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Do any of you know of games and/or mods for games that allow
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Do any of you know of games and/or mods for games that allow you to practice driving?

I'm learning how to drive and I don't have as much time to learn in the car as I would like, so if you knew of any software that could let me drive in city settings with a realistic feel (not like GTA mowing people down on the sidewalk), that would really help.

You have to be at least 18 to post here
I'm 20, I never got around to learning when I was younger, sue me. At least I'm trying now. Go apply for a janitor position if you want to badger people about their age.
Short answer is no, long answer is go read as much as you can online about driving for now; especially true for manual (You'll still suck if manual but have a head start)
So still a NEET

Fuck off you stupid piece of shit
Buy a cheap used steering wheel and play euro truck simulator and city car driving
just be aware of your surroundings, make sure your side mirrors are in good position as well as rear view mirror.

Ey many I dunno if anyone told you but the NEETbux you've been collecting from your chicken tendies boxes can't be traded in for a car

I would also like to wager on this. Takers?

Yeah keep projecting faggot, you're the one who knows all those memes, it seems like they hit close to home for you. I didn't even know what a tendie was until you said it. Go back to /r9k/.

How much money do you have invested/in your savings? Be honest. You'll know if you're lying and that's all that matters.
This mad
>Calling others stupid pieces of shit
>Doesn't know jack about driving a car
>learning how to drive

It's so fucking easy a 16 year old girl with a phone in her hand can do it.
do any of you know of games and/or mods for games that allow you to practice fucking (or swimming or street fighting or whatever)?
I'm learning how to fuck and I don't have as much time to learn with a woman (or in a swimming pool or some guys on the street) as I would like blah blah blah

>being that naive to believe a computer can replace the real thing
>being that naive to believe that EVEN IF a computer can replace the real thing, 4chan is the place to find answers

there are archery simulators, flight simulators and so forth.

having sex and swimming are bad examples. they are entirely physical exercises.

i was looking for software to practice simple things like changing lanes, making turns, getting on and off highways, following the rules of the road, and so forth. these are things that can be computerized, whereas immersion in fucking and swimming cannot be.
Uh, how about Euro or American Truck Simulator?
>with a realistic feel

No such thing unless you get inside a purpose built simulator. Audio visual input is but one part of driving and that is all a computer will give you. Your body requires the ability to sense forces on it to actually drive properly.
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