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Hey. Me and my mates are semi-experienced wild campers. We've
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2016-04-03 11.02.50.jpg
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Hey. Me and my mates are semi-experienced wild campers. We've been on small trecks in the UK. We are well equipped and looking to venture into Europe.

We're respectful of the environment, so we're not so concerned about where is legal or not.

But are there any suggestions on picking a location? Preferably somewhere wooded, for obvious reasons (resources, concealment, weather).

tl;dr any advice on wild camping in Europe? Especially location suggestion.
>Messy campground with trash everywhere
>Oversized fire
>Shit-tier clothing
>Shit-tier tent
>Asking basic basic questions

Yep definately semi-experienced wild campers.
>respectful of the environment
>burning a whole fucking trunk
Choose one of the following

do not tell me you provide sex for this girl
Bieszczady polish part mainly
get a fucking job and stay outta the woods you filth
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there's actually woods you could go in and stay for years and never get caught, in northern England. But you're a JF who's never been here, :^)
>woods in UK
>a bunch of isolated secondary, or tertiary growth
But you're a limey namefag who's probably never seen a real wilderness
>wild camping in Europe

That's like car camping isn't it? I mean how far does one have to walk anywhere in Europe to get away from the parking spot?

I probably have more "woods" on my property than all of England.
That fire triggers me so much

>The french, why?
This. Holy shit.
There's literally garbage around that uncontrolled fire pit, if you can call it that because is literally a fucking log bigger tan the tent itself.

Hope you get sasquashed innawoods
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I hope you trip on those bottles, asshole
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>american "wilderness"
>come to /out/ first time and see this thread
>read OP
>read posts

I like this board already.
>all of that fucking litter
>burning an entire fucking tree
>not even putting up your shitty tent properly

Literally just go and kill yourself
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Hello there friend, welcome to our little community!
Oh, wowie... sounds like you're not that experienced when it comes to being respectful of the enviroment! But don't worry! As fellow outdoorsman I'm more than happy to help, so I marked with red everything thats wrong with your campsite so you can figure the weak spots :3

Now seriously, get some better gear (thats not well equipped), and don't pollute forests. There are other eurofags who need them.
Picking location? Campsite... and do some reading on Leave No Trace pretty please
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Americans have so bad geographical knowledge outside of the USA.
And you have autism

They also do so inside their country.


If this really isn't bait, well just do it like you would do it on your pretty little island. Southern Germany has some big forests (Bavaria, Kassel Region for example) where you can easily find a nice spot BUT tf is that fire doing there? Looks like its been going for hours when it's still bright daylight and it's over sized and - in Germany - if someone caught you that would piss them off most, if you'd just tell them you like camping and stick to the 'leave no trace' they'll most likely just let you camp there, even though it's not allowed.

Ah and also have fun with visa after the brexit.
>not allowed
surprise surprise.
>telling the people in this pic to come camping in your country

Kill yourself.
Norway or Sweden. You can can anywhere as long as you don't stay more than a night and clean up after you.
>Camping in Europe isn't so bad
>except it's illegal
sure buddy
>preferably somewhere wooded, for obvious reasons (list of obvious reasons)

powerful posting technique
A bunch of fools responding to obvious bait being obvious.

If you posted in this thread you are a fucking idiot. Pat yourself on the back.
We know its a troll...it's Friday. Steam needs to be released before we go fresh innawoods with a clear mind :)
>posting yourself on 4chan

What the fuck?
this isn't /v/ or /b/, have you not spent more time on normal boards?
This, I don't care if you are the best camper in the world, I cannot stand litter.
>Implying secondary or tertiary growth can't be good.

Most of the Eastern U.S. is the same way.
>>Shit-tier clothing
On a militaryphotos.net (while it was still online) I once read:
North face - best clothes for those who soon would need help from a rescue team.
And this is sims it up. You are not, what you are wearing.
This desu
>implying he meant north face and gore tex
>Most of the Eastern U.S
isn't good
Alright then don't go there. There are plenty of less pretentious people to enjoy it that actually understand ecological succession.
>ecological succession
would take centuries to restore most of the Eastern US

You need to do some reading about what it used to be like, or go someplace less trashed
agreed. i only go to untouched natural paradises like skyrim or minecraft
We will never be able to restore the land to pre-settlement times. Climate change has made that impossible, even with our very best efforts. Plus that "pristine,untouched wilderness" that you worship so much wasn't present then either as native american had a huge impact on habitats, they used fire to manage the land regularly. I know what the land surveys show from the early 19th century, yes it is different but old growth forests are still quite common. Yes they have been cut before but they have been allowed to return to a climax stage. Old growth =/= virgin timber.
sweden. rent a canoe. go enjoy shit. lovely place.
>early 19th century
too late
American Indian slash and burn agriculture was sporadic and isolated. They didn’t cut down entire forests, strip the bark, boil it, and dump the poisonous slurry into local waters. They didn’t kill billions of birds, depriving forests of their poop.
When you cut down an entire forest you remove a ton of fixed carbon and water that took millennia to build up. The land will be drier and less productive. It really does take centuries to re-grow.
Yes, nothing is pristine, there is only varying degrees of damaged, and parts of the Eastern US are pretty damaged. Are there worse places? Absolutely.
>native american had a huge impact
You can't seriously believe this.

