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So what is a sleeper worth? I've got a 94 volvo 940 with
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So what is a sleeper worth? I've got a 94 volvo 940 with a large turbo currently at about 350hp at 24 psi. Body is all stock with 200k on the odometer and it's a Lil rough but everything works even ac. If I were to sell it what could I get? Also general sleeper thread
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I wouldnt pay more than $1000
>cover off timing belt
It's worth what someone will pay for it. Basically, you need to hype it. List it at what you would like to get out of it in your wildest dreams and quite the listing like it's a unique once in a lifetime opportunity. Don't put anything about "obo" or "i no wut I got" either one but learn how to recognize idiots who just want to take joy rides right away. The very high price will filter out most of the real lowballers. You may get some sarcastic emails but that's no skin off your nose.
Not much, because no one wants a 94 Volvo regardless of how much power it makes.
Maybe $3k+ to the right person. Asking a normal person to pay much for a 940 turbo, even a clean fast one, is a tough proposition. But there are people who want these cars.
i would pay anywhere between 2-4k
but its something u have to look at in person to really see how much its worth
i wouldnt pay anything, i hate buying cars that have already been torn apart by someone and have a hundred little things just ready to go wrong
Do you have a parts list?, I've got a 740 I'm starting up on. Did you have any trouble with the trans, I've heard that's a sticking point if you want more power, at least the manuals are.
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