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Puppers innawoods general
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Thread replies: 206
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In this thread we post pictures of our pooches in the woods, we rate other doggos, and we ask questions about puppers.

I'll start. My dog lives hiking, but the next day spends a lot of time chewing on her paws. How can I keep my puppers feet healthy innawoods? I don't think she would wear boots.
Wouldn't ticks be a serious issue?
Coconut oil on dog foot
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That's why you give your dog flea and tick prevention measures. Either a collar or medication.
It still doesn't keep all ticks away. You must always check doggos thoroughly for those nasty little shits
The medication I use keeps them all away. Fleas, ticks, ect. Selamectin is the med. Actually kills the ticks as soon as they bite, so they never latch on. It also kills and prevents heartworm.
>off leash
Hope he doesn't step in a wolf trap ;)
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When you get back check inbetween its toes and the pads for cuts and grass seed.

Pic related is my doggos
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My pupper at Dominguez Canyon, Colorado.
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I have a question. Whenever I take my dog backpacking she doesn't eat her dry food. To make sure she eats I have to pack her canned wet food. Anyone have a good idea for getting to eat her regular dry stuff while /out/?
is she getting enough water? she might be doing more exertion than usual and thus losing more water
It's a dog it will get hungry, wait it out or let it eat what it can find
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Commencing out dog dump
My dog is awesome at out
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1.5 year old. I'm working on training her now. She's getting better at coming while discracted. And he doesn't mind her back pack. I go to the local trails at 6 am and off leash her. And blah blah blah.
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Wrong picture.
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Like anyone's going to identify you...... Or care enough to try.
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this is 4chan I am anon
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Where is pupper?
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Why bunnies?

Slingshot grouse
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Packing canned food is madness. Get your dog a pack and make it pack its own damn food and water. And some of yours too. They need to pay the rent somehow.
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My doggo only chews his paws when he's got ice lodged in the fur. You can get dog boots if its a major issue.

speaking of boots
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Very cool anon. How does your dog cope with the heat in that climate?
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And I'm done.

As you can see my wife and I do a ton of shit out with our dog. He's so awesome and never bails on a day fishing or hiking even if my human friends do. Couldn't ask for a better out companion.
Human version when? I want this drug
Future food. Bunnies.
You need to transition it across to dry food either full time or in the fortnight before you go
The one in the middle looks like it could lose some weight. Load up her pack with more stuff to increase calorie burn and watch what you put in her dish.
Is that safe? Putting bunnies in the same cage as a big dog? They get spooked easily and have no where to hide.

These puppers are so damn cute looking..I want a comfy o
/out/ dog.
That's fucking fantastic.

this is 4chan. No one is taking a risk. /b/tards do shit on a whim and seemingly small stuff can turn into a shit storm. No thanks.
Any of you use gps collars?
Love how this one looks so majestic and knows to pose for the camera.

Aww, he looks tuckered out. :3

Very majestic
More tuckered out dog.

Wish I could be that happy
Guess my other post doesn't matter then. Poor bunbuns D:

Living a true dogs life

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day hike with the dug

1/what we climbed
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2/the top (it's pretty small)
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3/barrel roll
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Trying out one of these,, anyone got experience? Useful tool?
Keep your dumb ass dogs at home and off my trails
Nothing more annoying than some retard and thier dog off its leash running around.
I leave poisoned meat and treats on trails for you faggots to learn your lesson
yup it's how we trained ours, a combination of that, pet correctors (the gas spray stuff) and just lots of short sessions.

The best advice I can give is find out what your dog wants most, for us it was a tennis ball or cheese for one and corned beef for the other. Once you crack what they like training becomes easy
Nice, looks like fun. How does your pup like the harness vs a collar?

stay mad bro...I'll take my dog and have a better time than you
dogs are pretty /out/ faggot, why so salty?
That's a sexy pointer, broski.

I've got one with a similar color pattern, and she points great, but the retard WILL NOT drink out of a bowl while she's out.
No, she's a fucking princess, and prefers for you to squeeze water out of a bottle for her.
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I take my dog on long walks through the forest just to watch her scale twigs with her tiny feet.
Was dog sitting for a friend and took him up a mountain for shits & giggles.

This pointer is named Hunter but has never been used for hunting. He's also a pussy and won't go in the water. On the other hand you can't keep my golden out of the water. He'll jump in a puddle of spit.

