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German teenager admits she was never raped by migrants
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Sounds like bullshit.

The kraut media and government probably forced her to say this so they aren't killed by an angry mob of Russians.
The occult pedo mob mouthpieces confirm it so it must be true
Of course she "made up" the rape claims. It sure wasn't a coerced cover-up by the funny people in black suits :^)
Sounds like actual victim shaming tbh
can't wait for all the feminists to admit lying about rape is real when the rapist isn't white. also wasn't one of the victims bullied & called racist when she came forward about being attacked
i don't understand, did a single rape case cause uproar? is this a joke? What happened to Britains's 900 groomed children?

regardless, it wouldn't be strange that with all this affair many flase cases come up because it's a popular subject.

I love how the writers take care of calling them "migrants" and not "immigrants", making it sound less invasive.
In my experience immigrants are not afraid to call themselves immigrants
the media can say what they want, if she was raped she should bring the case to the attention of the police and have the perpetrators tried in a court of law to establish the fact.

the problem with the position you're taking is that no matter what evidence arises, you will suggest rape happens because she blamed migrants.

that's awful, maybe migrants are overall terrible, maybe they are responsible for many rapes, but that's a separate issue, and if a migrant did not commit rape it's important to clear that up for its own sake.
This just in: Women make shit up to get attention. News at 11.
>if a migrant did not commit rape it's important to clear that up for its own sake.
you seem to have the idea we are in contradiction.

My point is that this reaction should never have happened in the first place, not like this.
If a high profile case makes you wonder about it, and you discover about hundreds of other cases, fine, go protest. But thef fact that it all hinged on a single case is stupid, both morally and politically (because the whole thing lost momentum because of this reveal, while it shouldn't have because hundreds of cases still happened).

It's the red shirt boy version of the other side of the coin. It's a good reminder not to get carried away by the crowd
Well seeing how people in general absolutely abhor other people who have fled for their lives for no other reason than "muh nation, muh skin," I am not surprised.

I bet that girl browses 4chan and wanted to fit in with the rest of the crew.
>refugee rape only matters when it's fake

liberals everyone
The German police and media don't investigate rapefugee crimes.
>multiple reports of rape and sexual assault
>one girl admits she made her account up
>therefor they were all made up
Yes, but with what she said some cases might lose credibility
Of course she did. You can tell because of the media exposure. The more media exposure and alledged rape has, the less likely it is to be true.
This. Yes its a joke, we discussing it. Its only in the media because either russia or german uses this as propaganda. My question is who falls for that?
Fact is one of them is lying.
Nevertheless i dont see germans interest in making something up in this case. So i think its russia.
Russia often use plastic propaganda, germany using it much more intelligent.
>multiple reports of rape and sexual assault

I haven't read every subsequent report, but when the news broke, the report said the muslims went through the crowd mugging and assaulting the new years partiers and that (paraphrasing here) "there were numerous sexual assaults, ONE of which can be construed as rape." which might mean he fingerbanged her or something. it certainly wasn't capitlal-R rape because then they would have just said "one woman was raped." but of course /pol/ and libtard alike immediately phrased the story as "immigrants rape a bunch of girls."

again, the first report said it was only ONE "rape-like" attack. It said there were multiple sexual assaults, but this was part of a mugging and pickpocketing spree, too. guess what? if I'm a dude and you're a girl and in order to rob you, I force my hand into your pants pocket, that's sexual assault. it's 100% valid to say that was a violation of your personal space that you felt creeped-out by. BUT that doesn't mean the dude INTENTIONALLY WANTED to sex assault you, he might have just wanted the money. same kind of argument between murder and manslaughter: was it intentional? was it pre-meditated? these distinctions are important.

now, maybe they robbed AND sexually assaulted the women; they probably did, but I'm guessing. I just wish we had language in our victim's statements to police that would clarify a distinction, if there was one, since this is where the press is getting its info.

this story was never right. it is obviously too sensational to ever be reported correctly.
Women lying about stuff
No way!!!!111
How the fuck is any of this news
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