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/osg/ - Auto Squaaaaad General
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Thread replies: 255
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Auto Sticker General #19

>Does this mean War? Edition.

Previous Thread>>13799461





Inquire at [email protected]


>List of Sticker Websites

>Auto Sticker Reviews

>Sticker Collection

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to Automotive Decals and Stickers.

>FB Group

>Currently looking for:
>An internet lawyer ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Idea Guys (Come up with Sticker Ideas, /o/ club names, etc.)
Anons with artistic talent willing to make decals for free.
Anons with decal production equipment
The current goal moving forward is to create sticker content and an /osg/ club name
If anyone is interested in the above, send an email to [email protected] or post in this thread!
>>An internet lawyer ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Internet lawyer reporting in.
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When I got this e-mail I didn't think much of this first, but I guess we got some sort of internet war brewing guise
Can you prevent angry japs saying we stole their art when it's readily available online from getting us rekt?
Mk II Supra?
lmao people actually gave enough of a shit to email OSG? XDDDDDDDD nice meme weebs. u guise there is literally nothing to be afraid about or even mildly troubled by. They can't do much of anything to anyone.
What did I miss?
Weebs in a facebook sticker group got mad that bsg was apparently stealing designs which he wasn't. Plus it's extremely ironic since people in that group steal art all the time.
some autism kings are getting rustled because of how based bsg is
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Was anyone going to make this one?
We'd better stop now, guise. Looks like shit's about to get real!
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gold logo8.png
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That's version 6, pic related is the finished one.
I will represent anyone in this thread. If we sue first it will look better.
Should I vector out sakurafish.png?

No, I shouldn't actually. That'd mean I like it.
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gold logo7.png
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and here is the final version with the original upper right sector.
is there a scrapin while i'm vapin sticker yet?
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This is awesome anon! Thank you!
Do you accept payment in stickers?

Also to whoever posted this last thread, 10/10
Holy fuck why hasn't anyone thought of that
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dive ball logo6.png
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>This is awesome anon! Thank you!

No problem, just figured if you were going to post it you should post the final version. Also here is the final Red/White version.
Yes stickers are OK for payment or ill do it for FREE
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I probably live in one of the fastest places in which shipping times are 99% accurate (NYC) it's been a month and BSG simple fucking stickers have not gotten to my mailbox.

Even a shipment from Japan took less time with EMS. Less than a week.

There is seriously something up with the Shipping times, and it's not something that randomly happens that one anon gets their stickers 3 weeks later, its pretty much everyone.

M8 you have to fix that shit, it's no longer a "give it a little time" type of thing.
give me free stickers for toyota pickup BSG
make the most offensive things ever and send me them please
I gotchu senpai.
If you see other people selling this sticker, let me know!
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[spoiler]Hotarun is the kouhai though[/spoiler]
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I've seen that red Supra before, he posts on /o/
>he posts on /o/
>he posts on Memebook

Why cant we have nice things
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have a snek
What does /osg/ think of using preexisting anime grill pictures to make stickers with?
Because I was talking to some people and some said I have to draw the girl myself or else it's wrong to do, and others said there's nothing wrong with it as long as the final sticker looks good.
>Pic related, a hint at what I'm working on for my first design
Uh oh you posted a peek snek, lawyer up son.

As long as it looks good who cares where it came from. Who are you designing these stickers for though? Are you making them for yourself or are you going to set up a shop?
For myself firstly, but I figured if I'm gonna take the time to make it and have it printed I might as well make another 2-3 dozen and set up a shop
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no one cares except people who want to sell it for 8-10 bucks
Third or fourth generation liftback Celica.

Posted March 12th. No location data found.
Anime Sticker Central is a cesspit. They pitched a shit-fit over Peeking Yotsuba.