The GSP is a great pet and friendly pooch otherwise. I like GSPs but would not get one myself since so much of our sport is conducted in sub-zero weather and ice-cold water conditions and dog clothes/accessories are a pain in the ass.
Love the colour of the moss and the dog.
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Could be something harmless like sap

That dog is neither native or indigenous

is this the poster for Sinister 3?
Good doge.
Fair. I live on the East Coast, so I don't have to bother with that.
Just love the fucking breed; had three so far in the family.
Nice mix of being an actual athlete of an animal, and a complete couch potato. GSP's are really into sitting near you and shit, and I love that because I'm empty inside.

What sucks is, and I don't know if this is breed specific or just due to pure-breeding, but two of our's have had problems with seizures.
Nothing more you can really do for them but hold 'em still while they flop around, keep them from hurting themselves.
Clickers can be good if used properly.

The retractable leash is retarded though. Get a proper nylon leash and train your dog to loose leash walk at heel.
this is 4chan you absolute madman
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I trained a German Shepherd to sled logs for my cabin.

>tfw she died on the back 40 with a rabbit in her mouth
>tfw the cabin we built together was burned to the ground by kids in the 1980s
top kek
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how old are you anon?
Nice thread and doggies. I don't have one but last year I hiked for a few days with a guy and girl and their two puggles. I am not into small dogs in general, or pugs or beagles specifically. But these two little motherfuckers had the hearts of warriors, I couldn't believe it. I was in the kinsmans in NH, one of the more rugged areas of the AT and these little bastards were like throwing themselves off boulders, rolling down hills, tearing through thorn bushes and brambles. It was really fun hiking with them.
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not mine
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Just today I was hiking with my dog and I stopped to get sand out of my shoes and my dog walked ahead, I don't think he knew I stopped. I got going and came up on him rolling on the ground "oh crap!!" He rolls in bear poop. When I yelled his name he got up and I saw the toilet paper. He rolled in human poop that looked like hang over whiskey shits. I hate people.
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>tfw planning my fist bike tour but can't bring my doggo
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My floofy dog
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He's tuff and does a good job keeping up and keeps my feet warm
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floofy to the max
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Niggas got real bad separation anxiety. It would be impossible to leave him while I went inside places to resupply.
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>I leave poisoned meat and treats on trails for you faggots to learn your lesson

t. /b/ tard in his parent's basement

Nice floofer
Anyone know the best dog poisons? Need stuff that c be hidden in sausage or dog food. Thz
Be careful champ. You might cut yourself on all that edge.
I really wanna take my aussie Shepard hiking with me, but he's never been. He's trained relatively well, about a year and a half old, any pointers?
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Here's Jackson. My 2 year old chocolate lab
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Here you go m8.

top fucking kek
Tried soaking your dry food with water?
My last pupper was really picky when it came to food. We never gave her anything other then dry food but she seemed to like it better if we poured some water in the bowl with the food
Dogs are fine but I'm fucking over shitty owners. They either don't pick up the shit or just leave plastic bags of shit on the trail and I hate being in the middle of nowhere and having a random dog run up on me with the owner saying "don't worry, he's nice!"

Pick up after your fucking dog and keep it leashed.
The way I trained my red heeler mix was by walking him on the leash with me for a bit and then letting him off. If he went off the trail into the bushes, I would call him and then put him back on the leash for a little while again. Eventually, he figured it out that he was supposed to stay on the trail with me. I don't know if this will work for all dogs though because my new dog doesn't get it, and I always have to keep him leashed on trails or else he'll take off and do his own thing until he eventually comes back to me.
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My old doge likes canoeing.
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Peace River.jpg
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And this is my new dog on his first canoe trip
What breed did you have before and what do you have now?
My first dog was a cattle dog mix. He died around this time last year, and a few weeks later I got my new dog. My new dog is a border collie mix. They both came from shelters, so I don't know exactly what breeds they were mixed with.
So egdy you might be unique one day
Fucking kek
Holy hell, these ones are really comfy.
Nice doggos, man.
this post is an insult to bizmuth
Nice canoe dog!
What's crazy is the file name you posted.


These two pics are from a 4-day float on the Peace River in Northern BC/Alberta.

I imagine yours is a different Peace River judging by the vegetation.
Thx dude. He likes to lick the fish.

We eventually re-homed the poodle. She was really smart and obedient but her personality was too laser-intense. She wanted to be pleasing you 24/7 nonstop fucking stare dog. We just didn't like her very much and grooming requirements were too much to handle.

