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/ogc/ - Slip Angles Cup Edition
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Thread replies: 255
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Welcome to Auto Game Coalition. The place to discuss memes and circlejerks on /o/!

Previous thread >>14278537
New thread will be made at the bump limit (310 replies).

Our Official Wiki Page is our home away from home, offering downloads, tweaks, tips, and essential third party add-ons for all relevant racing games!

We have a shadow government mumble server, drop by and introduce yourself!
>Mumble IP: mumble.get-good.net
>Port: 64738

Join the /ovg/ group on Steam!

Join the /ovg/ club in GT6!

We have an UNO channel!
>#ovg on irc.rizon.net

We're racing in a multitude of different sims and mods on Friday Nights and Weekends, consult our official GoogleDoc for sign-up information.

Legends Sunday series is starting on 24th of February at 8pm GMT, you can start sending your skins to [email protected].

Trackpack: https://mega.nz/#!NUNQUK6J!e8QaxWHgsSAve5zA2IK0w0_38zjENA17ZS0TZfcFCrg
Legends mod:https://mega.nz/#!EEMVCIqD!5uzQllm5UNOXLDHIucctIY3Hwqg1FAepcqSFGvPPyWQ

Lola T290 Cup Soon.
Why don't you guys fuck off to /vg/? Your faggot threads are attracting all the underage benchracing faglets. The 'tism cringe in the fucking ovg threads is nauseating.
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More meme suspension.png
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>more meme physics

I had hoped it ended with the GT3s, then the Miata, now this? Could you guys stop this shit already?
Why does this matter? This series isn't going to happen for at least a few months since my series will be going on for its entire duration.
nice one
Dem toe links
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can you believe this shit.gif
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Reminder iRacing still can't set a fucking qualifying session right even after years of problems with illegal bump drafting hue.

>Valrys may actually be less incompetent than whoever the fuck is in charge of setting up their servers
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The Crew2016-1-21-18-32-42.jpg
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1998 physics 4U
wat gaem
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daburu krashu.webm
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>didn't read previous thread

viper racen
Is there some trick to getting real head motion to work in AC? This shit literally doesnt work
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AI shitter.webm
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moar snek racen
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anyone play MotoGP?
Spec Snek when?
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snek turnleft.webm
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snek turnleft
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specify snek, then will deliver


this desu
this will only happen if the mods starts deleting the threads

which will never happen because you know, the circlejerk master probably doesn't have any power in /vg/
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why are 4wd cars such understeery pigs in Dirt Rally?

never played the game, don't know the classes of snek
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looking forward to the skins that will come from this
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Looks like they should be easy enough to paint so hopefully we'll get a few good ones
When is this series going to be ran?
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>forgot to put it into gear
Oh thanks didn't see that when I checked 9 hours ago. I'm guessing rFactor correct? tfw have to get my Legends skin to show up before I do anything
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>captcha: select coffee
7/10 needs more fairy bread
Anybody playing ovg seriously knows more about suspension setup and vehicle dynamics than your average autistic /o/ poster.

But hey, feel free to post more auto vs manual, mustang vs m3, and other threads.
youve been locked away in this thread for too long. its now fwd vs rwd and corvette vs gtr.
Huh so is this t290 series at the same time as race school?
>implying they won't all be dead series

>corvette vs gtr
that is so 2015
>implying race school makes it past the week
>>>Valrys may actually be less incompetent than whoever the fuck is in charge of setting up their servers
That's the nicest thing anyone here has ever said to me
>At the same time as RS
u wot m9
>RS is on sunday
First three weeks of RS is on Saturday, m8, but apparently Scottie can't wait that long and would rather give people a week to make skins and practice just to fuck with it rather than wait?
i wanna race shitboxes doe


not everything needs to be a series m8
Hur got to run out valrys xd!
Hi. Go fuck yourself. Bye.
Hey, I ran for the train Wednesday night. Sure, it almost killed me but we did it, senpai
iirc it doesn't work if the game is set to 64 bit

what is dilution
To the Australian anon in the thread the other day with the broken Fanatec handbrake - would you believe, I actually just suffered a problem with one of my Fanatec bits and pieces - the BMW rim for my CSW has a rotary encoder which has stopped working. Got an RMA sorted out within an hour of talking to them.