Planning on running it in the second print run. Gotta sell more of the first run to be able to afford the second, though. Though if you want to ask BSG if he can print one for you I'm cool with it. I'm doing this for fun.
That's just the only time google picked it up. He's posted it more, I saved it in september
ETA for BSG full release? Sorry for not lurking.
He said he should be back by Monday I believe.
すごい すごい
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tfw first weeb sticker

I will be representing my client if any legal action occurs. Please do not fret and continue to post peeks of the snek variety.
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Anyone got a hook up in the "Never Give Up" sticker?

A long shot, but I have been looking for one for years.
EMS is really fucking fast from Japan though, UK does tend to be pretty slow in my experience for snail mail type stuff.
I just want that automatic stick as a stand-alone sticker.
If you haven't made it yourself or got permission it's not cool to do. If you make it for yourself, then whatever, but if you're selling at the very least ask first.
I would also take into consideration whether you're selling for profit or selling at cost
Yeah, if you are selling a sticker at cost I don't see anything wrong with it either.
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dart trunk.jpg
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Late as fuck reply but oh well
It applies to carbon wrap pretty well, went on smoothly.
Also question to all of you, I'm trying to get an image (basically a wallpaper) printed on vinyl wrap (preferably 3m). It would be 13" by 20", anyone know a site that does that kind of thing?
Local print shops will do that, and with custom stuff like that it's better to do it in person. Also I would recommend finding something at 300 PPI for best quality.
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>Want to make stickers
>Zero drawing talent
Oh well, I'm gonna do it anyway. I might even just use screengrabs from the actual anime so people can't call me out on using fanart. And I'll be selling at cost just to get my design out there so who fucking cares.
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Does anyone want to make this?
Its free as long as I get a couple of em
well, a lot of guys still sell stickers of stuff they didn't draw. Basically just overlaying text and lines over it which really doesn't take much skill.

You also could just make designs out of stuff and ask the artists if it's cool too.
drawing in Illustrator doesn't really take any talent

also not saying it's a good thing to be that guy, but it happens a lot and it's pretty shitty.
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you don't have to be able to draw to make art
the one guy I found is local, does good shit, but nigga cant answer a fuckin email. Considering just barging in his shop
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chaika desu ne.jpg
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Yeah I'm in this guys boat, though I'm pretty fuckin good at photo editing so I might give it a go. If anyone wants to shoot me an idea go for it, I'm fuckin bored
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Iktf. I make spray stencils to convince myself I'm not totally talentless.
I have had the same problem. I've been trying to get my new stickers printed for the last two weeks but my printer friend has been ignoring calls and emails so I just picked up my vinyl sheets and I have to figure out where to go next.
WAT in katakana and Automotive Technology in kanji.
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>Also to whoever posted this last thread, 10/10

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wat racing sticker kanji.png
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Came out kinda shitty, I'll fuck with it
I was thinking something more along the lines of a window banner.

One thing I've noticed about most of the stickers people here are making is that they're all failing miserably at hiding power levels.
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kanade sticker.png
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I can try that in a min, is my Kanji and katakana even right?
Also just made this for shits and giggles
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wat weeb banner.png
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kuro 2.png
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I'm the minimalist weab guy.

I'll take requests.
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anohana color fix.jpg
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I make shitty stuff like this.
Let me make your shitty stuff too.
Try emailing those in the OP.

I want a sticker that says "Fujiwara Pizza Delivery" in japanese.
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w2c that sticker
Before you go any further, change that ー to a ッ so it is ワット

The long A would come out sounding like you're trying to transliterate Wart or Wirt
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>stealing art is okay as long as the final product looks good

diaf pls, thanks
That bottom one is exactly what I want on my pizza car. You think you could email me a psd of it? I'm going to see if I can get this printed.