If you're into plucking nasty poodle ears fill your boots I guess.

She could flush and retrieve but I like hunting my golden way better because he has a super-soft mouth and doesn't mangle the birds like the black bitch did.
10/10 want your puppers life
That's quite a coincidence! And yeah, Peace River in SW Florida. I've been doing day trips with my dad starting all the way upstream and working our way down until we get to the Gulf of Mexico. Going on another this weekend!

Your Peace River looks like quite a river. Where did you paddle? Closer to BC and not where it turns to the Slave River, I'd imagine?
Did she end up going to a hunting home?
Ask >>>/an/ :^)
Nice lol
Daww :3
Congrats, you're not b& anymore
No, but vet tech & acreage so it was a good fit
If you do this, just make sure that your pup eats right away. Bacteria grows ridiculously fast in kibble when it gets wet.
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>still not using dog chaps
Dogger daypacks are legit
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she does fine. I just make sure she is super hydrated and keep her drinking water every 15-30 minutes.
Are boarder collies a good breed for going out? Being Scottish, I've always fancied the idea of taking on a collie, but my fear is that they would need to be leashed at all times when out.
They need a ton of exercise and are far more suited to being a working dog than a pet. I've seen them out, but not very often.
my pupper >>798498 does great out off-leash. I only leash her when in the city and areas with heavy hiker/biker/dog traffic.
I'm not sure if it's just mine but she doesn't care for anything else while hiking except continuing down the trail.
They are very smart and teaching mine recall took about 30 minutes then about 1 hour at a dog park. If you are worried about exercise, buy it a backpack and have it carry 1-2 liters of water to help wear it out quicker.
You do need to have time each day for a walk or throwing a ball or training or else they will become stressed out and develop bad behaviors.
beautiful dog!
Is that a sluice box?
My border collie mix gets too excited and distracted by everything which causes him to not listen for shit. I can only let him off leash on the beach and on some trails that I'm familiar with and know whether there will be other people, dogs, or other animals. I'm not sure what he's mixed with since he was a stray, but it looks like he might be part pit bull.
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My doggo in Barnegat Bay, NJ
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aww yeah. the pupper and me go up clear creek outside of denver and do some panning and sluicing.
Sounds max comfy. You get anything good?
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Commence dump
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Checkd myself
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He was 13
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Checkd 2
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Rip Sprocket dog
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The end
Love that place

Labs a best
>Use dog to carry a small baggage.
Hmmm. Why have I never thought of that. Are these special doggy backpacks?
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why dog in cage :(
Tick vaccination exists?
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i bet one would be easy enough to make
Lyme disease vaccine for dogs exists but not for people.

Sounds like an allergic reaction to something. It isn't plausible to keep boots on or keep him away from everything while hiking. Let your vet know, they may prescribe or suggest allergy meds to use on an as needed basis.

Yes, monthly flea/tick meds help but those fuckers can still catch a ride so check for ticks after.

Some dogs won't eat if stressed or in a new place. I had a foster dog like this, took her 3 days to eat in my house. If that is the case, they sell wet dog food in plastic packets, which would honestly be much lighter than dry food.

No not really especially since the dog is still in training.

Clickers are good; it's to mark a behavior much more accurately than the delayed time a reward can be given. Any verbal cue can work in lieu of a clicker but at least a clicker is always constant. Definitely read a book on it first before plunging in.
I hate retractables though. Gives you little control of the dog, the differing lengths can confuse dogs on a walk, they break easily, and it's very difficult to pull your dog back when needed if there is 20ft of line.

They can be, but they are not weekend warriors. They strive best with a job. If you are looking for one, I'd suggest a border collie rescue; so many people get these dogs because hurr durr smart and then find out the dog is wayyy too much for them.

