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What is Infiniti thinking? This is one of the most hideous cars
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File: Infiniti-QX80-2015-hd.jpg (420 KB, 2560x1920) Image search: [Google]
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What is Infiniti thinking? This is one of the most hideous cars I've ever seen. "Art of Luxury" my butt. It's a QX80 btw.
File: Safari(sdfPatrol).jpg (151 KB, 967x558) Image search: [Google]
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Have you been livin under a rock or something that you just learned about it? Even here in yurop there's one not far from my house.
Is that an actual car in production? Do they blindfold people to get them to take it for a test drive?
File: 2015-infiniti-qx80-interior.jpg (388 KB, 2048x1360) Image search: [Google]
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I just wanted to discuss how ugly this car is

Yeah it's actually a 2016 model and it's on Infiniti's website, check out the interior it's horrible, Infiniti does not know how to do luxury
File: 2008_Nissan_Armada_--_NHTSA.jpg (103 KB, 1454x822) Image search: [Google]
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The Nissan Armada is also hidious
Your spelling of hideous is really hideous.
Your mom is hideous
>That huge exterior
>drivers seat still cramped
What the fuck.
I saw one on the road a couple of days ago and it was fucking huge. Like, almost as big and tall as the white moving truck behind it.

I can't imagine anyone wanting this fucking car outside of an American market.
>I can't imagine anyone wanting this fucking car outside of an American market
Duh. Almost all luxury cars are made for Americans. They buy the most luxury cars out of any area in the world.
I was sitting in the BMW dealer's service customer lounge and I heard some basketball american say he really wanted a QX80. So apparently they look good to them and that's what market Nissan/Infiniti cater to
Nissan's design bureau is staffed entirely with people who huff paint.
I borrowed one for a couple of days last year. Not at all cramped. It felt like I was driving around sitting in the recliner in my living room. All Infinitis have this thing where the interior wraps around the driver like your in a fighter jet. Their is tons of room. It still looks kind of ugly, but the people that drive these things want to be noticed. It's like look at me I have so much money I can drive this expensive monstrosity.
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