So again, I'd say it's definitely worth a polite conversation to see what they say?
>have a look at that thread
>dirt 3 is a good sim

Nt friendo learn to filter

Also there are no kids on ovg now that katsuo is 18 too
>no kids on ovg

what is
You what m7, he's like the oldest one on ovg, ahead if Valrys and Von, isn't he?
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>Singling out a few people even though everyone on /ovg/ is retarded.
Poor form, senpai.
Yup, pretty much the entirety of ovg and its toxic board culture is the problem. Thread should die, mumble should go on.
Good try
Slow and Bob are older I think
>there are no kids on ovg

nigger go on mumble and tell me again that there are no kids here
Oh shit I forget about the two of them. Sssssorry senpaitachi
>talking shit about Nyowa
Do you hate freedom?
There are no kids on mumble anymore
isnt sgoddie really old too
He doesn't count because he has the mental age of a child
He just looks really old because of all the drugs, senpai.

What about
Euras is younger than slow iirc, geordiac has a kid but he's Romanian so he could be 12 for all we know
how old is old f.am?
Isn't Gentleman like 50 as well?
>younger than all of them
>probs the youngest on ovg
Feels good tbqh.

Looks fun.
Holy shit, some of you guys are really obsessed with each other. Dropping names in the fuckin thread over who you like or don't like. No one fucking cares. You're only making bait posts for people to start drama, and make them hate each other.
What's the fucking point? Stop being all sour.
welcome to the circlejerk that is /ovg/
What are some good arcade racers out there on steam?
/ovg/ was a mistake

-Star King
fuck off james
Flatout 2 and ultimate destruction for your destruction derby needs.
need for speed hot pursuit 2012 if you like skidding at 200 mph
Blur for mario kart with licensed cars

And many others that I can't remember.
you mean SJ
Burnout Paradise
Split Second
Assetto Corsa
The Crew

and what >>14290649 said.
We should do an oldies vs. underageb& race to settle this once and for all.
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>Assetto Corsa
New thread op image desu senpai
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Hey phamilia :)
Fuck off Scottie.
Verter than rf2 by a nice margin
Fuck off Barney
Fuck off Valrys
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Just try to be as smooth as possible with your inputs, if you use the clutch and shifter you should heel-toe because you can upset the car if you don't. Also GT6 is much less forgiving than GT5 about backing out of the throttle during a slide.

Feel free to add me.
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We Legends soon
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Now in not shit quality and with nametags
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GT3 Bathurst.webm
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What Porsche mod is that?
I'd rather play Tourist Trophy.
Because that's what happens when you try to fake real physics in an arcade game.
>waste time on gt6
>think they can argue about AC being shit
Come on, at least rf1 was decent. Now this?
hahaha figured that was it, thanks m8
Legends pickup tonight.
So how awful is WRC 5? Is it worth 10 bongs?
Learn to setup your car, or learn to drive
Oi GT6 bros. Any idea why when trying to add more custom tracks to my game I just get the message "User not found", is there a limit on how many you can have saved at the same time or something?
Say what you will, DR might well be the best thing in years, but it's not as much as a sim as RBR. I still like it and think it has it's place but every now and then when driving I get little hints of it's Dirt underpinnings. You don't have to agree, I just know what I feel.
>tfw I like it better without all the tarmac mods
Weight, momentum, grip. Nothing feels as good as this old game in the wet gravel/mud.

anyone got free key for The Crew?
You got to import it.
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>you don't have to agree that I'm right, you just have to know that I'm right because I know I'm right
That's not how it works you retard, fuck off.
>coming off the brilliance of the BMW E30 and Lancia Stratos and got into one of my dream cars, the Ford RS200
suppose I have to fuck with the setup more, I have loose diff in front, locked diff in rear, soft front and hear rear shocks but the thing doesn't want to rotate at all
>Because that's what happens when you try to fake real physics in an arcade game.
>when you try to fake real physics in an arcade game.
>try to fake real physics in an arcade game
I hope you realize that when developing a game there isn't aren't two little tickboxes that say "sim" and "arcade" and you pick one and develop the rest of the game from there
Either a game has its own actual physics simulation or it doesn't. How basic or complex the physics simulation is or how accurate it is is a different matter, but what you said is stupid.

