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Picked up the new car today. Commence shitposting
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Picked up the new car today.

Commence shitposting
I like it ;)
Do those have a manual option or only flappy paddles? Which one did you get?
looks like shit desu senpai baka
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I have just discovered there is such a thing as too much shine.
Nice Golf
Nice car fellow Rfag
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Both Manuel and dual clutch. I got the dsg because of variety of reasons
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Thanks family. Which one you got?

I got the tech package option, bigger screen is really nice. That was the only option, everything else standard.

Did you get undercoating and 3M? Give me some advise. Thinking of having 18inch winter tires
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MFW your car is made of pixels.
-the F stands for fone-
-couldn't afford a phone,so I got a fone-
Sorry OP,can't insult somebody that I kinda feel happy for,since I think you are happy. Maybe when I was younger I could have,but not anymore,fag.
I just don't have it in me,dipshit.
Enjoy the new ride,fuck face.
Also,you are a supdog.
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wew lad

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I have the original so no fancy electronics or options. What made you chose the mk7 r over a gti? Undercoating sounds nice. I'm Midwest so salt and snow will be killer should I decide to drive it in the winter.
>not manual
>no clearshield
why even try
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Interior is roomy despite being a "small" car. I am 6'2" and fit well in the back
nice fiesta st
>200 mph
That non-linear speedometer is strange. Is this common in German cars?
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Mainly because I had the money and didn't want to feel like a ckek who settled for a lesser car.

I am in Canada so AWD is nice too


2 doors aren't sold in Canada. Dual clutch >> manual because manual drops the boost when you are shifting. Dsg doesn't. Getting clearshield etc soon
> Dual clutch >> manual
alright, enjoy your grocery getter, nancy

Love those wheels
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seems to be a VW thing.


Forgot to say, I love the boxiness of it. So sexy
or get a tune that supports flat foot shifting, take the small drop in boost, and not be such a faggot.

Next you'll say you get stuck in traffic and that it's faster shifting is that much more important to you.
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Trust me, we get piles of snow where I live and AWD does the best job of manoeuvring in my experience having driven all drivetrains. With winter tires of course.

Thanks, I will
i test drove a new gti with dsg and i was honestly impressed with that transmission. incredibly fast.

>if someone doesn't drive the way I like, they are not manly, much manly manual row row row your own gears

Cancer as fuck

I actually did look at a GTI and the highest trim comes just 3k short of what I paid for their. It was worth the extra money
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Pretty neat, good job man.
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the MKIV is definitely my favorite, hence why I bought a 2004 and not a more recent car, but they are all sexy desu. Planning on going apr or what? I'm currently stock with a sizable wishlist for this winter.
manual fags mad their transmission is becoming obsolete
This car is a major sleeper. It looks very similar to the base model Golf (almost too similar)
Not OP, but i have been wondering about that aswell.
It seems kind of strange for an analogic speedometer to have a scale of 20 km/h then having it suddenly go up to 40 km/h.
Does the needle moves slower from that point?

Not anytime soon, maybe after a year. I plan to keep the car.


Is that the lapiz blue? It was also at the dealership but I think it looks better in pictures than in person.

OP here, I think its because gives better resolution at a certain speed range.


Any durashield or anything like that?
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Don't fall for any of the dealership bullshit. It's got two Gtechniq ceramic coatings on it, way better than anything a dealership can offer, the car is protected for the next 5-7 years.

It is. The clearcoat on the R is very soft so it's prone to scratches and swirls, apart from the generally shitty factory paint job in the first place. With some corrections the color looks very good to me.
This why does the car speedometer go so high?
so when you gonna do a build and stance dat bitch
>what is kilometers?

