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My friend is thinking about either getting the bmw x5 or the
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My friend is thinking about either getting the bmw x5 or the porsche macan soon, which is a better squad vehicle (his parents are buying it for him)

>lnb4 bmwfag
Underage b&
Four of us will be taking a trip soon and we'll be only taking one car
wtf just buy a damn volvo if you just want a box to travel in. Why do you want bih 4x4?
>buying a car because of one trip you're about to take
Shut up and buy a civic.
He's white, he's rich, and looks at my g35 funny

more expensive and higher re-sale value.
the macan is fucking awesome from what i hear, in terms of driving dynamics for a crossover
the x5 is heavy and shit
>Four of us will be taking a trip soon and we'll be only taking one car

<-- buy this
>the x5 is heavy and shit

sad thing is, it isnt. i am the person who thinks BMW shouldnt make cars that isnt sedans or roadsters. i really want to hate the X5. i want it to be awful, and ugly (it is) and horrible to drive. but it just isnt.

i got a chanse to drive one, and wanted nothing more to mock it, and claim it was just a waste of metal that can be used for M3s. but, it drives much to well for a car that big, its powerful and the seats are fucking Volvo-tier. i mean its ugly and cant go really go offroad, but as much as i want it, it isnt shit

then again, its still big, ugly and unnecessary, and a 5er would be better at pretty much everything
And the money he saves buying a used one can be spent on the horrid gas mileage.
>my friend
>my friend
Holy fuck OP just leave and take your shitty taste with you
>friend is buying a car i don't like
>can't even think of better car on my own

Learn not to give a shit.
Jaguar F-pace, interior space as a X5 driving dynamics as a macan
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cadillac escalade2015.jpg
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this way better than porsche or bmw and preety rare on european roads
BMW product specialist here. The X5 has a sound system available made by B&O that has a tweeter in the dash that shoots a fucking lazer in the cabin to measure the cavity and where occupants are sitting to maximize sound quality. It can come in a 445hp 480tq V8 that will smoke 5.0 mustangs. And it's bigger then the Macan. Speaking as a BMW employee/fan boy it's by far the best X5 ever made. Look at one with the M sport package and in carbon black paint. The desil engine gets like 600 miles a tank and even the petrol straight 6 turbo scoots. I recommend dynamic handling package as it improves handling and can be put into comfort mode which improves the ride in the city. It's an awesome squad car.
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