The "RBR is more realistic than Dirt Rally" meme died a while back, don't revive it by spouting uneducated/anecdotal nonsense. What next, you're gonna say that it runs on basic pajeska model?
don't buy it at all
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>ogier saying he drove cautious

meeke driving like even more of a madman spinnning the car and still coming second

>new hyundais
>no improvement

looked like neuville was fishtailing through the corners
>What next, you're gonna say that it runs on basic pajeska model?
looks like you're the one who doesn't know what he's talking about
When Meeke said he spun early I didn't think literally in the first few corners early.
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>is there a limit on how many you can have saved at the same time or something?
Yes, thirty. You can have as many as you like on the app though.
7 Hills.
That'd probably do it. Cheers senpai.
Is the Crew any good?
Mediocre with friends. Rather shit alone.
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Am I just not seeing something that I need to change? I used the first dds file like Gentleman said but it still shows up as the yellow stranded car instead of my skin. I have tried with and without the window and fender files in the folder
Grabbed a lite version and the packs but it wont start on windows 10 FML
>windows 10
Well there's your problem.
Try running it on compatibility mode.
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RAL 2016-01-22 20-25-00-48.png
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RBR a shit
Dirt Rally only slightly better but still pretty shit
try changing the series select from legends to all cars or vice versa
Legends pick up starting now.
tried to join WAT, is that the one?
and pass:4ch
works on our machines
Just says session closed for me. gg

If the race is in progress you wont be able to join. Unless you join as a spectator
Need some help understanding the (supercharged) miatas:
I don't have a clutch (DFGT), and I'm not sure what the autoclutch setting is doing for me and what not. I know I have to lift on upshifts, but am I also supposed to blip on downshifts or is it doing that for me? The car gets really upset under braking so I suspect not, but maybe I just need to downshift at lower revs. Blipping the throttle myself hasn't yielded any conclusive results either, but I may be doing it wrong.

In the skips on the other hand I have no issue whatsoever, just need to lift on upshift.
Disregard, found the option in the tuning menu.
hi katsuo

try typing "dds" and not "DDS", see if that works
so the flat 6 series when
you looked at the pov cameras side by side?
ogier is already cutting corners here and there, but meeke is cutting whereever possible
also; going a good 10-20 km/h faster than ogier at some spots
Nothing, it's okay it only took 2 hours off my life
Yeah, channeling his inner McRae.
Just go fast over all the dangerous spots and hope it works.
Should I go with a monitor or TV for my setup?
I feel like a monitor that isnt super expensive would be too small but TVs also have higher input lag
>more spec shit

>complain about B-BUT X CAR IS OP and muh bops
>complain about "spec shit"

make your mind up
katsuo is the same age as marko.
He's like 16 isn't he?
Katsuo turned 18 a week ago
Optimus Pro I don't know why you sperged out in chat but we're all driving on keyboard and 360 controllers except for kita who is on a negicon and aspirations who is on a $200,000 motion sim
Our little Polack is growing up
should I reinstall the crew?

I haven't played since 2 weeks after release or something, don't own wild run
use a mod that doesn't suck and we won't have balance issues

but of course that would be too hard for you guys
name a mod that everyone agrees doesn't suck
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Flat 6
flat 6 sucks
Nice meme, put your trip back on James

What in gods name is that thing

i meant a non-spec mod

fwiw, i'm not a fan of the flat 6s either.
>hurr i don't like it so it sucks

have fun racing against 3 people in those crappy spec cars with meme physics
>hurr i don't like it so i'll say it's got meme physics

i don't even know which bit of my post were you refering to but it proves my point, we're never going to agree on which mods are good and which ones are shit.
ovg gt3 mod was good before all of this BoP bullshit
this is not subjective you fucking dunce
take flat 6 for example, it fucking sucks because the car basically drives like its on ice
>basically drives like its on ice
that's why its fun
can't we just have fun
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what 3d traps looks like
"Fun is just a buzzword for when you can't find an objective reason for something being good"
- Britfag Americano, 2014
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not sure about specific classes, but lets say it had 3 stages so far:
amateur (standard snek gts)
club (snek with a bodykit)
pro (snek with an adjustable bodykit)

webm related, first race of pro stage turned out like this, i guess gotta go faster
>My car had an 11% grip advantage it wasn't fun after it was taken away
the post
i am talking about v0.5, the version with which we had the test race at Interlagos with. All cars were extremely balanced, but Mr. "Ooohhh nooooo cars are 2sec faster per lap than in real life we gotta nerf that" Nigger Rats decided it wasnt balanced enough so he fucked up the whole mod
>that feel when he argued with me for like two weeks that the cars weren't really too fast and then fucked up everything instead
Well at least I have the satisfaction of knowing the cars having too much grip was covering up how crap the physics actually were.

Reminder that the third turnleft test race is tomorrow! Info can be found in the pic.


