganzen Refugees die nicht Muttersprachler sind Deutsch beibringen :^)
Ich meine die Lotterie und ich hab mich rechtzeitig angemeldet vor paar Wochen.
Das stimmt natürlich. Begreift nur leider unser Rechtssystem nicht.

Ragequit :^)
Leider verständlich.

Decent idea.
I'd so love to do these things, but I am not a politician. I'll save all those threads for later use though, so your ideas are duly noted.
Ja dann wünsche ich dir viel Glück, 2% Gewinnchance oder so?
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join Identitäre Bewegung

check ou youtube channels The Golden One and Thulean Perspective

buy guns

Warum postest du lachende Anime-Mädchen?
i feel so fucking sorry for the eternal shaming you germanbros has to go trough

you guys cant even enjoy a movie without the bad guys having german accents and what not
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>Da davon ausgegangen wird, dass nicht jeder Gewinner alle Kriterien zur Erlangung einer Greencard erfüllen oder den Prozess zur Erlangung des Visums gar nicht weiterverfolgen wird, wird eine höhere Zahl von Gewinnern gezogen, als effektiv Greencards vergeben werden

>Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass nach einem Gewinn dann auch tatsächlich ein Visum ausgestellt wird, liegt somit bei etwas unter 50 %. Von den 2188 deutschen Gewinnern für das Fiskaljahr 2010 erhielten tatsächlich 964 (44,1 %) eine Greencard ausgestellt

Is the Nurburg area affected by the immigration bullshit?

I visit once a year or so from burgerland to drive the green hell. I do not want my motoring fun and small village accommodations to be littered with shitskins.

I usually stay in Adenau. How is it out there?

Much thanks.
Ja gut das ist natürlich auch nicht zu vernachlässigen.
Ich finde dieses ganze scheiß Lotterie System einfach so lächerlich.

> Sie haben wortwörtlich ein Lotterie System welches Qualifikation, selbst Sprachkenntnisse absolut vernachlässigt

Seht euch ruhig mal die Gewinner der vergangenen Jahre an (gibt ja genug Agenturen die Leuten bei dem Prozess helfen, die haben da auch Bilder der Gewinner) das ist selbst für Deutsche Verhältnisse echt arm.
To be honest, I don't care about the shaming as much as about the fact, that they are telling lies about us whilst the majority of Germans think they are true.

It does not matter how one displays me, as long as they don't tell lies about what I did.

If that makes any sense.
Just got stationed in Wiesbaden, anyone want to be my kraut friend?
I am planning to join a politician party. It looks like the NSDAP but also in a cringe owrthy way so I want to join them and sway them to normativity.

Also POL should make PDF files with Red pilled facts so we can plant these in cities.

Also speak the liberal language. Emotions are usefull as always.

> Make fake fights. Let your '' enemy'' dress up and spout uther bullshit and you will stay calm and aswer his arguments with facts and completely obliterate him.
It will be fake, but the adience doesnt know that.

Also Prep up for the coming hardships. Stock up on water, food, batteries and purchase a water filter.
Depends. Are you a Nigger/chink or white?
The PDFs is a good idea. I am currently collecting alot of data and am kind of working on a program to automatise that (download ANY germany related on 4chin and save 'em for later use), but didn't have an idea until now on how to spread any gathered information.

I always stay calm. Atleast I have in all past discussions about political stuff.

Prepping seems like a good idea, but its pretty safe where I live, even though when the shit hits the fan its gonna be terrible pretty much everywhere.
Scottish on my dad's side, German on my mom's side.
Afd für den Endsieg
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can someone tell me why the grundgesetz article 16a doesn't apply to the 1.5mio doctors and engineers?
My best guess is that 16a is inclusive, not exclusive.
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Stocking up on chemicals and pyrotechnical materials is a good start.

Alles legal :^)

Where has my country gone?

Heinz Christian ist am Start. Jetzt kann es losgehen
It drittes further and further left over the last 20 years, failing to distance itself from the radical left itself. Now we are at a point where normal citizen sympathise with antifa and other rock throwing aggressive trash which in turn scare others to speak up against them out of fear to be labelled as something all tried to distance themselfes from before. I simply stopped caring being called a nazi for simply saying "maybe we need more than just tents for refugees because there is that thing called winter". That was back in the summer and just look where we are now.

