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hey /p/ Shooting a bridal shower in what may be a cramped basement
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hey /p/
Shooting a bridal shower in what may be a cramped basement party room.

What are some disadvantages you've had to overcome during events? (weather, small venue, lighting, lack of experience when first starting...)
Not having at least one prime lens
Using popup flash since i didnt have a real one yet

Investing in speed lights was one of the best things I did for my photography and taught me lots about shooting manual
Having to poop.

Not trolling or joking.
Oh man, if it can go wrong, it probably has gone wrong.

One time, I got to my destination 3 hours late because I got to the gate for my flight on a regional jet, and they said the carry-on space was full and I'd either have to check my camera bag or wait for the next plane. I waited for the next plane, because showing up late is better than showing up without working gear.

Another time, I was shooting a 3-day event at Laguna Seca, and had to drive to San Jose and back (2+ hours each way) on the first day after realizing that the 500mm I'd rented wasn't working right and so I had to swap it for another one at the rental place. (Thank fuck Borrowlenses was within driving distance and I wasn't out on the other end of the country.)

I once had a real scare when my main camera's AF went crazy during an event. I freaked out for a few minutes and then realized that a big ball of lint had somehow ended up on the AF sensor, and a quick blast with a blower fixed it right up.

I've done stupid shit too, like forgetting my laptop at home before a week-long event and having to go buy a cheap netbook to back my photos up through. (I remembered my external drive but not my computer itself.)

I've had editors fuck up and not get me a pass, or get me the wrong kind of pass. (IE a press pass but not a photog pass.) Fortunately the press people at most of the venues I cover know me well enough that they're usually able to work things out for me.

Oh, how about corrupted cards? I've only had it happen during real shoots a couple of times, and fortunately recovery software saved my ass. I won't touch a camera without dual card slots anymore.
get drunk and take 10 mg of xanax, use disposable camera
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I've always loved this pic and it makes me sad that I'll probably never snap a guy with an uzi after an assassination attempt. And if I do get the chance I'll probably leave my lens cap on or still have my camera set up for night-sky photography.

20 sec exposure
ISO 3200
manual focus infinity
2 second timer on shutter

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i know this feel too well
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