Does it say Fujiwara Pizza Shop or Fujiwara Pizza Delivery? I completely forgot what one it was when I asked.
I really don't understand the logic behind that. It only gets worse if you're making money off of it.
Fuckin weebs ruined the thread shake my heat

Here ya go. I had both 'shop' and 'delivery' made.
Where do you think you are?
On an automotive board
I fuckin love it. Absolutely perfect.
Try again.
>On an automotive board
bretty cool man have you done anything else?
an automotive themed imageboard on a website made for japanese anime and culture ran by a jap in a thread about stickers inspired by japanese street racing vinyl.
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We have a winner!
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I was thinking of doing something like this for a bunch of SEB albums but good scans of these covers are far and few between.
Is that yolandi in the background?
Either way this sticker looks mint
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Can somebody identify the letter style from Motorhead Magazine pls
Have you ever seen a FTP address and a password that has been posted somewhere on /o/? It's a based anon sharing a fuckton of eurobeat. There are big artwork scans on the server too.

Yeah, exactly, didn't know it was posted elsewhere.
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Debating on getting this made.
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Yes, but the album covers are either large enough but low scan quality or good quality but too small. I suppose I could lower the size but I don't know how low I should be going.
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SEB 197.jpg
1 MB, 1004x1000
I went through my SEB folder and pulled any cover art with a decent resolution.

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Corner Bender.png
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So anyone down for something like this?
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Thanks anon, I wouldn't have bothered to put those ones with the cartoon characters on though.
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Corner Bender.png
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Cleaned it up a tad.
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Corner Bender2.png
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Corner Bender3.png
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I have no clue what I'm doing.
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You should make something like the element symbols. Replace Fire with a hektik drift around a corner.
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Not a whole lot, working on some more complex stuff. I get access to a laser cutter in January, so I'm hype for that.
op image achieved life complete
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post more pics of car
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2015-09-23 18.15.25.jpg
3 MB, 3264x2448
It's fun, I want a JZX100 still though
>mfw I saw this sticker
just the fucking flowers can cause feels wtf
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>Not anime or WAT
Kinda sick of all the uncreative anime designs and WAT is pretty boring desu senpai
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Then tell us what you want to see made.
I make stuff I like.
I also make stuff other people might like.

Like this one. Not everything is WAT or anime.
I've ordered drugs from the UK to the US plenty of times and went with the cheapest shipping option. They have all arrived at least twice as fast as the BSG stickers I have yet to get. I'm also going to an /o/ meet soon and want to show my autismo so I'm a little crabby about this.
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I was honored as well when I made it on there
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pick one.png
232 KB, 4752x1200

So I'm definitely going to print this, but I would like to know from you guys which would be better?
I feel like delivery makes more sense, seeing as thats what you're doing. The pizza shop isnt the fujiwara one but maybe the lore is the shop hired Dagumi for delivery so it's fujiwara delivery instead.
That would be a decent idea.

What? I thought it was clever.
Yeah I like how shop fits the original logo better, but as a sticker for everyone else delivery would work better for other people.
feels gud

Bender in the UK means a homosexual
>living outside of the US
So then since you are afraid of homosexuals, what did they call the benders in the Avatar series in your country?

I'm glad someone recognizes it.
I like the 'delivery' better.

Literally benders still, so that coupled with M Night Shamalamadingdong being a hack was probably why that film bombed over here
>M Night Shamalamadingdong movie
Well I've never bothered watching it, but a friend of mine made a good point about that movie.

It's about that shitty play the fire nation does about them.

Which actually makes complete sense.
Holy shit, lads. 24 hours to go! It'll be like another shoah. A sticker shoah.

Thankfully not a wallet shoah since BSG is based as fudge.
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>delivering on time
I exist on a plane which transcends time.

>ever getting delivered
It took a long time, but I got mine delivered to Canada.
When did you order? and when did they arrive?
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Would you ever consider scaling stickers down? I want to rep muh /o/ autism on my RC cars
>pic related, 1/10th scale
I ordered the first day it was open, took about three weeks I think.
my dad is really into rc rock crawlers and scalers. they're pretty cool. I used to play around with XMods from radio shack. RC is cool
I wouldn't mind an RC drift car
We need a "club"
WAT is the club though

For printed stickers? Pretty easy to scale down, though you'd lose detail obviously.