I really hope the Situation will escalate.

i just hope i can bash some refugee skull in before it's over. there's a camp only 50m next to my house and they are loud and chant every morning arabic shit with a speaker
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "wenn" und "aber"?
Adenau got 3 or 4 refugee camps so far.
We've told you in a different thread.
Who tries to get /fit/ here?
you cant do anything. not legally anyway. my neighbour found 2 niggers sitting in her car after grocery shopping. they demanded she drive them somewhere so she called the police. when they arrived, they actually took the niggers where they wanted to go

i can bench 1,9x bodyweight at 85kg and swim 3 times a week.

let them come
MAKE GERMANY (aka best country in the world) GREAT AGAIN.
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Why do you think it's the best?
Embarrassing desu. Pegida is fucking stupid.
Jam fm! Musik der dich bewegt
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dream on, subhuman scum
That's not really insider knowledge anymore, is it? They already suggested something along those lines a bunch of times by now.
he later died in a car "accident"
Depends on who wants to make a profit with it. The ones paying the bill are the average Germans, the companies can pocket the additional profits they make by hiring slave labor.
>Boo hoo, why do you think my country is the best? Stop defending me, I want to die and all like me with me... the shame the shame
Fucking Germans. >:/
I dunno man, its really different this time compared to the past.
In the past they would at least pretend that they care about the problem, i.e. spew some lies about how they share their concerns and are looking into it and so on while not really giving a fuck.

But this time they just went
>lol, who the fuck cares about your opinion, subhuman nazi scum
right away - which was a horrible mistake, because everyone who felt addressed by that is now 100% lost to them forever. My parents have been voting SPD for decades but now they are at the point where they say they'll either vote for another, non-established party or not at all, simply because of the establishment's disrespectful behavior to anyone who voiced reasonable concerns.
I honestly think it's hopeless. My career/life would be ruined if anyone irl knew I was even posting on this website, so any sort of congregation is completely out of the question.
That's why you bring that stuff up in private situations and not anywhere in public, or even worse in a 'permanent' outlet like Facebook and so on where it can be easily proven that you said it.

Most people I have met do actually not agree with what is going on. The reason why you can still have your social life fucked up for saying so in public is because the media still manages to somewhat maintain their monopoly on the public opinion, i.e. people still believe that just because the media says they are a minority its true.

All the power the media and lefties have stems from the masses believing them when they say that they speak for the majority - after all, what would faggots like Augstein or Lobo do on their own? Come over and give you a limb-wristed slap for being mean to those poor refugees?
That's also why a lot of news sites switches to shutting down their comment sections on any related article, because it became too obvious that the only ones they are speaking for are themselves.
allo ich bin der englanderes aus grose brrattenien kann ich doitsch gesprochen herum?
We need a common enemy to prevent fighting among east and west germans. Merkel is smart , she realises this, and is trying to shock everyone to revolt against the refugees so Berlin can keep mooching off Bavaria silently
I really hope Sweden will burn really soon. As soon as shit hits the fan in Sweden Europe and the whole world will kinda wake up. 'Oh look, Sweden messed up. Our beloved progressive Sweden is in trouble. But what happened?'

It is like with communism, if you want these idiots to shut up talk about North Korea, China or the former Soviet Union. We need examples to show these idiots that multiculturism does not work.
I don't think the average person has any idea what's going on in Sweden though. Only lately they have started to pop up in the news due to being close to collapsing.
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soon, kamerad
I don't even know who is trolling who when Hitler is mentioned. I guess I really need to read some books that aren't written by Mr Goldberg.
Germany need more immigrants! Support Angela!
This is what I'm talking about. The average people have no idea and that is why they support the left because it is the political correct thing to do.
>there's a camp only 50m next to my house
So why aren't you launching small balls of feces or dead animal parts at night?
Besides, you have great experience in building and running death camps. Who else can do that like You?
What I meant was that I don't think a lot of normies know how left leaning Sweden is, so they won't necessarily associate their downfall with leftism.
how about you watch the sourch material without any narrator or propaganda?

>how about you watch the sourch material without any narrator or propaganda?
>people always tell the truth
don't let the enemy create your context.
Genau wie kann das bitte legal sein? Genau wie ist das keine Hetze?
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wow if only there was some sort of way to make these terrible immigrants not so terrible anymore...
Kannst du nicht lesen? Die sind gegen Rassismus.
So if all these refugees were so bad as /pol/ makes them out to be and the doom of germany and sweden is right around the corner, why are we not seeing suspicious market related shit going down? Where's the currency crash, where are the people pulling their assets out of the fire? It's because /pol/ is ALWAYS full of shit. No exception.
It does not matter who is responsible for this mess. The important thing is that people realise that the cause was their open borders policy.