There are still vast parts in the US that haven't been cultivated and these places are something else. That was the point of the argument.
Do not come here, don't mess up our woods!
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>We're respectful of the environment
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I don't know why but my instinct says punch him hard enough to knock his neckbeard off
I can and I do. Why? Because I have actually read early land surveyors notes and it was incredibly common to find evidence they left behind.
She looks like she is desperate to take a shit.
still fug her in the bum though.
>huge impact
>compared to shit western civilization does and did from the beginning

Sure thing, faggot. Piss off.
I never said it was negative, even the agricultural tribes practiced a lot of stewardship. But it is different than it would be without the 7 million people living on the continent.
Do you meet your friends at autists'R'us?
Does she go ass to mouth. Also who gets first dibs you or your m8

>hippy shirt
>camo pants


The main problem with their fire is that there's only 1 jew in it.

Girls don't shit innawoods anon, didn't you know that? It always makes me kek watching them get more and more desperate, turning down offers of coffee, asking how soon we're going to pack up kek

Sometimes I wonder if they'd just shit themselves if I chucked some laxative in the bannock kek
You've never been on a real hike, right?

Not with a female. Every time I've been /out with a woman it's just been an overnighter or 2-3 nights at the most, and they're usually the squeamish types.

I'd love to go on a long hike with a grill that is better acclimated to nature and doesn't slow me down, but alas I have yet to meet one.
I've been illegaly camping for years now and i've never been caught, just clean up everything, don't burn super smokey fires in places with paranoid people and keep everything packed in your backpack in case of a quick escape.
>in case of a quick escape
Sure sounds fun.
make sure you cum inside her.
>not with a female

your fedora is showing


Read the rest of the post, that might help you a little

>cannot into comprehension
Throw everything you wear and have, including your clothes, and yeah maybe

Been camping lots of times in Netherlands and Germany, have been caught 1 times, got off with a warning. Fine for a wild camping is 90 euro's in the Netherlands. Germany, don't know how much it is.

Source, i'm dutch.
It is
Are you talking about public land? Some kind of national park with an entrance fee? Why the fine?
Prolly cuz illegal wildcamping

Whenever I'm overseas and get caught bending the rules I emphasise the shit out of my accent and apologise for not speaking their language. That and a cheeky wink usually gets you through. Although sometimes when they do speak English you have to pretend not to understand them to the point where they just give up, like I did when I got caught with no ticket in the Paris metro kek

yes public land. you can only legaly camp at a handfull of spots in the netherlands legal, they're called "Paalkampeerplaatsen" and are shitty barren pieces of land because retards like OP cut all the trees and litter.

That's why i camp behind fences, like on the Veluwe. We got caught once because we wanted to make coffee first and stayed to long. If you get up early you wont get caught, and if you do, just tell them you are walking from Place A to B, that is completely legit here because the distances are so short. (just be sure that you know the name of a nearby town ;))

What happened when you got caught? Any consequences?
>(Northern) Ireland
Choose one faggot
>living in constant fear of the man
holy shit, we really do take our freedoms for granted.
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>military pants
>hippy shirt
>trash everywhere

You can't just camp wherever you like in the US, either.

>You're already oppressed, you just don't realise it

hurr durrr land of the free.

> free camping vs healthcare and less than 0.001 percent change you get killed by a gun, i'm fine here thx.

Uhhh dude? I think you kinda missed the point there.
>northern england

kek you're dumb
He is probably high on pot and mad because some morrocan is fucking is blonde, pale skin sister. Such is life of the dutch sissy lads. Literally worse than britbongistan and gayrmany.
Give him a break.
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>be scandinavian
>read this thread

I've never known a dutch who was a nice person. Maybe my luck just sucks but your post got me thinking.
Swedes are assholes tho. They will litterally go out of their way to nose around in your business.
This, holy shit
Statistically, the farthest away from civilisation in germany you can get is 7 km. Im pretty sure this is a +- Statistic for the entiry of Western Europa.
> tl;dr any advice on wild camping in Europe?

A hatchet, axe and saw (chainsaws are probably illegal in the UK) so that you’re dropping gigantic logs into the campfire…
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I demand to know where this spot is.
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