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>I only drive "performance cars" for my dailys.
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RWD Cuckold.png
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>I only drive "performance cars" for my dailys.
>I only drive a manual transmission because it requires skill and im a real gearhead.
>Only RWD for me because of corning capabilities.
>V6 is for cucks because its imbalanced.
>You bought a new car?! Kek!
>You payed too much for your car/ I payed x amount less than you.
>Who would stance their own cars? That shit is so gay lel!
>Snek thread

Any more fedora quotes you phams would like to add?
Is it time for our hourly butthurt, sour grapes shitbox Civic driver self-validation thread?
Oh also retarded stancefag, forgot a few adjectives.
>Amerifat cars, amirite?
>Europoor cars, amirite?
>Weeb cars, amirite?
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>I only drive American cars
>I drive only V8s because of tork
>I only drive rwd cars for hektik skids
>I only ever listen to dadrock and rockabilly when I drive
>when I'm not driving a truck, I'm driving a muscle car
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Didnt think you fedora bois would respond this quickly. Is there a subreddit for defending ur nigger way of thinking?
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Stay butthurt and poor
Is it bad to unironically like "dadrock"?
>I only drive a manual transmission because it requires skill and im a real gearhead.
I bought the manual version of my car because it's faster, gets better fuel economy and I like it.
>I bought the manual version of my car because it's faster, gets better fuel economy

you should have left that part out my friend
actually feeling the need to defend the reason you drive manual.

you are part of the problem.
>I consider everything below 100 HP / 1000 lbs pigfat
>my 90's shitbox is more reliable than any new car
>my car is such a driver's car
>I would never drive anything with less than 8 cylinders
>I need AWD
>I need RWD
A lot of 90s cars, if they're good, will pretty much run forever. That was kind of the last era of pitifully weak but extremely durable engines.

>Be Me
>Purchase a shit FWD car with an autotragic trans
>Payed far too much money for it, and spend even more on shit mods
>Need validation from 4chin
>Be watashi
>I post almost everything OP just said on the daily.
>I feel embarassed becauz i have been caught red handed.
>My lack of self confidence triggers my damage control instincts.

*Proceeds to defend self and post image to further prove invalid point*
Nice samefagging senpai
More damage control I see ;)
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>more autists shitting up the catalog
how dare anyone have an opinion on the internet
You bought a manual because you have a small peepee XD XD XD
wtf is dadrock?
More like
>I hate thinking for myself and have little to no experience/knowledge on cars so I browse an anime image board to study all the shitty memes on it so I will know what to say in real life when the time comes for me to be a touge driver.
>tfw my A-segment city car shitbox is considered pigfat
I'm not the only one that can use a name that isn't tripped Pham.
Cuckmaro amirite?
Manual drivers are the true cancer. Thinking they are entitled, special and other shit.
Never heard that meme on /o/ b4
>I drive a LHD car
>Auto is just as good as manual, stop being so transmissist, you shitlord.
>I drive a RHD car.

<you (in case you didn't catch on)
Fixed it for yah
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What do my image didn't get loaded
>he drives Ameribarges or Eurocuckboxes instead of glorious nippon steel
Auto is objectively better though u pham
But anon these aren't memes.
Thread replies: 36
Thread images: 8

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