Germans need an excuse to avoid the typical 'Nazi is on the rise again' bullshit we encounter everytime we do something contrary to the left narrative. A burning Sweden would be a great excuse.
Its not, but they are the governments SA so obviously they will not persecute them
Brazil has rich people, what is going to die is your poor and middle class, the exploiter capitalists will be there always.
>where are the people pulling their assets out of the fire?
Why would the people who were pushing for this pull their investments?
I would say it does actually matter quite a lot, because there is no point in getting rid of the illegals if people do not also understand that the ones encouraging people to enter the country illegally are in their midsts.
Then it becomes just a Sisyphus task where one side is constantly busy with fixing the problems the other side is causing.
Support pegida
Supprt AFD and bjorn hocke
>So - what can be done about the immigrant situation?

1. Present a respectable argument as the why Islam is not compatible with the values of secularism and personal freedoms

2. Do so in a way that never appeal to emotion or give the impression that you are heated. Use Islamic sources.

3. Ignore people who call you racist, bigoted, or xenophobic. The point is to get the people that can agree with you to agree with you, not to get everyone to agree with you.

4. Repeat ad nauseam that this is a anti islam message, not a anti muslim one.

5. Get people who agree with you to enter into a system of progressive mobilization. Get them to sign up to a website with a newsletter. Then, get them to participate in innocuous social event. Make these events frequent. Train them to physically move and participate in an incremental way.

6. Build a library of recommended book, historical, fictional, economical, etc. which all mutually support one another.

7. Encourage people to participate by writing down their own thoughts and giving speeches. Train them to be and feel involved. Create a reward system for the best rhetorician.

8. People of all color should be able to join. In fact, be especially welcoming to non whites who share your ideas or are receptive to them. All people with the right ideas are based.

9. Start using the mass thus acquired to create "community events" sponsored by the organization. Social event, community service, and so on. It should be done in such a way that the event highlight the pleasantness and gentleness of european ideal. Appeal to nostalgia should be diffuse and subtle. Thug lightly at the heart strings.

You need to do these thing in a single "cell" in a single city in such a way that the pattern is then repeatable elsewhere. "Cells" should work off the same template but be relatively independent, only loosely coordinated.
People often claim the system is rigged. So, if that's true how can the AfD make a difference?
By forcing the establishment to either make concessions to keep their voters or by radicalizing themselves even more to the point where they drive the voters away even more
>Those typical illiterate Nazis.
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we need another movement aside from pegida or AfD, the leaders have been retards beyond salvation, they have the nazi stigma which they themselfs contributed to, so people are afraid to join them.

you'd have to destroy the pegida leaders, get rid of all obvious nazi members, so that people can join a movement which seems more neutral.
I have no work, i suffer from depression and other stuff for years, i have no social status, no money, nothing to loose. Although i look not like such a person. I can inviltrate nearly every social sphere without looking out of place.
I do have friends, and i do not care about PC talk, i always speak clear and open without fear, and i don't care if i get called a nazi or whatever...
I've been telling the people the truth since 9/11, if they want to hear it or not.
Or rather i don't tell them i ask the right questions.
Giving a man the "truth" is like giving fish to the hungry, instead of teaching how to fish.
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And here we go again ...
Germany's capacity to take in refugees is limited, Schaeuble says

Germany needs to send a message to the world that it's reaching the limit of its capacity to help Europe's flood of migrants, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Sunday, as he advocated restricting family reunions for Syrian refugees.
Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, who is also leader of the SPD, said it was important that the government first implement the measures it had agreed to rather than coming up with new ones on a daily basis.

"This creates the impression that in the German government the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing," he said.
Like I said.

Use the same methods as the ww2 resistance.

Spread red pilled information through PAper and internet. Gather people through fb and give them the link to the red pill poster.
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Schäuble is Merkels most important ally and Schäuble now supports Maiziere.

What a time to be alive.
Poeple will guild trio the population into thinking that it is bad and that we should attack ourself to let the inva.. Urm I mean the refugees rake it al.
lol, weniger als der VdU 1949 und weniger als die FPÖ 1986. Wird noch ein langer Weg für euch.
Holy shit
This senpai right here knows its shit.
It's 18% in the east.
The media will haunt you and try to find some dirt on you. Your resume does not look well. I will fight thr fight fir you my friend.
Leider sind Teilergebnisse nichts wert.
Regicide ?
Not sure just yet but Schäuble wants his Schwarze Null at all costs and the SPD and CDU aren't making it easy for him right now.
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Number of migrants per year overtakes number of births per year in Germany now...
Yeah jittery economy would really compound this mess!
Stündliche Erinnerung daran dass ich hier bald raus bin :^)
>being proud to leave your country just like that
I would at least wait until the next elections.
holy FUCK.

this means that in just a few decades there will be more immigrants than native germans in germany.

and that chart doesnt even differnetiate between native and non-native births.
Why would I? No matter where this country goes it will suck because Germans can't be moderate..

