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Clinton says Trump's immigration ideas "dangerous"

I'm more concerned with the San Jose stuff

>Those people that don't agree with us are Nazis! Let's all go suppress their opinions to show them how Nazi they are!

Followed by San Jose's mayor pretty much condoning it and the police doing nothing.

What kind of message does that send?

That it's okay to attack people you don't agree with politically.

Doesn't matter if you support Clinton, Trump, Sanders, or Vermin Fucking Supreme, that shit should not be okay.
There sure are some gullible people on this board. I'll just leave this here.

Fucking this.

Clinton supporters don't see the irony in censoring Trump supporters because protesters at Trump rallies were censored.
Aztlan and LaRaza are going to protest Trump where ever he goes. It has very little to do with democrats.

>Hillary Clinton says she wants violence at Donald Trump's rallies to stop

ha. I'd say arming ISIS is dangerous. I'd say stirring up the Middle-East and denying US ambassadors security is dangerous.
I'd even say taking bribes from Saudi Arabia is dangerous, as a citizen.
If trump gets the presedency, getting married with your cousin will be a normal thing
>Clinton says Trump's immigration ideas "dangerous"

Yes. Dangerous to her chances of getting elected.
she wants to dissolve us borders, that's more dangerous

the most dangerous thing is the absurd beliefs of some segments of the American population. These people (i.e. you) throw out unfounded and delusional claims, hoping if you and your friends say them enough they'll become true.
Hillary Niggerclinton loves oil and sucking arabdick.
Hilary please fuck off. You couldn't even satisfy your man, how will you satisfy America?
Bet she can't even eat a dick.

This is the best you can come up with? Petty personal attacks on Clinton? Why not try to actually convince someone Clinton is going to dissolve the borders?
Had to check. Thought I was on /pol/
>ask shillary about her policy on anything
>shillary answers with why trump's policies are bad and never mention what she would do
and there are people out there thinks they will get to have a go at her pussy if they fanboy her
The protesters aren't americans so what do they care? They'll be voting soon enough. They hold positions of power, have wormed their way into government, believe its their right to own the southwest, and that it should be subsumed into some pan-mexican state. The problem is that it all ready is. Also >>48072 however it would be myopic to say Clinton isn't taking advantage of the unrest they're causing.

Yeah, I hear you, and I know that more than anyone, living here, but that wasn't what I was talking about.

On the bright side, if they give half of Cali to the illegals, then the other half can finally become Jefferson and we can start the long process of uncucking ourselves.
Its equally as ludicrous as >>48149
Fuck off clinton shill
nigger please

This Bitch is going to Destroy America
it cant be right with the american airport security.
or was hillary gonna disarm it?

>never gives evidence for accusation. continues to name call.

sounds like you know what you're talking about.
The Bitch is going to Prison
This election is going to end in world war 3
Why WW3? The election impacts the people of US not the whole world. You mean it will end in another US civil war. That would be ugly.
There's no way Russia or China would give up a chance to intervene. Hell there's no way the EU would give up a chance to intervene.

And you can bet your ass the Saudis will fight to the death to keep up the hold they have on the States.
America is a continent.
A little of both would vote for Bill do, not her he would be the first cuck first male president if she wins.
The heck happened to Bernie ?
Autism is a disorder.
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