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Pedestrians in the road
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64 KB, 600x405
Have you guys seen pedestrians start to use the street when there's a sidwalk on the road right next to them? I'm starting to see this more and more often and wondering if you guys have any experiences with this.

>driving today
>going through neighborhood
>lady wearing a bright orange jacket running in the street
>starts waving at me to move over
>I don't
>motion for her to move over to the sidewalk
>she throws her hands up in the air in frustration
>honk at her
>she flips me off
File: pedestrian repellant.jpg (19 KB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
pedestrian repellant.jpg
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I haven't noticed in my area. But I also live in an area that built bike lanes when there are no cyclists just to be cool like the neighboring county
I live in Baltimore and there are billboards up about pedestrian awareness since its such a common occurrence. They try to paint it as the drives fault, the one I can remember reads "pedestrians don't just walk away" and has a picture of an old white guy with tire tread marks across his face. In reality its junkies who just dart into the street across four lanes of traffic.

I was coming down a 4 lane section with a median and there was a dude with his wife and two kids (all looking rough). I'm coming down at a decent speed and he starts bolting out leaving them behind, I laid on the brakes and luckily he stopped before I hit him.

I've replaced windshields with weave hair stuck in the impact crater.
>Be in major city I'm not familiar with
>Attempt to make a right hand turn on green during prohibited hours
>Nigger leaps up from where he'd been sitting on a nearby wall and dashes in front of me waving his arms and gesturing angrily

Interestingly, the "idiot-proof safety" trend of the 90s combined with the entitlement trend of the '00s is almost certainly going to result in a bubble burst of carnage at some foreseeable point in the future
I live in an upperclass white neighborhood that has really nice sidewalks that are wide and have a buffer space of grass from the road. Most intersections have ramps, but I've still literally seen 4 women WALKING side by side in the road. It's very common to see "joggers" who are walking, in the road. They are all just fucking retarded
The pedestrians in my town are absolutely out of control. I live in a college town and people just walk out into the street without looking. I've been given the finger and yelled at on more than one occasion for not stopping for people who are standing on the side of the road, not at a crosswalk and with no signs or indications to stop for peds. They just expect 2+ tons of steel to grind to a halt so they don't have to stop walking. 'I'm very convinced it's partially the shitty drivers' fault as well. Nobody here has any balls or brains. I see people stop at intersections WITH A GREEN LIGHT to let peds cross. It's so bad that when I went back to chicago for the holidays, I'm constantly getting honked at for slowing down because I fully expect a bunch of retards to run into the middle of the street.
luckily I dont deal with pedestrians but cyclists are fucking suicidal
why would you rid a cycle on a two lane road when THERE IS A PERFECT SIDEWALK NEXT TO YOU FUCK

like holy shit, youre going less than 20mph and people have to drive into the opposite lane just to get around your dumb ass
Because riding a bike on the sidewalk is illegal in most places you fucktard.
a good way to have your truck vandalized, I've thrown baseball sized rocks at coalers trucks, they usually never stop, the type of pussy who only acts tough in the safety of their own truck
I dont ever remember getting the police called on me for riding my bike
traveling on the sidewalk on wheels or above a certain speed (like 8mph) is almost certainly illegal everywhere there's civilization. you wanna be pissed at cyclists? be pissed at the ones who refuse to use a bike lane, hold up traffic on two-ways, and roll through red lights in the pedestrian crossing just to get back on the road on the other side of the intersection.
Have you actually hit them though?
Do you live in Washington?
You should have a current plate if you're going to be on the roads. Seems simple right?
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