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I thought turbo was hot, how can viper so much turbo without
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File: doesn't tarbo get hot.jpg (181 KB, 1264x751) Image search: [Google]
doesn't tarbo get hot.jpg
181 KB, 1264x751
I thought turbo was hot, how can viper so much turbo without melt? Can it do this?
Reading this gave me a headache
Again, in english?
You need water from Hawaii, duh
the car runs on straight coolant
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why is the compressor inlet in a low pressure duct?
why is car on blue? how can pipe under blue near wheel tire?
That's a good question. Regular Viper already has plenty of heat as it is.

Viper can, is big can hot more turbo melt slow.

It's not enough to matter. 200,000 rpm means that all ducts are good enough.

composite material is more heat resistant than whatever household plastic you're thinking off. turbo gets hot, body is made to take heat.
but turbo achieve more 400 degree celsius
how resin withstand?

resin lifetime of cut flower?

пpивeт pyccкий тoвapищ
File: what.png (519 KB, 500x497) Image search: [Google]
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so ned
English please.
turbos might suck car backwards
my sides
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Not even subtle with the samefaggotry
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you're not good at this
File: city-bus-1[1].jpg (31 KB, 447x247) Image search: [Google]
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Nah bruh, mopeds are too pleb for these kings.
Don't disgrace mopeds like that, hell I'd even take a step through over a disgusting maxi scooter
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so if hot doesnt the damage into of viper, then so can equally a nitroused housing well into a tolerance??
has anyone ever been so far as decided to go do look more like?
si, it hurt much a week maybe butt.
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