Die Cut, though, you'd have to redesign a bit and scale a lot of the details out. Plotters can do quite small text, but it gets progressively more difficult to cut, weed (peel away the excess), and apply. Little tiny ass letters 2mm tall or smaller are going to look like dogshit unless you have the patience of a zen monk and are okay with holding your breath and using tweezers.
nah thats our performance department.
WAT is the racing /o/rganization, not the club
/o/ is the club
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oriental style group.png
2 MB, 2400x900
But that implies we all drive foreign cars.
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Finally got mischief stickers. I already put on peeking Rikka but I'm still unsure of where to put the midnight mischief sticker. Thinking of back window like the others but I'm kind of scared of getting pulled over
All cars are foreign somewhere.
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>not driving a foreign car
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fuck off senpai club fag
WAT Automotive Technologies is the way to identify /o/tists on the road and is our "club sticker"

>pulled over because a sticker
cops don't give a shit
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SuperNeet 6.png
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Dropping the extras I couldn't post before.
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SuperNeet 7.png
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SuperNeet 8.png
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SuperNeet 9.png
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SuperNeet 10.png
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And one for the Hyundai fags.
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so if I keep it simple, I should be good? Thinking about trying to make one that says "WAT" and another "NEETLIFE"

What sticker paper do you recommend for printing stickers on mummy's HP photoshit printer?
My favorite.
i'd be down for stickers for the drift RC car too
also stickers got here from vodnik ordered ~5am monday
To all you sticker graphic designing anons, where do you get the different fonts for japanese characters, all I have are the standard block characters, id like to get more style
I got mine from the internet.
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>tfw you use the NHL Ducks font as a joke and end up liking it
Someone please make this. I was this so badly.
>scared of getting pulled over


>Sir, do you know how moeshit you were going?
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I got my stickers yesterday. I'm gonna slap them onto my rape van (91 Econoline) to make it not so rapey.
>putting cartoon characters on your van
>characters that would attract children
>not so rapey
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repping the raging autists at /ovg/ here

also made for shits n giggles
That's kawaii.
Bloody hell that'd look good over holographic vinyl. Anybody mind if I call dibs on this one? I'll see if I can test it this week, and add it to the store in a few days.
Bomb Squad Guy, requesting you put up more stickers with big anime ass and tiddies. I will buy them all in a heart beat.
that was deep, anon.
>inb4 BSG has a flawless website update
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3 MB, 3840x2160
Just a sneak preview of one of the freebies headed to those who've experienced delays, if everybody approves.

Hah, I will do, just as soon as people submit more designs they'd like, anon. I'll be a little too busy to get back to designing more stuff for a few days.
BSG, how do you address your envelopes? Full name?
Yeah, whatever people provide via paypal, unless requested otherwise.
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Did you receive an e-mail from the osg e-mail yet bsg? I forwarded it to your info email.
I'll check this afternoon. Fastmail has been a bitch these last couple of days, so I've not been able to respond as quickly as I'd like. If I don't hit you up tonight, what with the update and all, I'll be sure to do so tomorrow.
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2 MB, 4609x4609
Glad to hear!
Hey, it's the anon from Friday. I never got a response from you, should I send an email to your info email?
Go for it, the Contact page seems to take a while to forward stuff, for whatever reason. I did have it linked to my personal email, which was much quicker, but Yahoo kept putting them in Spam, and I'd miss stuff.
Thanks for all your work. I just sent the email. Also, that's a pretty sweet design for the delayed sticker.
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1 MB, 2560x1440
any /DalyAnimeThread/ themed stickers?
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Here's my first sticker I'm working on, thoughts?
I don't think I did that bad considering I barely know Photoshop.
Gonna make like 4-6 or them and then get in touch with a guy I know to get a dozen or two of each printed.
>anime forum signature.jpg
I want free shit too, BSG!
What can I improve on then?
I really want to use this one but the Japanese translates to "glasses beauty" and she's not wearing her glasses, so I'd have to think of some other nip speak.
I like it the way it is.
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>He bought the slow fz6
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I didn't want to fill up the thread so I put all the squad logos and company parodies I found on imgur. http://imgur.com/a/KMgGP
Yo bsg check yo emails nigga
Blimey, anon, 10/10 for fucking effort. Are you cool with me putting some of them on the store?
He didn't make any of those, m8, why the fuck are you asking him permission?
This >>13824708
I planned on emailing you the ones I want because I thought you wouldn't put them on your store.
Guess I'm just retarded.

