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ITT: Buzzwords That Rumble Your Jamies
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You are currently reading a thread in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>entrenched sexism
>ITS 2018!!!!

>male privilege
>male aggression
But I like those words. Doesn't mean I'm on their side though.
>common good
>endangered Roma population
>Kosovo is a country
>Volkdeutschers were innocent
>Foibe was not necessary
>bro culture
>postcolonial socialization

oh, and it's not a buzzword, but I hate it when SJWs engage in intellectual acrobatics in order to defend the misbehavior of minorities.

>Statistically, black people are much more homophobic and violent than white people
Since buzzwords and subjectivity now drive the world, how will the future look like when reality kicks down the door?
>wrong side of history

More of a 90s word but it still makes me want to murder anyone who uses it to this day.
>as a (insert special snowflake status) i feel...
>anything by Apple
One fucking word: Islam.
>CIS White male (used as pejorative)
>*insert special snowflake term here*

Surprised it hasn't been posted already desu senpai
>>wrong side of history

Social Media (Mobile chat apps)
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this, on so many fucking levels
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>ALS bucket challenge
i rather like microaggression actually I use it with every one of my lefty friends whenever they say anything I disagree with

I'd add bigot to the list though
>vaccine debate
>abortion debate
>NSA debate
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