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God help all Chicagoans from other Chcagoans
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CHICAGO --Surveillance video shows more than a dozen people doing nothing to help a Chicago bartender as he is attacked, left unconscious on the street and accidentally run over by a taxi.

Marques Gaines later died at a hospital.

The video his family released Wednesday shows a man outside a convenience store punching Gaines, who falls to the ground. The video shows people ignoring Gaines and walking by, then a taxi runs over his body.

CBS Chicago reports that at least one person seen on the video appears to steal his wallet before walking away.
The studio newscaster looks like he's trying to look like Obama, like he went to his barber and said-
"Just tear my country apart on matters of healthcare reform, immigration, gun rights, and promote a racial divide"
Not suprising, places like Detroit and Chicago have nearly Chinese levels of apathy for their fellow man.
>knocked unconscious by one nigger
>robbed by an instant niggerswarm
>run over by a taxi
>nobody does anything to help

that fucking emergency call
>...is his chest going up and down?
>is his chest going up and down?
>sir, this is not an okay question. is his chest going up and down? yes or no?
>okay he's breathing and he's bloody
enter taxi
>oh my goodness. he's dead, I think

We will need a Trump wall around Chicago, too.
True, I live in Detroit. Degenerate ass city
religion is destroying Chicago, you gys need more common sense
Chicago run into the ground by politicians, and he blames religion.
>live in Detroit
I'm sorry
Since when were those two different professions

i bet you are a hit at parties
t. sheltered suburbanite
Alright buddy, /pol/ is that way

nice assumption.
And tumblr is right back from where you came. Scumbag.
but i think they're having a facial tattoo thread over at /pol/ friendo so check it out
Naw tattoos are degenerate
>anyone who challenges my perceived worldview is a boogeyman pol/ack/
You're right about everything you think.
This is a news board you thick cunt - post /pol/ style racist hyperbole here and expect to get told to fuck off. Sorry son, just the way it is.
Your tumblr buzzwords have no power here, faggot.
To be fair to this anon, I used to not be racist at all until I had black roommates.
He isn't wrong.
You're right,I'm sorry,forgive me.
>valuing being "a hit at parties"

absolutely pathetic
>the River North neighborhood
I'm really not surprised.
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