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File: image.jpg (37 KB, 570x371) Image search: [Google]
37 KB, 570x371
Does anyone have that picture of the guy with his Acura with the text :I had no friends in school now I have an acura etc. I forget how it goes exactly
You mean the one where he's like but now I own an Acura and everyone loves me?
File: 1455921188589.jpg (236 KB, 976x651) Image search: [Google]
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Perhaps cringe thread?
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I want to believe it's a joke but Indians pull shit like this all the time.
File: ashtray.jpg (262 KB, 1023x764) Image search: [Google]
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File: 1439029172493.png (394 KB, 600x567) Image search: [Google]
394 KB, 600x567
More Acuras.

Why is Acura a thing at all? It's just a Honda here.
File: v buys a car.jpg (456 KB, 1258x1034) Image search: [Google]
v buys a car.jpg
456 KB, 1258x1034
Thread replies: 12
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