Will do. I'm pretty busy with the update though, so I might not get back to you until tomorrow.

That's cool, email me anyway, as I probably won't put ALL of them on the site. Just sifting through them now.
Bombsquad, I ordered some stickers on the 17th and they haven't arrived yet. I'm on the east coast US. Should they be here by now?
They certainly should, drop me an email if you haven't already, and I'll re-send your order. I'll also be doing a couple of special freebies for those who've waited longer than expected, which I'll detail soon.
What's your email, and what should I send, just a screencap of my order?
[email protected]

No need for a screencap, just the email address you ordered with, or your order reference number/date etc.
>he didn't get the fz-09
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Bumping for this. Looks badass.
Still not received my bsg order from over a month ago.
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can anyone construct a "the fun ends here"? sticker preferable with a pretty animu grill acting smug on the background.
oh, I wanted to share my stickers
same here, but I havent recieved any orders from the other places too, I think my post is throwing them out as junk mail

did you email him about it? I'm suire he'll send it agin
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Another design from the wide club.
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NEWS. Not particularly good news, though.

I just heard back from the gent at the new post office after waiting a few days for him to email me back. The mystery behind why orders (for those who've emailed me about not receiving their original purchases, and some others) still haven't arrived yet has been solved, at least partly.

Essentially, Royal Mail run two reasonably-priced international services; International Standard (7 days) and International Economy (anywhere up to 42 days). When I dispatched the recent batches, I paid for Standard as normal, but it appears that most if not all of them were labelled as Economy. This is quite the spectacular fuck-up.

What this means for those of you who emailed/ordered after the second update is that whilst they should have arrived by last week, they'll more than likely be closer to the middle of this month. Naturally this is a little disturbing, especially if you've already patiently waited a month already. All I can do is apologize for yet one more screw-up in an already pretty screwy sequence of events. Over the next 24 hours, I'll be emailing every person who's contacted me so far, with details of how I'll make it up to you. (Basically, free shit.)

The good-ish news is that I'm getting a refund for the difference in postage, which ties in to my next point:

The site goes live in approximately 4 hours, hopefully without a hitch this time around. In light of the above events, I'll be using said refund to offer FREE shipping for the next 48 hours on all orders. No catches, and the postal service used will 100% be the correct one, which means that the 1-2 week timeframe will (for the first time ever) actually be achievable.


To take advantage of the discount, simply enter 'BSGASHIT' into the coupon section when checking out.

Of course, I know that there will be those of you who are left feeling disenfranchised or suspicious, so if you'd rather wait two weeks to see proof that orders are finally reaching people, I completely understand. Therefore, I'll also run another 48-hour free-shipping sale at the end of the month, for those who want to wait.
So does that mean we'll get our orders reshipped or do we still have to wait up to 42 days for our old orders? Appreciate the free shit and shipping though.
Ok guys so I have a 3D printer. It's capable of printing ABS and PLA plastics. maximum print volume is 200mm^3 but I wouldn't push 190 really.

Anyway, go make 3d models in Google Sketchup or something and collaborate to make emblems that I can print and send to you guys.

