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Window tint
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Do you get fucked with over it?

My mom's cop magnet bmw has 10% all around besides the windsheld and she's never been pulled over once in the 6 years since she had it done. I had 20% put on my windows last week and I get a ticket sitting at the drive through at the bank
Ur mum blows all the cops to get out of it
Because tint on a rusted out 2000 ford explorer makes you look like a drug dealer/junkie
>I had 20% put on my windows last week and I get a ticket sitting at the drive through at the bank
Because that's illegal you stupid fuck.
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20% only looks like it's illegal in New Mexico. OP should be fine in literally every other state.
Other way around pal.
Would it be legal to replace the windows on your car with one-way mirrors? So that you can see out but others can't see in obviously.

It's not a tint so it isn't regulated by tint laws and it technically does not obstruct your vision. Cops will be mad and will give you shit but I can't imagine it's technically illegal.
I got pulled over for no front plate with 5% tint all around. All I did was roll all of my windows down while pulling over. How the fuck did you get pulled over at the bank drive through?

No, you are more likely to get pulled over for them being too reflective instead of just opaque.

It's obvious what's happening.

If OP pic is your car, they think you're a drug dealing nigger. Seriously. In your mom's BMW they don't give a shit.
Around here it's illegal to have window tint on windshield or front side windows, IF they were not factory installed. Aftermarket tinting is illegal.
Nigga got profiled

How is an explorer a drug dealer car?
70% really. Wow you might as well drive with the windows down
That is not how it owrks.
in my state it's illegal to tint the front windows, so that's probably what drew attention.
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Banks have drive thrus in Murica?
you dont?
its just atms for when the bank is closed
and drive through actual tellers for when its open
Here we just get out of the car and walk in.
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