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I now regret selling my Leica lenses
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I now regret selling my Leica lenses
oh shit its actually on sale now?

also the video said it would work with any manual lens just get an x->lecia adapter
TGFW sony makes a better leica than any of the leicas today.

Yeah, basically anything that has a Leica adapter for it like old Canon and Nikon lenses.


It's not really Sony's doing, rather the hacking community.
>lenses have a perfectly good focusing scale
>uses molasses speed AF instead
>on an adapter

Sasuga /p/ee
>zone focusing
>muh street
when will the meme end?
Pentax did this before.
Tair 300 photosniper with AF mm...
Why did you sell them in the first place? For the price of that adapter you can buy a lens.
Or the chemotherapy for the cancer the Leica "glow" causes.
Who the fuck came up with the idea to have the front element made from thorium glass?
Even Takumars have the radioactive elements covered most of the time, either by the rear cap or by the camera itself.
Leica glow is not the result of radioactivity. Also how is a radioactive takumar any different from a leica? They both have rear caps and cameras in the way.
Leica spreads radioactivity from the front element. You can cover it but then you can't take photos.
Don't go with your old Leica glass near government buildings, they might ask you to cover it after they shot you dead multiple times.
So do takumars.
you're an idiot for not checking

at that rate if you sleep with the lens near your face it would take you tens of years to become an x man
From the rear element, spreading back into the mirror box, blocked by the mirror, shutter and the camera itself.
They are also radioactive from the front.

They can still detect it and ask with bullets.
>Why did you sell them in the first place? For the price of that adapter you can buy a lens.

I sold them years ago to switch away from Leica M.
You did right, brother.
So did Contax on the AX.
However, this is the first time we're getting this shit without serious drawbacks - Pentax's version was a teleconverter and Contax's version had very limited travel.
Let's ignore the 1.3x and the IQ degradation just because...
1.7x actually.
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>using a crippled autofocus system
Damn homie...so close
>it would take you tens of years to become an x man
>tfw sleep in the same room as my Leica
>tfw I have mutated cells
It could happen to you.

It's worth it.
> crippled
> it still works with AF-C
Pick one
you have the choice of using AF as opposed to none before.
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Average Rangefinder focus.jpg
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Thorium is not a danger to you, the reason it was phased out is because of the danger the ground dust presented to workers producing and working with these lenses in the factory, not to the consumer.
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