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What does /o/ think of Toyota 86s? Just bought myself one and
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What does /o/ think of Toyota 86s? Just bought myself one and am gonna pick it up in like two weeks. Been thinking about it for yonks. Considering this is 4chan, are most of you going to tell me what a massive fucking mistake I've made?
Supposed to be fun.
its slow but drifts. You bought a not ugly miata

Shoulda waited for the SFR
My dad (who's like an ex-mechanic and does all the family's car shenanigans) took it for a test drive today - the seller is in Brisbane and I'm in North Queensland, 17 hours away. He said it was fun as shit - got pinged by a cop doing double the speed limit on a test drive. Cop was a local, dgaf.

Drifts? How bad?

No idea what that is. I had to buy this one second hand anyway. Don't have enough cash to be splurging on brand new ones.
It's not that slow as long as you get the manual

runs 0-60 in the low 6s
They are the same as the FRS/BRZ here in the states. Basically, underpowered rear wheel drive, you'll have fun going slow but be sad because pretty much anything moderately fast will be passing you. Also the suspension is supposed to be very unforgiving.
Did certainly get the manual. Didn't care one way or the other when I was learning how to drive, but got my manual license and my first car was a manual. Enjoyed driving them, so now I guess every car I buy will be a manual.
>Hey everyone check this normie out!
Time for you to leave pal
Manuals are generally slower in drag (0-60) portions of driving but you'll have fun with it. I think the aftermarket is pretty strong for these cars, any power mods planned?
>Manuals are generally slower in drag (0-60) portions of driving

The manual in the 86 accelerates significantly faster than the auto, whole second difference
Do you have time information by chance? I was looking around and couldn't find it posted.
You bought a fun car. It was never meant to be super fast so just keep that in mind. Apparently it was supposed to capture the driving feels of the ol' AE86 funs but the sporty looks makes it look like it's supposed to be 3x faster than it actually is
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Time slips from my manual brz. It is significantly faster in sport mode and does not spin off the line on a properly prepared track. It's more fun at autoX and i have gone 130 before it stopped accelerating. IV heard its good for 140 but I didn't have enough room/balls to floor it that long. The brz doesn't drift as easy as people say, but if you plan on track driving be careful because MANY toyobarus have been put into walls already.
Is 0-60 in like 6.5 seconds considered slow nowadays?
Only when talking about "sports cars" I think it's quick.
>>13990413 the first slip is me #16 vs a 98 camero v8
you get used to power m8. after owning an STI for a while, 0-60 under 5 second starts feeling normal. car with less than 300 hp that takes 6+ seconds? eesh.


What were the elevation and temperature? Or do you just suck at driving?
So does an 89 Taurus, what's your point
Fun car. Just not worth $25k.
Yes, most modern pickups are faster
Why? It's slower than a Mustang or Camaro but it trades off in handling and more of a sports car feel. No other coupe can offer what it does for even close to the price.
>Is 0-60 in like 6.5 seconds considered slow nowadays?

When a V6 Accord will smoke you... Yes.
I wouldn't call it as painfully slow as /o/ says it is but it's far from fast. It's not like the MR2 or 240SX were fast when new. When buying an entry level performance car you either compromise with handling, speed or being rwd.
>but it trades off in handling and more of a sports car feel

This might be nice for a second car, but will get annoying as a daily. Most people's daily driving consists of straight lines and right angle turns which you have to slow down for.
Sure but you don't need power for a DD either, unless your car is dangerously slow. Your stuck in traffic most of the time anyways and can't use all of that power.
>Sure but you don't need power for a DD either, unless your car is dangerously slow.

But it sure is nice to have. Sure makes merging and passing a pleasure. Both of which are common occurrences in daily driving.

>Your stuck in traffic most of the time anyways and can't use all of that power.

