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Any experience with IFPO?
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File: ifpobanner.gif (12 KB, 435x120) Image search: [Google]
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I was thinking of getting a Press Pass from the International Freelance Photography Organisation (website- www.aipress.com). It would get me access to photographer only areas, among other things.

Anyone here have any experience with them?

Pic semi-related, one of my newbie works with a Pentax KS-1, criticism welcomed.
I tried to upload one of my pictures but 4chan kept crashing subbed with IFPO banner
Either you have the kit and look like a photographer and can just walk in places or you've shown up at a gig which needs prior arrangement but in my experience a press pass that isn't from a local organisation isn't worth shit
A 'press pass' from IFPO is worthless. It's as legitimate as something you make yourself in Microsoft Paint and print off at home.
Just say you are a blogger/freelancer and talk your way in.
File: 1459804123386.gif (3 MB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 500x500
Nigga, if they can't even maintain a modern website, how likely do you think it is that they are a legit business?
That looks like such a scam.

I'd just make a fake one.
There's a number of other legit pay-to-join organizations/associations that offer a Press Pass, but even those are worthless, although you do sometimes get other cool stuff. Make one yourself and create a website.
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