The stock setup is really good for this track. Just adjust cambers to get even tire temps across all four tires, within about 5-7 degrees between inside and outside tire (hotter side to the left). Also might want to tune wedge slightly for handling.
saido bai saido
Breaking on top of a crest in Legends can be difficult at times.
Battle for first at Kemora. Part 1
Part two.
Part three.
it was v0.5 and not v1.0 for a reason
>break something that's perfectly fine because "It's not v1.0 yet"
are you serious?
>Unrealistically grippy
>3-4 seconds a lap faster than real GT3s

It was junk then and was during the season, just like the Flat 6 they were way to fucking fast beyond any shred of realism, but hey, at least they drove like they were on rails!
Stop talking about it. The conversation isn't going anywhere, what happened happened. Live with it or fix it yourself instead of only bitching about things like you and your buttbuddy do.
just replying to the thread m8, and i continued driving the cars for a while eventhough i thought they could've been better
Legends PSA:
Changed races to 2x 15min so we don't need any pitstops as 25min race would be stretching the fuel on some tracks.
So it's 2 races with quali and warmup in between, you get full points from both races.
Also, remember that the start time will be moved to 8pm GMT for the second race as Touge is ending.

Otherwise the pickups have been excellent fun and I hope we get a fun series out of this.

Also, remember to send your skins, you got 1 week left.
I can't make it run
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moar wrex
ALSO! Please get your skins finished and sent off if you haven't already and I can get them in the mini mod for tomorrow
>ALSO! Please get your skins finished and sent off if you haven't already and I can get them in the mini mod for tomorrow
im not sending you anything, ANYTHING.

Can I send you the raw DDS files? Cos I have no idea how to do all this .mas shit
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Did a quick Lola as well

Yes I'm being lazy and reusing numbers/sponsors/colour from Legends
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flying car.png
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curvy car.jpg
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why so flat?
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breddy gud dagumi.webm
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>torrenting abandonware
Yes absolutely. Actually it'd be preferable if you sent .dds files instead of .mas. since I'm making this as an add on "mod", I would have to extract the mas and repack it into a new one anyways.
pyhsics are meh because nothing carries momentum. map is huge so ling roadtrips are fun, bikes!open world bikes!, some tracks eg. leguna seca available

fun as a game but dont expect the driving to keep you. exploring and roadtrips are the redeeming quality

-6.5/10 - random dude
JUST like in the manga!
What needs to be done on the server side for the "mod"/skin pack? Is it just the rfmod?
Tired, was 5am and I'm sick of my cheap wheel. Took my grumpy ass to bed.
What's a wedge? Not trying to be all Tom Cruise about it but it's not called fucking wedge in the garage.
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>it's not called fucking wedge in the garage.
get a load of this hornses ass
What the fuck does wedge do? Why can't they call it something that makes sense? Why am I even bothering with a hold the fuck on and turn right on the straights mod? Why are all americans fat?
fuck off barney
wedge is another name for "cross weight"

weak bait on the rest of it
Races will be at 6am for me, I work nights so luckily I don't have to bother finishing this shitty skin. GLHF
>he's so uncoordinated and malnourished that he cant drive in a straight with the steering wheel slightly to the right
europoors arent wanted in the series anyway pls stay out
All good, didn't want to be part of the lap one pile up and spectate anyway.
thats why you gotta qualify on the first row
>get taken out on second lap instead
Not gonna happen with my amazeballs 200 degree notchitech.
>not pulling away by at least a second from the pack on every restart
not intentionally slowing down before the restart to fuck the field up
dammit i forgot one of these things >

today was a rough day :/
fuck off barney
>approaching the only corner that's not WOT
>back off power a little
>add one "notch" of steering"
>a wild oversteer approaches
>counter steer
>not enough steering lock to correct the slide
>say hello to my little barrier
>go to garage to increase steering angle
>steering lock is already maxed out
Yeah, fuck my wheel.
It's an rfcmp that installs like an update to the 1.04 version of the default isi stock cars mod. I haven't yet been able to get the launcher to recognize the rfcmp file though (been installing via the mas utility) so I may not actually be able to put this out as a patch. Need to investigate a little further.

Wedge refers to cross weight. In the case of stock cars, wedge refers to raising or lowering the mounting height of the chassis above the shock mount on either the right rear or left rear shock. "Adding" wedge raises the height, taking out wedge reduces it.