Recall is probably the most important thing to perfect. Even if your dog runs off into the woods, tries to chase things off, tries to eat shit it shouldn't, tries to greet strangers etc at least with a good recall you can get the dog back to you.
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We went swimming today. These pics are not from today but from another time.
Cute dogger!
Is it true that most places in the US require you to keep your dog leashed basically everywhere, even in national parks and forests?
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There is nothing I enjoy more than listening to a pack of beagles on a rabbit. These are 2 yr. old littermates. Their tails bleed from wagging in the briars.
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My bouldering buddy chilling with me by some petroglyphs.
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This was this weekend. My dog is very small.
goldens are the best dogs ever. i had one he would run up to people and growl/bark "ruv ruv ruv"and i would say "hes nice thats his friendly bark." literally the nicest and smartest/dumbest dog ever. he would wait at the bottom of the steps until the last family member got home for the night and then go upstairs to sleep; somehow he knew if one of us wasnt coming home that night. we took the fence out of our yard one time and left the gate for the next day. he stood at the gate and wouldnt go around where the fence used to be until we opened the gate. he was the best part of my childhood and i miss him so much.
Their noise is music. I wish there was more beagling in NZ
yeah, they are great.
i have this one >>803529
she greets people she likes by showing her teeth and wrinkling her nose.
that kind of smiling is irritating for many people.
She also did the thing with sleeping upstairs when she was younger.
>Recall is probably the most important thing to perfect.
If your dog has a strong prey drive and chases things it shouldn't, you need to adequately discourage this behavior. Same if they go up to other people or strange dogs after you tell them not to/without your permission. If your dog doesn't stop whatever it is you're doing to come to you as soon as you call, its recall isn't good enough.

Assuming the dog is already trained otherwise, a great way to do this is to recall them periodically (not too often) for no reason and then reward them for returning to you with food. This also breaks any association the dog might have between returning to you and bad things--going home, being scolded for lack of recall, etc. It's important that you reinforce returning to you as a good thing for the dog.

If they fail recall you have to adequately punish them, and by that I mean with something that overrides the value of whatever novel thing they failed to recall for. Lack of a treat doesn't meet this requirement because they get treats elsewhere but can't chase rabbits (or raccoons, or deer, etc.) anywhere. My go-to punishment is to put them on leash for a set time when they fail recall. Works even better if you have another dog that's already well behaved, both as an example of how to act and a way to make the on leash punishment more effective. It works because you are taking away the fun parts of the hike entirely. If they fail recall a second time, I usually put them on leash until the end of the hike.

If the dog has too high of a prey drive and will always chase things, you may need to consider an e-collar. If you do so, make sure you do your reading for how to properly use it.

Also consider hiring a professional--make sure you go to class with your dog because a major part of training is learning how to handle your dog yourself, because training is constant and needs to be maintained forever.

During the training hikes you take a new dog on, it's best to keep them short (under three hours) and have a well behaved dog along with you. Don't take more than one dog per handler, and don't take more than one dog in training at a time.
Yes, in national parks and other populated outdoor areas. Retards with the giant idiot "DON'T WORRY HE'S FRIENDLY!!!" dog have ruined it for everyone. Most other places no, though.

Some places have laws which require the dog to be "under the owner's control" and either a leash or an e-collar fulfills that requirement. My state is this way and this is how I legally have my dogs off leash.
Spoiler alert, they give you cancer.

Inside meme joke
He looks like an old but really happy dogger.

One day maybe I'll have one of my own.
>My go-to punishment is to put them on leash for a set time when they fail recall. Works even better if you have another dog that's already well behaved, both as an example of how to act and a way to make the on leash punishment more effective. It works because you are taking away the fun parts of the hike entirel

Thank god that's the punishment. I got spooked for a moment.

>wanting to hurt doggo
Fuck you, man.
File: image.jpg (3 MB, 3264x2448) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 3264x2448
It's a girl but yes she is quite old but still very happy
Come on, man. Fuck you.
Don't take the b8 m8s

Golden Retriever right?
No my doggo, but yeah that's an old golden sweetheart
Yep. A very shaggy and lightly colored golden. Her parents and the rest of her litter were very copper colored. I know goldens are a meme dog but I can't imagine a dog with a better temperament than her's. She isn't very bright though.
I love 5/15-9/15 because your god-awful dogs are not allowed anywhere in public where I live. Not on leash, nopers, not at all. Dog owners are ignorant and I still carry my pepper spray just in case one of you self righteous aholes think you're above the law, booooom goes the dynamite, in your and your pupper's eyes.
Never knew it was a meme dog lol
My aunt had a golden that I liked when I was little. I was scared of all other dogs. I was told years later I took naps with my blanky next to her :3
Wew lad
Obvious troll is obvious
2/10 made me respond
>in 4H as kid
>cleaning rabbit cage
>set rabbits in other cage on ground
>dog walks by and sniffs the cage
>one rabbit freaks out, jumps
>leg caught in cage
>rips own leg off
>now it's screaming (rabbit screams are worse than pig screams, even)
>dad shoots it with .22
sorry to hear that, Great Grandanon.
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