Either we let 1,8 Million Refugees in OR there will be some kind of radical right wing coup/takeover (because it won't happen democratically - you know that) and I don't want to be around when either of these things happen.

I never had much of a connection with "my country" anyways. With my home Bundesland? Maybe, but aside from that there are no national feelings.
The clever can play stupid, the reverse is not true.
Every man has to fight for his own salvation. My way goes through suffering. I'll get through and out of it.
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Wann hört es auf?
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Jop, leider. Traurige Zahlen eigentlich wenn ich bedenke, dass locker die Hälfte der Leute die ich kenne gegen den ganzen ganzen Flüchtlingswahn ist. Scheint wohl in den meisten Köpfen wohl immernoch eine Grenze zu geben die alles was rechter als CDU ist als unwählbar und Nazipartei ansieht.
Das schlimme daran ist, dass die CDU volkommen sozialdemokratisiert wurde. Realistisch gesehen gehts bestenfalls also 2017 genauso weiter wie jetzt (CDU), im schlimmsten Fall gewinnen SPD/Linke und wir enden wie Schweden.

Da ein AfD Wahlsieg unrealistisch ist, hätte ich mittlerweile wirklich nichts gegen einen Bürgerkrieg. Wenn nicht, bin ich raus und verdrück mich bis zur nächsten Wahl so weit weg wie möglich von dem ganzen Kram.
Wie siehts in Norddeutschland aus? Oder muss ich da schon aus Deutschland raus?
Okay, bin mal eben wieder da. Haue mich gleich ins Bett, wollte mich nur nochmal eben melden.

Habe innerhalb von einer knappen Stunde mir gerade ein Programm zusammengebastelt, das /pol/ automatisch nach Threads durchsucht, die mit Deutschland in Verbindung stehen. Sollte es einen finden, wird der Thread heruntergeladen und gespeichert. Werde das ganze vermutlich noch überarbeiten, funktioniert soweit aber ganz gut.

Habe mir überlegt, eventuell in den Winterferien ein paar Sachen zusammenzustellen, mit denen man Leute redpillen kann und werde dazu wahrscheinlich dann die Quellen aus den Threads oder Bilder verwenden.

Vergesst auch nicht: Informiert euch über die NWO. Versucht, Dreck über Merkel zu finden und schaut, wieso sie Deutschland hasst.

Bleibt wach, meine Freunde!
Wie lernt man technische Wörter? Natürlich aus Uni
raus. sogar der Osten wird zugesiedelt und die Schweden haben die Grenze "dichtgemacht" indem sie den Asylanten keine Unterkunft mehr garantieren, sodass es einen Rückfluss geben wird.
seriously do the fucking camp thing

we're only going to put the unruly ones in there too, the well behaved ones can have a little Damaskus in every city, like who cares. they'll be right wing voters to boot.
Muss hier kurz was testen, sorry

sz = ß
ae = ä
oe = ö
ue = ü
CDU and SPD will still win 2017. The german population is in full brainwashing mode at the moment.

Ich frage mich weil ich dachte dass, viele Türken usw nicht wirklich Bürger waren?
>work all day
>6 days a week
>come home after 10hrs
>use 30mins of free time to browse 4chins
>see this shit. >>55265406
>30mins are up, have to go to bed bc wörk tomorrow

And it is like that for WEEKS now. How to stay sane?


You can start by coming to Greece and defending the sea border when stooping them is easiest.

Or give us money to do so and adopt the proper rhetoric.
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What about Thilo Sarrazin? Germans should vote people near him to take over the social democrats.

This 3 minute clips is the best way imo to redpill sjws on the current migration madness. It describes the absurdity of the current policy and offers a simple solution on how to fix it.
Türken sind eigentlich viele verschiedene Völker. Manche sind wirklich gute Menschen. Ich glaube selbst nicht, dass Türken und Syrer zu schlimm für uns sind.

Ich selber will nur keine Nigger, ganz ehrlich. Erstens glauben sie, dass sie was besseres sind, weil sie durchschnittlich mehr Körperkraft haben. Zweitens sind sie von Neid zerfressen.
Sind es nicht eher die Weißen die von Neid zerfressen sind weil BBC jedes Weibchen in einem Umkreis von 1km anlockt? ;)
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Ich möchte runter von dieser Fahrt.

>Türken und Syrer zu schlimm für uns sind
Kek, ich glaub du kennst nicht genug Türken.
Eigentlich ist es eher andersrum, jedes ausländische Mädchen hier will einen deutschen Mann. Und für die Unterschicht der deutschen Weiblichkeit bleibt dann halt nur der Matratzensport mit einer südländischen Mannhure, die keine richtige Familie hat.

