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I have an automatic 2001 honda civic lx. My radiator burst and
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I have an automatic 2001 honda civic lx. My radiator burst and spilled all the coolant, so i replaced it and filled it back up with coolant. The car still overheats. Radiator fan works. the car can only run a short distance before heating up. and i noticed my heater stopped working. Any solutions?
Le head gasket perhaps
Sounds like you've got a clog.
Did you bleed it?
Oh yea, how did I forget there are people who don't know to do this. This is almost definitely your issue if you did not bleed the system.
What do you mean?
Getting rid of air in the system.
By doing what?
Sorry, been lurking for 5 months and haven't heard of this.
I guess that answers the question lol
Take it to a shop and get it fix before you hurt yourself.
OP, I do not know a lot about honda's, mostly mazda's.

I will tell you this:

You spilled coolant, and replaced it back. I am assuming your coolant is 50:50 now.

You need to burp the system.

First, remove the radiator fill cap and start the car. Let it idle up to temp, but keep the cap off. When the engine BEGINS to make temp, the thermostat will open, letting the coolant from the radiator flow into the engine.

Now remember, I said burp the system. There will be bubbles coming out of the radiator fill, where the cap (that is now off) was. Keep it off, but keep an eye on the temp gauge.

When temp gauge reaches the regular reading (ie, halfway, or at the temp the gauge reads when at normal level), turn off the engine.

Now, fill the overflow with 50:50 coolant. Replace radiator cap. Start car, and drive around close to your residence.

This should alleviate the pockets of air that will give you overheating.

If this goes perfectly, congrats. If car still overheats, it may be headgasket. Did you drive the car while overheated?
There may also be a bleed bolt
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