I don't have time to design the shit but I can at least print it for you all.
Oh I forgot to put a name so here
Well seeing as it's already been a few weeks since the last ones went out, I'd expect them all to start hitting people over the next two weeks, which is about the same as if I re-sent them anyway, so I'll probably leave things how they are for now. It also means that I can use the money/time I would spend re-sending them on making/sending some freebies to people as an apology instead.

Hey, Wide Club anon, how would you feel about me printing your designs to go up on sale? There's just time for me to add it tonight if you want.

I gotchu, anon. I'll put it on the store and email you tomorrow about some freebies for your time.
>Bomb Squad update at 2am

I'm on it.
I almost finished the never give up sticker, give me a bit and ill post it.
Oh cool, saves me some time, cheers anon.
>horribly ill
>have to attend university with classes all day
>have to make long and shitty commute there and back
>have no friends to joke around with and make me feel better at university
>family doesn't understand how much work I have, how little time I have and how awful I'm feeling
>just wanted to order some fucking stickers
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wide club number 1.png
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That's fine, i don't mind at all.
Sweet, cheers anon. Drop me an email when you get a chance, I'll send some your way.
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mazda never give up5.png
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Power went out, gimp crashed for the first time ever on me and this font was a bitch and a half to get right but i think it's finished.

Hey BSG maybe you should make a "my shitbox is still faster than the royal mail" sticker.
I fucking love these.
Awesome, it looks great dude. Don't suppose you're able to post one with a white/transparent background as well?
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mazda never give up6.png
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Had to re add the Mazda logo at the bottom after cropping out the blue so it's not 100% the same but it should work. If you want the two versions to be perfectly similar it wont be hard to re add the blue background to this one.
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mazda never give up7.png
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Hmm tabbing between the two now it looks like the Mazda logo is slightly tilted in the original blue version. I took the liberty of adding the blue background back into the transparent version so that they are now both versions are identical and correct. If anyone spots any further issues let me know and ill see if i can fix them.
Legend, thanks anon.
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Less than an hour left! Hype!
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>just got home from work
>mfw there's still time left on the time
Jesus BSG why must you play with my emotions like this. I was looking forward to checking out these cool srtickers before bed but now I can't holy shit what a cock bag. Completely ruined my night. 2/10

Just kidding, m8. Stikkkeeeeerrrrssss!!!!
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what's the sauce of this sticker?
Japanese flag.
I don't have any money BSG,pls delay
20 min left
>breathing intensifies
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>need to get some sleep
>waking up for work in four hours
>need to see the new stikers first

inb4 it doesn't work
Go to sleep anon, BSG is never on time the stickers will wait and so will the 48 hours of free shipping. Besides you can check it in the morning and spend the day at working thinking about what you're going to order, might make your day go by faster.

Haha, time to throw money at BSG!
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troll bsg.png
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Holly shit!!! it's up on time, what is this magic?
It's glorious. Some strayan needs to buy about 200 of them and cover his ute in them.
Do printed decals work like the cut ones? If >>13811155 gets printed, would the text and the logo be part of the same piece or would they be separate?
Anybody know where I can get peaking Shinobu?
best tt
I'll be adding that one with the next update at the weekend, which will have a few more printed and die-cut designs.

The text and the logo would be separate pieces, but applied together from one transfer sheet.
nevermind, found it.
Get fucked. I'd rather line BSG's pockets.
>tfw no NERV sticker
>tfw no Tofu shop sticker
>filling shopping cart at bomb squad
>still waiting for Mappy decal

The current lineup is amazing, but my patience is high.
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Sent you an email about both my order times, pls respond ;_;
This guy is one who got buttflustered because BSG "ripped him off", right? No need to give him more money.

Also, what happened to the white version of
It's there.
I posted it in this thread along with another version of the Black/Yellow version, maybe they will be included in next weekends update.

Right, I was wondering why it wasn't on the store when the black one was.
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My STPWAT sticker got added :D:D:D
Could i get a couple for free? Im ordering a few other ones as well.

Send email plox, and let me know when you do
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 131

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