You're stuck in traffic most of the time anyways and can't use that handling. In all seriousness though, I'm not really stuck in traffic all the time. We all have different commutes though.
That's with traction control and first time at the strip since jr. drag racing 10 years ago. I think I also hit the rev limiter. Lke I said 14.80 was in sport mode so it must change the ecu or something to improve power. IV made 9 quarter mile passes and its consistent at low 15 which is not bad for a stock 4cyl
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Why won't they sell this car in America?
Please tell me you got a manual, if not you bought the wrong car
It's a Miata that's worse in every way. I hope you got it cheap.
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>It's a Miata that's worse in every way
The FR-S is slower in a straight line, slower around the corners, has more reliability issues (brand new Subaru engine with Toyota direct injection technology vs an engine Mazda has been using in the Mazda3 for years), and has about the same aftermarket despite being available for 8 times longer. What exactly did Toyota get right?
>IV made 9 quarter mile passes
In what?
Good job on the 14.8, that's damn impressive out of a stock atmo 2L 4 banger.
Except it isn't.
The base stock GT86 is like 0.5 seconds slower on track than a Club Miata on special tyres.
Fuck off Miatafaggot.
>has more reliability issues
such as?
>and has about the same aftermarket
Yeah no, hurr durr ls swap
I have the utmost respect for the ideal of the GT86/BRZ but desu, you can go a lot faster and have more fun for less money.
>Considering this is 4chan, are most of you going to tell me what a massive fucking mistake I've made?
i will for buying new

bur i say baby the fuck out of it and keep it stock for it is the 240sx of the future

and sell for a SHIT LOAD OF MONEY later
The v6 sedans have always been fairly fast for their time.
In my brz. IV done more in a jr drag car and did OK, and have driven a 8 second front engine dragster but this was my first time bracket racing in a big boy car and I broke out hard underestimating my little 4pot
The base Miata has trash tires and the GT86 has tires comparable to the Club Miata. It's not a big deal because those tires are only going to last for 5-10% of the life of the car anyway.

Injector seal failure, fuel pump chirping and failures, cabin leaks, etc.

How many track-ready suspension options do you have for the 86?
>makes merging and passing a pleasure

just stamping the throttle =/= fun

You should just get an automatic muscle car. They practically drive themselves.
Injector seal failure is not a thing, fuel pump chirping is not an issue or problem,cabin leaks said nobody ever
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>GT86 has tires comparable to the Club Miata
Mazda put low-rolling-resistance Prius tires on the "track" version of their car?

>fuel pump chirping
American corn "fuel" is the culprit. Fix is to move to the first world.

>How many track-ready suspension options do you have for the 86?
>They're not problems because I said so, despite the number of people that have had them happen
Injector seal failure is a thing. Toyota released an updated ECU software that you may or may not have that fixes it (assuming your seals aren't already on their way out) without owning up to the problem. There's been a lot of reports of fuel pump failures, and though the fuel pump chirping isn't a problem from am engineering standpoint, it's still annoying enough that lots of people complain about it. Maybe Toyota should have just insulated it better, or chosen a quieter fuel pump? Apparently cabin leaks are caused by dealers not installing grommets. It'll be hit or miss since it's a dealer thing, but it's a thing.
>Mazda put low-rolling-resistance Prius tires on the "track" version of their car
The GT86's tires aren't base model Prius tires. They're from the Prius Sport package. Why the Prius has a Sport package, I have no idea, but they're comparable to the tires on the Club Miata.

>American corn "fuel" is the culprit.
E10 may be cancer, but E85 is the god fuel. Any car that can't drink alcohol with a tune isn't worth owning.

Great, already halfway to matching the 2016 Miata's aftermarket.
>ECU update to fix mechanical seal
>There's been a lot of reports of fuel pump failures
nope. IMO they never should have let people make claims based on the chirping. Because that's what all those replacement are.
>Apparently cabin leaks are caused by dealers not installing grommets.
Wait. Dealers assemble cars in Europe?
>pretending like actually having low-end power isn't super convenient for daily driving situations
>not having to molest the throttle for usable power = driving automatic

>ECU update to fix the issue that causes seal failure
Yup. Better hope your seals aren't fucked already.
>IMO they never should have let people make claims based on the chirping. Because that's what all those replacement are
Yeah, except for the ones where the fuel pump failed and stopped pumping fuel.
>Dealers assemble cars in Europe?
Apparently. I would think Toyota would just put the grommets in at the factory, but I guess that makes too much sense.

someone must know the answer to this question?

My friend has one, manual, bought it two years ago.

It's fun to take around a corner, but the interior is absolute garbage, the seats feel like the cheap knock-off recaros that they are, and the engine drones on and on at highway speed. This, coupled with mediocre styling, and mediocre acceleration just fails to sell the car to me. The torque dip is also noticeable. I forget what range it is in, 4-5k RPM I think? Even so, its fucking powerband is tiny. 6400 - 7000 to get the most out of the engine?

A 2016 FR-S will run you $26,100 for a 200hp/2758lbs car. P:W Ratio of 12.89.

