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I am doing my first nude photoshoot tomorow. The model is very
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I am doing my first nude photoshoot tomorow. The model is very beautiful and lewd.

should i use duct tape or electrical tape to secure my penis to my inner thigh?

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Probably both just to be safe.
just cut it off you amateur
if youre doing it right, you'll be too busy for boners.

if youre doing it righter, she'll want the D.
The nude model will be highly offended if she doesnt see you getting a boner.
This is like the most common mistake amatuers make on their first nude shoot and guarantees the model will never shoot with you again.

I recomend some loose fitting pants and no underwear so the model can clearly see your boner and know she is producing good images.

Good luck on the shoot.
another top tip is to mount a flash on the end of your erection

this is what all the pros do
You gotta use crazy glue to glue your dick to you thigh the sweat from your legs will make it fall out and itll be flopping all over the place
this sounds incorrect in some contexts and correct in others
/p/ - Penis
not right on the skin
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I used to see a model leak some drool on a chair.
A nude shoot will always have an awkward moment, just get over it.

Was that her?
I was shocked at how non-arousing my first nude shoots were. Attractive girls, but it felt so clinical almost, I was just totally in the zone. Standing around / chilling before after, sure, the mind definitely wanders. But actually shooting I was way too focused.
Important to keep the heating up high so she's comfortable and not chilly and mad. Don't forget that while you're dicking around with your camera and dick, taking care of the model is important so give her water, also.
A friend was telling me a story about a nude photoshoot of a male exotic dancer she experienced. He wanted to fluff himself up a bit; in the process, he helicopter dick'd and whipped precum all over her apartment.
I don't think he's photographing lizards
I know you're just making a funny joke but he's giving good advice for those who are interested. Warm skin looks better on camera and it's hard to estimate just how cold people get when they're wearing very little.
be gay, m8
laser thermometer

ma dad had a laser thermometer an fair go clype me fin the neighbour's dog wis too caul

puir dog had the thinnest cwyte fur this hine north

jis aweers yon shit aat her aroon the clock an aweers various heaters aat her dowpie
don't sweat it bro, it happens to those on either side of the camera
i bet they would be naked lizards, though
but yeah, keep the heat up. or better yet why don't you hang out naked in your studio for an hour and see if you feel like posing and smiling with the heat off. your model is the most important thing in the room, and should feel that way even if they are a jerk.
Did you have a stroke while typing that
does it make the situation less awkward for the model if i also get naked?
This image in BN is of helmut newton photographer -file dscf7802
I think he's Scottish. It's basically the same thing though
You're going to post results right?
i made it up
i spent the day in my room masturbating
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squeeze one off before the shoot if you need to, sometimes it helps. But eventually everyone pops a boner, I did weekly figure classes for 3 years and it wasn't till sometime in my third year when I couldn't keep a leash on it. keep an apple box or chair around to put your leg up onto if you think you need to conceal it.

wrong, she should have a blanket or something worm between shoots, ie. take a break every 12-24. but the room or area should be cold to get the real perky nipples.

>Warm skin looks better on camera
using the blanket method there is a golden moment before goosebumps pop when the blood rushes to the surface and gives a nice pinkish colour to the skin and simulates arousal.

laughed a bit too much there

It's just a naked woman, if you get a boner you need to get out more. DESU, just jack off 2-3hrs before, get your 2hr rebound boner, then it'll stay down until later. Just don't think about fucking her and be professional
>2hr rebound boner
is that a thing
this is worded strangely
also feed her a bowl of eggs so she isn't hungry and don't let her leave unless she eats the whole bowl of eggs.
I love /p/
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Where are my fucking pics OP?
I usually get one after like an hour but I always thought that was just me.
Use a chastity device, the answer was so easy.
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Nigga what the fuck happened to you?

That image gave me the best laugh this week.

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Hate to say this, but you will soon find-out that it's just work - You won't have time to be aroused - Sorry Man :(

If you still are worried - use the duct tape - electrical tape is not made for moist areas :)
Any news OP?
I want to see this girl.
Wank off, like really hard, right before. Then again during.
Rubber cement

it depends on your looks

if you're good looking and not overweight, or have an average looking face but have a good physique, she will get happy you get a boner, and she will even pose seductively to tease you, if this is want you/she wants from the photos then that's good

but if you're ugly or fat, she might feel repulsed and think you're just taking pictures of her to masturbate, and she will become less cooperative
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Just fap before shooting.

Tell her to spread ass then fap.
would she have agreed to do a lewd/nude shoot with op if he was fat or ugly in the first place?
maybe he is a decent photographer with an appealing body of work.
or maybe he is paying her well.

how the photographer looks is rarely an issue.
helmut newton wasn't exactly a spring chicken, for example.
I can only second this. If an awkward silence hits in and you can see your model getting a bit self-aware you can always make her feel more confident by telling her how your pants are getting way too tight, or mention in a casual voice right after a break how you were forced to milk your snake. It helps to establish a more personal atmosphere and tells your model shes doing great the same time. After the shot offer to take a shower together.
>not doing no fap and no porn for dat dere gains
I bet you also fell for Ss+gomad with that mentality
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