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>Typical soccer mom review... https://www.youtube.com/wa
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>Typical soccer mom review...

>being mad at some random car show

Make your own show if its so bad
so what? It's literally the soccer mom car.
>Soccer mom reviews soccer mom car for other soccer moms.

I really don't see a problem.
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what is this shit.gif
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What's the point of this thread? Who else should review an SUV (read: a soccer mom car) but a soccer mom?
its a car for Moms bur ur mad a Mom is the one doing the testing?

Jesus... Not one lick of thought goes into shitposting huh, OP?
You know that the reviewer Emme DDs a MazdaSpeed Miata right?
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>90 second intro

Why do most new SUVs have similar body shapes and look the same. What happened to the expedition/explorer era of suv looks.
"but with these 3rd row seats folded down... that is enough space to .... "

Enough space to fuck!

"enough space to nap"

anon pls

You're saying it like it's something cool
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>not loving emme
Fuck off nigger.
MDX's are crossovers. Most SUV's still look like Expeditions and Explorers.
>boomer on a bike
>boomer with his midlife crisis sports car
>soccer mom SUV
>let me speak to your manager haircut

how disgusting

>Explorer's are now unibody with fwd based drivelines

They're crossovers too.

>let me speak to your manager haircut

hue hue hue
This. She's pretty based
>the fast lane
>some over-engineered 3000kg burnt potato

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