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Sup /o/ I got a Saab 9-3 for my first car and I want to fit
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Sup /o/

I got a Saab 9-3 for my first car and I want to fit it with a sound system and AUX cord. I have a bachelors in software engineering and build my own computers, could I fit the thing myself or should I take it into a shop?

What price ranges am I looking at with and without a subwoofer?
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wiring in a new headunit is easy, so long as you get the proper wiring harness adapter/adapters for your car. I wood forgo an actual subwoofer though. Adds too much weight unless it's one of those factory systems.
I would upgrade the door/parcel shelf speakers, and maybe add some tweeters in the doors (pic related).

The headunit is one of the bigger things that will make the most difference in the sound. Remember, you get what you pay for.

Brands that are good quality to go after:

Some /o/ users have found great success with Parrot touch-screen systems running android.
mate, your degree and computer interest has little to no effect on your ability to change the sound system
i would just recommend looking up a tutorial or guide
>I have a bachelors in software engineering
probably not because you extensive java knowledge will not help you troubleshoot electrical issues or read wiring diagrams
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Holy fuck what does building your own computers and having a degree in software engineering have to do with ANYTHING?

If you can google, read and use a soldering iron or use wire connectors you can replace the head unit. If you are too retarded for that you can use a FM transmitter. It's really not that hard.
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lol. all he has to do is import the java car stereo wiring library. idiot.
Is weight a big issue for sound systems?

I'd figure the major of sound would come from the subwoofer.

Are there any headunits revered by /o/ in the $150 price range? For example the Sennheiser HD598 are beloved over at the headphones general in /g/

My only plan at the moment is a set of parcel shelf speakers, a headunit and maybe a subwoofer later down the track.

Nigga i have a highschool degree and did it myself
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>I'd figure the major of sound would come from the subwoofer.
99% of factory cars don't come with a subwoofer. Subwoofers are generally for low tones and bass.
The only cars I know of within the last 10 years that could be ordered at the dealer with a subwoofer were the Chevrolet Cobalt (system was all Pioneer and included a single 10 inch subwoofer in the trunk mounted off to the side. pic related) and the Scion tC (part of the Optomize Scion program. 8 Again, 10 inch subwoofer in the trunk.). Someone please correct me if you know of more cars that could come from the dealer with a factory warrantied sound system including a subwoofer.

>Are there any headunits revered by /o/ in the $150 price range?
Pioneer's 2DIN headunits at this price range are about the best you can get at that price.

>Is weight a big issue for sound systems?
A lot of them are completely over-sized for the owner's needs. Putting a large subwoofer box in the back of 99% of cars severely limits luggage space and makes the fold down rear seats completely useless. The extra weight will impact the car's performance negatively. The subwoofers offered on the Cobalt and Scion tC both used a similar design to be space efficient and not impact practicality any more than absolutely necessary.
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How do I know if my car takes 2 din? It's a 2006 model of the Saab 9-3.

Do you know any decent youtube tutorials that could explain car audio installation?

I think after reading this i'll put off a subwoofer as I plan to use my seats folded down
Titan Heavy Metal edition?
Sounded like it but I don't know for sure
Dash pic?
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Car headunits are sized by DIN. There's 1DIN, 1.5DIN (primarily used by GM, Chrysler, and Ford in the 80's and 90's), and 2DIN. The DIN refers to the physical size of the headunit.
If you have a cassette reader or whatever the fuck it's called, just get a cassette adapter. Cheap, easy, and sounds just as good.
Just take the gears out so you don't hear them spinning.
If OP has a Saab 9-3 like in the first post (great car BTW), I'm pretty sure they came standard with CD players.
>not foam modded 558s
git gud
>yfw cd player has a cd jammed inside unable to eject from previous owner
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