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Dubai fire
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Thoughts? Doesnt seem terroristy enough.
Neither was San Berindino.
Anyone know where it started in The Address? I used to live in Dubai and go there quite often, especially the bars up the top. The Armani Hotel down the bottom was ok too. Looks like it maybe started high up. No sign of terrorism so far -- just Dubai cutting safety corners again and fucking up on an international scale.
Probably fireworks.
What a fucking shit board. Whats the point?
News without spews is the point of this board...
Nice sequential numbers.

clearly without the constant "faggot" or "nigger" in every other post, you're having trouble making conversation or making comments about any news in the world.
You can return to /pol/ now, where you can shitpost away.
I love seeing how the new years' eve tragedies turn around the world in real time.

What a time to be alive
I dropped my new mixed tape. My bad.
This is how the place looked like before the fire. The Address Hotel looks amazing, seems quite pricey https://www.seeinsidegroup.com/our-client-the-address-downtown-dubai-devastated-by-fire/
I'm still waiting for it to collapse because of fire. Only american towers collapse by fire aaaayyyyeeee
that's probably because no aeroplane went through the building.

Some guy from /pol/ set the curtains on fire.

I can video edit one in for you lol
Thread replies: 15
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