A 2016 Mustang V6 with the 3.55 LS rear axle and its equipment group runs you $26,185. That's 300hp/3526lbs, P:W Ratio of 11.75. Power band between 4000-6500. Much more reasonable.

So basically, for the same money, you can get a better looking car inside and out, with more power, a better P:W ratio, half a second or so quicker to 60 (C&D results) and smoother power delivery.

I mean, do whatever you want, but if I had to pick a new car between an FR-S and its current competitors, I would end up with new Mustang, Camaro, or maybe even a WRX in my garage over the GT86.
>they're comparable to the tires on the Club Miata

Comparable in SIZE, yes. Just because Toyota calls them sporty doesn't make it so.

>Great, already halfway to matching the 2016 Miata's aftermarket.

It's sold with a track ready suspension you halfwit.
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>Even so, its fucking powerband is tiny.
>6400 - 700

Only if you consider peak HP to equal the power band. And the torque valley isn't a problem if you aren't lazy and know how to shift.
So ppl criticizing the lack of power and torque dip are just n00bs? Ah, okay.

Not n00bs. Lazy. There is a difference.
>How many track-ready suspension options do you have for the 86?
What does this even mean? Stock could be considered track ready. Unless you mean like coilovers, which there are tons for the FRS. You can get pretty much any aftermarket suspension for it, and have a decent selection.

power band is peak torque to peak horsepower. It's not me considering anything, it's the definition of the term.

Scion's site states peak horsepower is at 7000 RPM, and peak torque is between 6400 - 6600. therefore, the power band is between 6400-7000.

And how exactly is the torque valley not a problem?
The brz is faster than a mustang gt track pack when cone fagging.
I genuinely believed that /o/ of all places would be empty of the 'normies leave ree' meme. I was mistaken.

No mods whatsoever. I'm 21 and not a car guy. Simply came on here to get a general consensus from people who were.

Paid $19,250, which is nice.

Defs got manual.

What would've you recommended then, out of interest?

Old mate I'm buying it from has the custom plates TGT-860. Apparently they cost him about a grand, so I guess that'll sweeten the deal later on when I get around to selling it.
Because I NEVER hit that shifting at red line. So either lift at the top end if your red lineing or floor it when you shift. If you drive it once it might seem like a thing but I don't have a problem with it. It does not come in to play durring spirited driving and it keeps you from having a difficult time controlling your speed.
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>power band is peak torque to peak horsepower
so then pic related?
>And how exactly is the torque valley not a problem?
with a close ratio gearbox you should never need to dip down that low
[Rage Your Dream playing in the background]
And how often do you plan on "cone fagging"?
>drives in a straight line 99% of time

Enjoy your bi-annual trips to the track.
>Paid $19,250, which is nice.

So you bought used... I'd still rather have something else for that price.
Busrider detected.
>What would've you recommended then, out of interest?

Since I assume we're talking used...
>5.0 'Stang
>Genesis Coupe

I'd rather own all of those over that glorified Miata.
Autist detected.
Yeah, used. I dunno, I just really like the look of them, and as I said, I'm definitely not enough into cars to be able to compare specs of this and another, and understand them. I'm more of a computer dude.

The seller has really looked after it, though. Kilometres were a fair bit high, but not a bad car overall, according to dad, who DOES know cars.

I actually considered a 350Z.
Doesn't it all really come down to preference?

Some people go nuts for a torque monster that tickles their balls at the slightest tap of the throttle, while others enjoy a more involved driving experience with precise shifting and RPM management?

Nothing wrong with either. Two ways to have fun.
>comparing used to new
goddamnit /o/
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>tfw Volvo 240 turbo could pull that quarter mile with a few mods
>a super beetle can make that with a few mods.
A tin can of ANCAP-0 death
>carfags bitching about 6 second 0-60
>my POS 600cc motorbike does it in sub 3.6 seconds.

stay mad cagers.

go back to your containment thread
>Comparing bikes to cars
>Not understanding power-to-weight ratio
>Trolling confirmed
This, why bother having 300+ horsepower car unless you can use it on a track. When you're driving within the speed limit it's more fun in a car you can push to it's limit and not get pulled over.
I would feel much safer in an FRS on the track than a Mustang though
Yeah not saying the frs isn't a nice track car, just a ton of horsepower doesn't do much on the street.
i've been using my 86 for a year as a DD and you're right.

its awesome as a second car, but not as a DD.
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