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Hey guys. About 1 year ago my laptop's hdd broke down and
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Hey guys.
About 1 year ago my laptop's hdd broke down and with it went years of my work. About 60gb of raw photos and some jpegs were lost. Tried recovering them with no success. I looked at the hdd and it seems to have some burned out pins. Is there any way to recover them all? Ever since this happened I basically quit photography because I feel to depressed. I tried to reproduce some of the shots, but its not the same.
I thought maybe some of you had this problem before. also /g/ has no clue what a raw file is
It doesn't matter what kind of file you're recovering. The principles are the same.
backup your data fucking idiots,

or shot b&w, they can last 500 years
Shooting film means that all of my images are backed up in a stable archival format, that increases in quality every time I access it (assuming my scanning camera/lense/technique continues to improve).

Film uber alles.
Try downloading a program called Test Disk, It's recovered some things other programs couldn't for me.
If the board/pins on the disk are actually toasted, you might still be able to get a replacement board and repair the disk. Make sure it's from the exact same make, model, size, speed, etc.

If you're lucky, the hard drive will still have the data on it. If not, then you've learned a valuable lesson.
sucks though if there is a fire or other disaster at the archive.

I do backup my film scans twice locally, and then upload a copy to the cloud.
>>60GB of raws
>>years of photography

it's fine, you weren't doing much photography anyways. and there is plenty of time left in your life to take more great shots.
Well I bought my first DSLR in 2012 and started doing raw in 2013
also some of the places I shot are no longer accessible or have been destroyed
will try it out
Well this is why it's always important to keep publishing your best work.
Once it's out in the world, it's often there forever.
It's wise to keep those you actually want to process and delete everything else, this way you don't have to keep 10TB of RAWs only to never process them.
I use a flag system, 2 stars and above means process and export, 1 star is an intermediate flag kept for might process unless there is a better shot and no stars practically means worthless so I can delete them.
Saves up a lot of space and helps keeping the photos organized.
yea man I do that. deleted a lot of stuff I took because some of them were failed experiments or just plain boring
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