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recent gas purchses? 93 octane @ 2.13 in MD today
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recent gas purchses?

93 octane @ 2.13 in MD today
>93 at BP
>92 at shell
Both have the same price for standard grade at $1.79. Am I missing something? Why the fuck?
1.83 for regular here
shell is notorious for being a rip off. they shill on my local gasbuddy and report false prices at their stations so ppl go there
98 for 1.69

jelly much americans? can you even buy 98 at the pump? roflmao
2.75 for regular in San Jose last night
octane ratings outside of the US are higher number but only because they are measured using a different method.
87 E10 for 3.49/gal in Oregon.
$1.60 from the based local gas station company here in East TN.
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Jesus. 86 in Albuquerque is $1.79 on my last fill up
>$1.839 for 87
Thank you based NH
sounds like you buy your """petrol""" by the liter, that converts to $6.40 USD, rather pricey DESU
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>he doesnt know about the different octane ratings
[email protected]@shell in western ky
$1.57/Liter for 94

Dunno what that works out too in ameribucks/galons
$5.93 a gallon

Western Canadians are mega cucked
3.09 in Los Angeles, premium
$60.74 for 40,5 liters
668 KM was made
95 @ $3.89bellingham
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93 @ 2.09 in NJ
$1.84 for 87 octane (AKI) on the Garden State Parkway today. Felt great to fill my tank for less than $25.
>1.54€/l for 100 octane (eni blu super+)
Fuck Italy man
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