Ich wohn im Schwabenland, wir haben traditionell viele Ausländer hier und es kriegt wirklich jeder Depp eine Arbeit, egal was für ein Bauer aus welcher Ecke der Welt er ist.
>sind wirklich gute Menschen

geh sterben du affe
Ich wär lieber ein Affe als ein räudiger Slawe.
To your tricolor is ugly as shit, please fix it.
denk mal kurz nach Murat wer wohin "flüchtet"
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>So - what can be done about the immigrant situation?

Get rid of women's suffrage.
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Dating situation in Germany

hört mit dem meme auf, Schwarze sind schwächer als Weiße, jede Kraftsport wird von Europäern und Slaven dominiert. Schwarze sind nur bessere sprinter
>you guys cant even enjoy a movie without the bad guys having german accents and what not
I don't know about non-Hollywood movies, but in Hollywood, the bad guys always get British or Russian accents (or, what an American thinks a Russian accent is, at least), and any German bad guys are east German communists.
germany is lost
even the party of merkel, cdu, says that germans will become minority in a few years

game over
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Going to disagree with the points about challenging Islam. I'd say that it would be better to play to the unease and unrest of people with more abstract admonishments of society, until they are dissatisfied enough to not reject an anti-Islamic message out of hand.

Think of how Jews plant messages. It's all about being subtle and getting people used to it, then when it happens, they will not think anything of it. It's way more effective than a bold strike.
just gonna leave this here, fellow germanbros
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Schießt den Nazis in die Hoden, Deutsches Blut auf deutschen Boden
lol what are tard
Holy fuck.

She looks so fucking uncomfortable, why do this shit then
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KENNT IHR DIESEN HANS ENTERTAINMENT MOMENT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGjy3vu5z2w
Women are truly the cancer killing western civilization.

She is seriously that dumb, she never considered that there will also be unattractive immigrants. She waited for the alpha sheik dick in her overused stinking vagina, but she'll get the gang rape by dirty goat fuckers instead.
Ive heard from a friend that Germany has this huge political violence going on and protests and rage on the streets

Whats going on here?

S-Stay strong, Germanons...
right winger lies
So Germany isnt waking up yet?
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Make fake accounts, post this link under all
>Die Grüne
>Die Linke
pages, including their youth wings and other shit. SPAM IT so at least SOME PEOPLE will see this shit.


Kauft euch
>Pfefferspray (auch für eure Mutter, Schwester, Freundin, ...)
SO LANGE ES NOCH ERLAUBT IST! Wir Deutschen sind entwaffnet was Schusswaffen angeht, also rüstet euch aus so gut es geht.
rednecks burning (planed) refugee centers nothing more yet
People are ready for direct attack on Islam, as it's an ideology most people are actually in conflict with. They wouldn't want it for themselves.

There's some resistance because of their innate xenophilia, but they'd understand the principle, and many people would accept the message.

Anything else would take too long.

Furthermore, you want to challenge Islam directly for other reasons. I've spoken of "defensive" propaganda, but offensive propaganda, that is, against people who believe in Islam, also has to be waged. Attacking Islam directly tend to bring out the most obnoxious of their member, which we need to do.

The cultural subversion that has happened to the west is also taking place within the westernized muslim community, and we really need to drive that wedge in like a motherfucker.
These threads are ploys to slide the truth to the bottom:



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>Women are truly the cancer killing western civilization.
imagine the pinkeye you'd get after that
Well, we went from silent approval for burning down asylum centers to silent approval for skinheads bashing niggers faces in with baseball bats. PEGIDA protestors have made gallows with hangman's nooses, with signs saying: "reserved for merkel" (chancellor) and "reserved for sigmar gabriel" (our vice chancellor). They have also pissed off our minister of justice (a radical leftist shill) and compared him to Goebbels. People are pissed everywhere.

It can only get better.
its actually 100.000,
Has anyone ever suggested to take Auschwitz to good use again?
Make a large concentration camp for all the nignogs to keep them calm and quiet.

You're already fucked Germany. You're women are already putting out to immigrants.

Don't think so. 1 minute of google shows this:
25-54 years: 41.7% (male 17,116,346/female 16,664,995)

Viel glueck, meine Herren. Ich hoffe dass die Horde werde ausrotten.

Gott mit dir du!

made me laugh
>*dass die Horde ausgerottet wird

Do you even german bro?
ay senpai
Grow some balls and join Pegida to begin with.
who is this guy?

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