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Utah Backpacking
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Looking to go on a spend a 5-7 days in Utah doing some backpacking / day hikes in Utah. Will be driving out from WA. I don't like people. Give me some idea /out/. I was thinking about doing Buckskin gulch and some Zion day hikes despite the crowds.
If you go to Zion make sure to hit angels landing. One of the best views I've had ever despite the crowds.
That's the one that's on my list to hit. I was thinking that and the subway then move onto to somewhere less crowded.
Just a heads up. Be prepared to stop and start quite a bit on the second half, the trail gets narrow and pretty precarious.
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Just how I like it
OP here. Grand staircase Escalante seems fairly uncrowded and has some good backpacking routes. Also considering buckskin gulch and coyote gulch.
This is what I was going to say. Grand Staircase is huge, goes WAY far into the backcountry, and you probably won't see anyone else once you pull off the main road. I just car camped there for a night, but drove way back in and you can get wayyy out there.

I actually just moved to Utah on a whim. Been here for 2 days and am looking for work and a place to live in the SLC area. Thinking about heading up to Antelope Island today and checking out the Lake. Anyone else live in Utah? I figured it has great /out/ stuff to do and it's a much smaller city than Atlanta. Less crime, less traffic, and not the killer humidity.
801 here. Down south has some great hiking and camping but I prefer it up north/east for the woodland hiking
Gotta be careful up north though. We've had a lot of Mountain lion sightings and trapping cases this year. They're getting super low, heading down as far as the mouth of Provo Canyon and American Fork main S
Best thing about Utah is you can literally go hiking anywhere. We have so much mountain range is legit. Choose ANY random canyon mouth and you'll have an amazing adventure. Utah has pretty much every OUT thing you could want to do and much more
Thanks, will keep my eyes out.

I was at a bar last night talkin to this dyke chick, but she was tellin me about all these places she and her friends have gone camping and hiking. I just need to find some work in the next few weeks, but other than that I'm pumped about all the /out/ opportunities. I'm hoping I can find some conservative chick around here too. The LDS thing is real though. I knew what to expect, but it's just weird having a single religion influence so much.
Yeah man. Utah here. Welcome to freedom. Now we need to set you up with about 10 guns.
Already got my S&W .40. Once I get a job and get settled into a place that isn't some shit extended stay hotel, I'll start collecting toys. I've been a lazy fat fuck the past few days, so I'm gonna get out this weekend and do some serious hiking. Maybe some fishing too if I shell out for the license.

Any particular places that you suggest I check out? I've gotta whip my ass back into shape... I've just been drinking and eating while I apply for jobs. Gotta get outta this rut. West Valley City is super hispanic, I have no idea there was such a high hispanic population here.
WVC holds almost the entire Hispanic population. I went to 11th 12th grade there. If you head towards West Jordan it gets better. Closer to the copper mine = lower population. West Jordan is nice, but under no circumstances live in Magna. The water is toxic and so are the people. Take bangerter hwy towards West Jordan go past 6600 and see what you find. I would offer to show you around, but I'm in Arizona working. Which is why I'm shitposting here.
The Needles and the Maze in Canyonlands are good /out places for backpacking.
I'm planning to move to SLC soon as well, I'm not sure I'll be able to handle all the freedom.
>those firearm regulations
>that hiking, skiing, and pants-shitting mountain biking (see Red Bull rampage footage - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FAuNcWSxuY )
>that census data that ensures I won't be relieved of my valuables
>that google fiber that's literally free with a one time installation fee
Just free my shit up family
I'm not permanent here yet, but I don't think I', gonna leave. Only been here 5 days. Need to really start hitting the job search hard next week. I went up to Antelope Island State Park today. Hiked 8 or so miles, one was a pretty tough 6 mile up Sentry ridge. At least tough for my currently fat ass that needs to get back into shape. Didn't know that about Google Fiber, that's awesome.

Only thing that has really surprised me so far is the amount of hispanics. I know you mentioned census data, and lord know I love having no blacks around here after living in Atlanta for most of my life. But 22% hispanic population. Most seem pretty cool, I'm staying in West Valley for the time being which is bigtime mexi-ville. I know SLC has a few issues with Mexican gangs, and it seems to be a more frequent thing, but still... nothing like the nigs of a big city on the east coast.

Welcome to the motherland, it's fucking gorgeous dude. There's too much to do, it's overwhelming. And I'm not even into winter sports yet since I've never really had the opportunity.
I'm looking for places on the east side of SLC, so that I can just hop onto 80 and get to the ski areas with minimal traffic. I'm sure the hiking will kick my ass as well since I'm used to small mountains...

I was trying to at least be subtle with the census thing, but yes I'd take 22% hispanic over even 10% black any day. All you need to do is drive a car that's not a target for theft (Honda's mostly) and you should be all good.

If they use the same plans as in Austin it's 0/month with $300 installation, or $70/month for the dank speeds.

Also given the strong religious segment of the population and the conservative type laws, I doubt UT will get as many CA transplants looking to ruin another good state now that they're done with theirs. Truly a haven for /out/
Yea, the LDS presence is real, but I'm all for conservative principles over the other side of the spectrum. I drove out east of SLC a few days ago to get an idea of what was around. Went from West Valley=>Lehi=>Heber City=>Park City=>back to West Valley.

It's gorgeous. A lot of the roads are still snowed in up in the passes except for the ski areas. Lots of state parks and most of the land out east of SLC is national forest and some BLM too. Weather is wild here too, never know what's gonna happen.
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Uintas. Highest mountains in the state
I'd rather be among "saints" than... well most of the 'murrican population.

Be careful in WV, that's where the hood is to say. Shit goes down in WV after hours, same goes for pioneer park
How would you feel about picking up a hitch-hiker in Spokane? I'm content staring out the window silently.
Was actually just reading the local news. Looked like 2 guys got stabbed on Friday about 2 miles from me, and a young woman was murdered about a mile from me last month. Lots of sirens around here, but they've mostly been fire. I don't fuck around in neighborhoods I'm not sure about. I'm always in my room by dark usually. It would appear this is kinda the hood area though, great... I have 2 more days at this extended stay, I might switch locations if I can find a place that costs about the same. I haven't had any problems yet, but there are a lotta people who just wander around during the day with nothing going on. I'll keep my eyes peeled, thanks man.
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