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Thinking about buying a 2016 Toyota Corolla for my new DD/commuter.
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Thinking about buying a 2016 Toyota Corolla for my new DD/commuter.
Im sick of working on cars and having a Warranty would be nice.

Can anyone tell me what the difference is between trims and if anyone owns one?

Im on my phone, kinda buzzed, and BBQing some ribs in my backyard so i cant get to a computer atm.

Can post pics of ribs if anyone wants
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>"it's an automatic"
a bit boring, but reliable.
Pick two and only two.
Doesnt bother me, shifting in stop and go traffic starts to make my knee hurt after awhile

Yeah thats what im going for, i already own a 1982 Toyota Corolla

>tired of spending my weekends wrenching
I need to do other things Anon
don't pay attention to these dumb busriding faggots spewing their tired memes, OP. my brother has a 2015 for his commuter and he loves it. he has the highest trim/options and shit, not sure what it's called, but it's a corolla and has a warranty so you'll have 0 problems. go for it, its a quality econobox
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"it's fast, just watch! "
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>"it takes a bit of work to accelerate though"
>"let me just bring it up to 6000 rpm to pass this prius"
Yeah thats all im looking for.
I was already considering a Honda Civic since my dad owns a 2013 and its not bad but i kinda want to keep it in the Toyota family.
I already have a truck and another car that i can use as projects, both Toyotas lel
new Hondas are overpriced anyway.
I have a 2014 as my DD, and I love it. Get the S, the upgraded interior is worth the extra $$
Shut up and buy a civic for 3-4k. Pay someone else to work on it then. Warranties are pretty much worthless on an econobox. Nothing usually breaks in the first 3 years.
This car will be very reliable in all trims, as it uses the 1.8-liter that Toyota has been using for nearly two decades. but keep in mind it won't be that fun to drive. LE/S trims are basically the same with the exception that the S has a cosmetic package, and larger wheels.

The S won't be sporty or that fun to drive even though it is the Sport trim, but it will be slightly more fun to drive than the LE as it has Sport mode. Keep in mind that the L/LE will be more comfy than the sport models as well.

The L has manual AC/heat controls, while I believe all other trims have automatic climate control.

LE Premium and all the S's have leatherette seats if that is your thing.

The fastest trim is the LE Eco, 140HP. Not that fast compared to the competition, but faster than the other trims.

Toyota has dropped its long used 4 speed for a CVT on nearly all trims, so I recommend getting the S Plus trim in the 6 speed manual, or the L trim if you are on a budget and want the option between the 4 speed or 6 speed manual.

The Corolla you have pictured is the S Special Edition, it only comes with a CVT so I wouldn't recommend it. The only difference between the S and the S Special Edition is the black wheels and the special color inside and out.

Hope this helps
I got one of these as a rental car.

It handled so poorly it was almost dangerous, I needed to turn way more than I thought I would have to in order to make it around a turn. I'm not against autos but the CVT in this thing really sucks so manual or just get a lightly used Focus since American cars depreciate so much or just a Civic.

I don't see any reason to buy one of these to be honest.
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>get the S
What features do they have that the Base doesnt?
>implying id buy a Base
Sorry, on my 6th Corona

Nope nope nope.
I already have enough shit to deal with my other 2 cars.

Pic of ribs, the one infront cooked with Famous Daves Devils Spit, the one in back with salt, fresh ground pepper, lemon juice, and paprika.
Cooked real slow
what are your other two cars?
Aw yisss, thank you Anon.
Id offer you some beer and ribs if you were close by.
>automatic climate control
Lol thats terrible.
Not really looking for a Sporty car out of it, just a comfy DD.
Manual trans isnt important either.

Cant have handled worse than my 03 Tacoma on original suspension or my 82 Corolla on original suspension

See above
so a tacoma and 82 corolla. Why would you buy a new econobox? You could get a used V6 accord, Lexus LS430, or lots of other nicer cars. Corollas are shit with that CVT or 4-speed auto.
I want a reliable gas-saver that doesnt need any work.
My cars are reliable as fuck but the Mpgs suck (taco) and need work (82)
4-speed auto is god-tier in terms of reliability, although it is outdated and slow as shit.
Get a CRZ instead as fun daily driver
Who says a used cars always needs work? On the highway a V6 accord will get within a few mpg of the 4-cylinder. The extra power is worth every penny. And if you commute in the city you should get a used chevy volt.
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Why not KIA? Better warranty, more stuff.
Post ribs with stamp plox
Already did
Civic is more efficient, better interior, higher quality materials, and much faster (1.5t) just a better car

I swear half of you fuckwits doesnt deserve your drivers license
This. But if you absolutely insist on a new econobox, get a manual mazda3. That's the only decent one on the market
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