In the case of rfactor, this setting deals with the left rear shock (the most commonly adjusted one.). Raising this will increase the amount of weight carried by both the left rear and right front tires, and reduce the amount carried by the left front and right rear. Lowering does just the opposite.

As the right front carries more weight, the front of the car tends toward understeer, less weight tends toward oversteer. In addition adding wedge will increase the tire Temps on the right front and reduce the right rear, whereas reducing wedge will do just the opposite.

If you're familiar with iRacing stock cars, iRacing adjusts "wedge" via "shock collar offsets".
What ever happened to the Street Legal Racing Redline 2 Kickstarter? I can't find any info on it and no discussions about it on the SLRR forums so I guess it failed right?
It failed miserably even though it was shilled to hell and back
I'm a casual fag that plays AC & Dirt Rally with a G27
Should I waste my time learning more & playing "real" games or are you guys just all autists?
We're all just autists
That's what I figured
Just do whatever you find fun, anon. Maybe pirate some other games and see if you like how they drive? Otherwise AC and Dirt are adequate choices for just hooning some cars.
I like playing those games, and Grid Autosport, but I don't feel like I'm improving much anymore
I also don't know how to tune my cars properly
Sometimes I just load up AC and drift around for 20 minutes but it gets boring after a while
Well, if you want to race with other people then I definitely suggest getting into other games - but I also suggest finding a different community to do it in.
my nigger
what wheel you have?
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>Potatomasher managed to take another 3 seconds off his time at Oran Park
Neat. Good work dude, this was what the series was supposed to be about.
Should've used the Barney discount code
I didn't buy, just dreaming. Plus it would probably end up being like $3000 Canadian right now anyway
ded series
There's still life in her yet senpai
There's fun to be had in pickups and stuff that happens here. There are a few extra sour autists who try to ruin it for everyone else but there is a lot of self-gratification to be had from learning vehicle dynamics and setting up cars to race with people online. Or, just grabbing someone's setup and racing with others in a pickup. Series to watch out for coming up in rFactor and rFactor 2 are the Legends series and the Lola T290 series.

If you have a wheel, rF2 feels excellent with its tire model. If you race with us and don't enjoy it, then that's not a problem. At least you tried something new.
Daily reminder that Oran Park is a GOAT track and however you feel about the cars you should at least try it out if you don't know it.
You said that about BTCC

I miss BTCC
I miss BTCC too. She was just a couple of weeks too early, and we'd have got the pirate users as well, but shit happens. Only cancelled it because of real life shit rather than low sign-ups as well, which is the sad part.

At least Race School has someone else co-hosting.
Okay I figured out why the .rfcmp wasn't showing up. In the drop down menu at the bottom of the package page you need to set the folder to your packages folder (or wherever the .rfcmp is saved to)
thanks mane, pope's 17.9 woke me the fuck up. also I noticed I was driving the regional tuning instead of the national, big difference with the slicks.

I'll be putting the mini mod for skins out in about six hours from the time of this post. The mod installs as an update to ISI Stock Car, so you WILL need it to join the server or you will get a mismatch error. Also, you will be unable to join stock ISI Stock Car servers. To get back to default, simply uninstall the mini mod (It will show up in the package window of the launcher as "ISI_StockCar_2015 1.04t"), then reinstall the 1.04 (without the "t") version of the Stock car mod.

I will do one more skin mod update the day before the Talladega exhibition race, after that I will only put out another skin mod update if I get enough new skins. If you have already sent me a skin and want to change something or make a new skin for the same car, make that skin as an alt skin for your car, and PLEASE compress it into a .mas file. Since your veh file is already incorporated into the skin mod, you shouldn't get any errors with the auto download feature.
Just glad you're enjoying it desu senpai. Hope we get enough drivers for a decent race tonight (pls respond ;.;)
well even if the race doesn't happen it gave me an excuse to grind a particular car/track combo, which is what I needed to do but never got the motivation for
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TurnLeft doc has been cleaned up. Feel free to add yourself in if you haven't already.

BOP the MX-5 so it can be drifted and I'll turn up
Paul pls (you can drift them get good)

You can't do massive long ones though, they'd be good for a track with more tight turns like san fran
Oran Park has got plenty of tight turns desu senpai

mite b cool
Plis.... dont change the original content.... I play in others server with this mod.... is very hard to me change everything every time when I will race. I played a race this week in another server with my skin... I just make a alt skin in #2 car...
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Car Select
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>mfw frenchies threw a rock onto the road in front of Meeke at Rally Monte-Carlo

Vas te faire encule!
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