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Hey /o/,

Another week and another auction. This one is going by pretty slowly. They're taking their sweet ass time setting up next auction.

Let's have a junkyard general! Post stories, parts wanted, etc and let's help each other out.

Fellow junkyard owners/mechanics welcome!

Pic related, my only buy today.
Looking to buy a truck and I need it to weigh over 6,000lbs and cost less than $20K

What do you guys suggest?

No, I need a truck to transport engines and transmissions we sell but I'm wary to buy anything used since I've always driven new.

So I've been looking at the F250SD.
Wish I could help, I had a 98 F250 LD and loved it. Also do you have any first generation Ford Focuses? I need some interior parts.
I believe I have quote a few.

I was looking at the 2012-2016 generation F250. I'm wanting leather seats (easier to clean) and that's pretty much the only requirement. Backup camera and sensors are nice.

But I'm wanting to know which engines to avoid/years. What to look for since the mileage will most likely be 60K+
Won a Prius too. I believe their batteries and couplings are worth quite a bit of money
I don't know that generation I'm afraid. Can you tell me what years of Focuses you have?
Calibro here. Dad loved his 00 F350. We also had a 97 Ram 3500 but we sold it and got a tow truck instead.
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>dad lets a dude use his license to bid on some cars
>flakes and leaves us hanging with $4k due
You sue him bro? I don't let anyone use my license. Period.

I'm hoping to get this last generation F250. It's going to be my DD and work truck. I believe it's from 2011-2016 but you all would know the years to avoid and engines to buy.

Did you see my winS from the last thread? 8 cars last week.
It was all some informal handshake agreement. Except when it came for him to pay up, he wont answer calls and isn't home. He's already bought a car from us but I held on to the title and it's to our name, too. But yeah, I told my dad not to do it but he says he could make so much money off him from the parts we have and commissions.
Shame you're in commiefornia.. any hope of recovering the funds from selling the vehicle?
Dad seems confident he can. There's a 2005 Civic and a 1999 Tacoma.
You might break even. Depends on the damage to the vehicles and what's sellable. Either way that guy paid way too much for both of those cars.

>2005 Civic
If only it was an 06...
What's wrong with a 2005 civic?

Ahhh v8 triton or v10triton i know they can be the most reliable or the worst engine. V6 more reliable and has towing power.

The tritons if they are poorly maintain"especially the spark plugs" can be the most expensive engines to fix. If you actually see a truck in auction with the l triton expect high bids because the engine used is easily worth 3,000+.

I have seen them hit over 300k easily when they are taken car of but i have seen people spend over 700 bucks just to do a cam sensor and timing job. And thats labor not parts. Seen it twice. And have done a engine swap on one...the valve cover alone they wanted 120 used or 200 something new
Powerstrokehelp on YouTube is your guide on the diesel Fords


If I can afford it.

I would prefer an F150 but I have to get 250 for tax purposes and I have no experience with the 250 engines. Ive heard the 5.4L is pretty reliable.

I've got a 2001 F250 on the yard for junk with a 5.4L and 130K miles on it. Aside from the bent frame it runs beautifully.
'01-'05 are the worst Civic.
>tfw wanted a 2011+
Guy just said they're all pieces of shit unless you've got them made bulletproof.

Guess I'll keep searching. Lol at people wanting 45K for a 2011 on Craigslist when the car brand new is 60K
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