You mean it has factory installed coating on it? Any source for that?
i think Saabs used to that
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No, I put the coatings on myself. It's a layer of ceramic that is harder than clearcoat and more resistant to scratching, chemicals, and UV damage, with the added benefit of a gloss increase. The second coating further enhances gloss while making the surface of the car hydrophobic, the water practically jumps off the car.
That's like 190 mph which is faster than lamborginis and THE GT-R
>buying a golf R in america

>being physicly unable to disable the traction control

why would you do that
damn that water heater is clean as fuck

Sweet. How hard are they to do? Any resources for me to look up?
you wax that water heater don't you
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If you are not a professional detailer or a hobbyist detailer working at the professional level I would not recommend attempting to apply a coating yourself, the consequences to improperly applying a coating means having to sand it off to remove it. Autogeek has an entire forum with write-ups on how to apply different products, make a decision based on your skill level and what your goals are.
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HEY OP! Do you know about that VW thing where if you use the key,not the button but the key,to unlock the door,hold the key in the unlock position (counter clockwise) for 2 seconds ALL of the windows roll down.
Lock position (clockwise) rolls windows up.
Pretty cool feature. Do it casually in front of a friend like its no big deal.
My first gen Mazda3 does this with the buttons. Looks like OP just spent a lot more money than he ought to.
>he bought a VW

Nice wheels at least.

Memes and shitposting aside, congrats on the new car. Enjoy it.
Yeah, a mazda3 totally compares to a Golf R.
Pretty much every car has that m8
of all the brands who are selling this ceramic coating, what made you chose the one you did?
Its electric window controls are on another level entirely. First the emissions, now this? VW should just give up.
I did that on my mkiv with a 10$ china cable and the czech program. Can't believe it worked. on mkv and up it can be enabled with vcds
Make sure to set the traction control to ESC sport for maximum fun.
plz adopt a trip anon
That is a dope ride anon. After I sell my truck I'm gonna get something new to
Why, also no
Sweet R, OP. Fuck these bus riding keks on /o/.
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I don't like the wheels on the R or any of the Mk7s. I would put wheels from an Mk6 on if I owned one.
Jelly as fuck, OP. I'm a huge fan of Volkswagen and also a resident of this steaming pile of crap that is Brazil, so the GTI is my dream car, as far as I can afford.

Thanks, huemonkey. I hope you get to buy one soon!
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It was the highest performing coating I could get my hands on without being a certified detailer. It's not the easiest to apply but it is the most durable and the best looking.
Link to the products?
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My cars have C1 coating followed by EXO

This car is so fucking shiny no one is going to be able to see you. This is like some call of duty modern warfare invisibility shit.
x2 minnesota here. awd + blizzaks is the only way i'll roll. especially when driving at night through blizzards is needed for work
dropped! Actually they're pretty nice, not what I would get at that price range but people like what they like. Not bad 7/10
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Nice heres mine

This tbqh

Idiots who haven't seen a real snowfall think they can talk shit. Alberta OP here, I hear you guys get some brutal winters
Most splendid.

R36 wagon here.
Have fun with your new car OP.

U dumb as fuck and also a faggot old lady
Hatchback holy shit I hate hatchbacks. Enjoy being on the butt end of any joke told by a woman
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Gonna graduate 13 months for now, then I'll do another year of saving up in my new job (hopefully I'll make it into oftalmology residence) before I buy my first car. Until then I'll most likely stick to my current ride, which was a gift from my family since I don't have time to get a job and save up. Pic related, the day I picked it up at the dealership.
Tells us a joke then bitch.
>Butt end of any joke told by me dressed as a woman
What you mean? Sorry, I'm slow.
Only niggers tint their windows?
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Beautiful car, what work have you done to it? I plan on a new suspension setup next spring along with a bunch of other things.

Shame the US never got the R36. I have a fetish for powerful, sexy wagons.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AM0gGiicniE I need to get a new camera
Iv only gotten nothing but compliments over my hatchback. Women love them, either that or they don't wanna be rude.
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To be honest looks very, very boring. And not even in the simple is sexy kind of way, just very boring and bland.

desu senpai
why u usin gay ass weaboo terms

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